Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
This is a lie.

The Speaker’s concerns were perfectly appropriate and warranted, as was contacting Milley.

As reported last January:

"This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike," Pelosi wrote in a letter. "The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy."

Yes, the OP is a LIE. Nothing new. Just more twisted fake news from NaziCons who are trying to destroy democracy.
This is a lie.

The Speaker’s concerns were perfectly appropriate and warranted, as was contacting Milley.

As reported last January:

"This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike," Pelosi wrote in a letter. "The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy."

And that’s treason you dumb ass. Meanwhile you think people walking through the halls of congress were the ones undermining the country. It was your people the entire time.

It is massively ironic and hypocritical, though, that the traitor who attempted to help In the coup attempt against Trump is demanding Milley resign...
My opinion of him just improved tremendously....this time he speaks the truth.
This is a lie.

The Speaker’s concerns were perfectly appropriate and warranted, as was contacting Milley.

As reported last January:

"This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike," Pelosi wrote in a letter. "The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy."
1. You tell me, is this how the Constitution empowers the Commander-in-Chief, and the Speaker of the House? NO.

2. Nancy asked Milley to take the nuclear football off Trump "for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike". That is a fact. That was a coup.

3. If Nancy wanted to prevent Trump from launching nukes, she should have revised the "Protocol for a US Nuclear Strike" to prevent a "first use" of nuclear weapons by the US. As it stands now the President commands all of the nuclear weapons at his discretion, and his discretion alone.
"Note that the secretary of defense does not confirm the president’s decision, nor does he or she have a right to veto it, nor does anyone else have the authority to override the decision. This is what Elaine Scarry has identified as, in effect, a “thermonuclear monarchy,” which gives the US president almost carte blanche command over the nuclear forces."
Before, during, and after the 2020 election there was a coup attempt on Donald Trump by Nancy Pelosi. She asked the US Military to take the nuclear football from President Trump. That would have been a military coup. Nancy's request of Milley was "sedition", was unconstitutional, and she should be arrested and charged.
The OPer is nuts, but he says crap like that just to get a rise out of people. This is what happened, and it isn't good for OPer's hero.

I, along with countless others, have long maintained there is something off about Donald J. Trump. Turns out the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff agrees with us.

We are to be reminded that Vladimir Putin worked hard to get Trump elected in 2016. It can be argued, Putin is getting his money's worth even today. As the leader of a major political party, Trump and millions of his followers -- all of whom remain silent -- are threatening the sanctity of America's free elections.

Back to the chairman, General Mark A. Milley, the Times reports, "The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff twice called his Chinese counterpart in the final months of the Trump administration to reassure him, according to “Peril,” a new book by the Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

“Things may look unsteady,” the chairman, Gen. Mark A. Milley, told Gen. Li Zuocheng of China on Jan. 8, two days after Mr. Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol to try to stop the certification of his election loss. “But that’s the nature of democracy, General Li. Democracy can be sloppy sometimes.”

"Yet despite his assurances, General Milley was so concerned about Mr. Trump that later that day he convened a meeting with top commanders to remind them that the procedures for launching a nuclear weapon called for his involvement in such a decision.

"The book details how Mr. Trump’s presidency essentially collapsed in his final months in office, particularly after his election loss and the start of his campaign to deny the results. Top aides — including General Milley, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and Attorney General William P. Barr — became convinced that they needed to take drastic measures to stop him from trampling on American democracy or setting off an international conflict, and General Milley thought that Mr. Trump had declined mentally in the aftermath of the election."
Before, during, and after the 2020 election there was a coup attempt on Donald Trump by Nancy Pelosi. She asked the US Military to take the nuclear football from President Trump. That would have been a military coup. Nancy's request of Milley was "sedition", was unconstitutional, and she should be arrested and charged.

"In the “Dear colleague” letter, the Democratic speaker notes that she spoke to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Mark Milley, this morning about “discuss[ing] available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be OK,” Milley told Gen. Li Zuocheng four days before the 2020 election, according to the book. “We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you."

"The call, according to the book, was prompted by intelligence indicating that China was worried about a U.S. attack, which stemmed in part from Trump's bellicose rhetoric. “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise,” Milley told his Chinese counterpart. "

So Nancy was worried about Trump being "unhinged". What we have now is an incoherent and senile president who just surrendered AFG and $86b of US military equipment to the Taliban.

Do you trust Joe Biden with the nuclear football? I don't, he has no clue WTF it is.
Is Joe Biden a competent "Commander in Chief" concerning military matters? Hell NO. He's always WRONG.
Is Joe Biden coherent enough to have frequent real press conferences? Nope, all he can do is read from the teleprompter
Who did the Brits hold "in CONTEMPT"? Joe Biden
Who defended the US borders better? Trump
Read "I Alone Can Fix It"
Milley was petrified that Trump would use the military in some way to stay in power and he was not going to let that happen
You Trump asslickers would defend him if he nuked N.Y.C.
If any President ever nuked America your man ole sloe joe would be the one.

if he actually has access to the nuclear code which I doubt....the puppetmaster would not allow that.

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2. Nancy asked Milley to take the nuclear football off Trump "for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike". That is a fact. That was a coup.
That is NOT a coup. Trump had already lost the election. Oh and it never happened because Milley did not do that.
As it stands now the President commands all of the nuclear weapons at his discretion, and his discretion alone.
And with someone as unhinged as Trump...that's fucking SCARY as HELL
He plotted against nobody, fucktwit. What he did was to attemp to calm the nerves of our Chinese adversary who knew that Trump was out of his mind, an out of control maniac capable of ending it all, you Trump asslicking jerkoff.

Milley, who has devoted his life to defending this Country should be applauded for what he did, instead of being attacked by right wing hacks like you.
That's horseshit.
Trump was completely in control of his faculties....I can't say the same about Biden.
Biden is so screwed in the head that he's liable to challenge an enemy to a fist-fight.
He cannot control himself......and this story is yet again an attempt to project blame on Trump by Democrats.
You are absolutely correct.

I think what happend was that Milley a not too bright fellow and a partisan hack-- who for whatever reason took a disliking for Trump probably after Trump realized he was a loser and thus --milley then started sucking up to Nancy Pelosi and other haters of Trump.

Anyone with much smarts about them at all understands China has one of the world's best intelligence service and as such they had no reason whatsoever to believe Trump would attack them with fact Chinese intelligence knows America better than most Americans .

In a nutshell Milley got played by China....they come up with a vey clever plan; have this Chinese General talk to Milley and tell him to tell Milley China fears Trump will nuke them.....which only someone not to bright like Milley would believe.

Milley saw a chance to make himself a hero to the left winging democratic party and thus took it on himself to assure the chinese general no such attack was planned but then even worse and here is where it turns into treason....milley informed the chinese general that he would inform him personally if such an attack was ever planned.

Now those who do not have good analytical skills may not understand the implications of that but it does not take an extraordinary analytical ability to see the ramifications of what milley did...just good common sense would suffice.

What milley did was to destroy our nuclear credibility....just having nukes does not give a nation a nuclear capability....what a nation must have to possess nuclear capability is to have nukes and the ability to convince your enemies that if the occasion or need for them ever arises then we will use them.

What milley did in his conspiring with the Chinese General was to assure them that they need not worry about our nuclear capability and even if the desire or need for them arose --he would tell them in advance...which in essence would give them a first strike in--having advance notice from milley of such an event they could strike first ...which would mean our destruction.

In a nutshell this was a great 'coup' of Chinese intelligence --first of all sew discord between the U.S. Military and the guy who carries the nuclear football ...the President.

Then turn a U.S. General of the highest rank into a lookout for them...essentially a spy.
If Miley was Chinese he'd be dead by now for treason.
That's horseshit.
Trump was completely in control of his faculties....I can't say the same about Biden.
Biden is so screwed in the head that he's liable to challenge an enemy to a fist-fight.
He cannot control himself......and this story is yet again an attempt to project blame on Trump by Democrats.
Lest we forget Trump took a cognitive test and passed with flying colors...........meanwhile joe still refuses to take one.
The OPer is nuts, but he says crap like that just to get a rise out of people. This is what happened, and it isn't good for OPer's hero.

I, along with countless others, have long maintained there is something off about Donald J. Trump. Turns out the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff agrees with us.

We are to be reminded that Vladimir Putin worked hard to get Trump elected in 2016. It can be argued, Putin is getting his money's worth even today. As the leader of a major political party, Trump and millions of his followers -- all of whom remain silent -- are threatening the sanctity of America's free elections.

Back to the chairman, General Mark A. Milley, the Times reports, "The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff twice called his Chinese counterpart in the final months of the Trump administration to reassure him, according to “Peril,” a new book by the Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

“Things may look unsteady,” the chairman, Gen. Mark A. Milley, told Gen. Li Zuocheng of China on Jan. 8, two days after Mr. Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol to try to stop the certification of his election loss. “But that’s the nature of democracy, General Li. Democracy can be sloppy sometimes.”

"Yet despite his assurances, General Milley was so concerned about Mr. Trump that later that day he convened a meeting with top commanders to remind them that the procedures for launching a nuclear weapon called for his involvement in such a decision.

"The book details how Mr. Trump’s presidency essentially collapsed in his final months in office, particularly after his election loss and the start of his campaign to deny the results. Top aides — including General Milley, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and Attorney General William P. Barr — became convinced that they needed to take drastic measures to stop him from trampling on American democracy or setting off an international conflict, and General Milley thought that Mr. Trump had declined mentally in the aftermath of the election."
1. Link please. Where are you copy/pasting from? TIME Magazine? Who is "I"?
2. Putin's Whore took sanctions off Nord Stream 2 and gave Putin tons of cash to modernize his military, Trump had Nord Stream 2 stopped. Putin loves the new senile confused Commander in Chief, especially how Xiden totally fucked up the AFG withdrawal.
3. Milley's call to China was gross insubordination
4. The current nuclear launch protocol does NOT need anyone but the president's approval. IMHO it should be revised to preclude a first us by the US. Then MIlley and/or the SecDef would need to agree to launch.
5. You assume that the new Woodward book is 100% accurate. I would not bet the ranch on that assumption, Bob Woodward is a very partisan democrat and Trump hater.
6. If there was concern for Trump's mental health the 25th Amendment would have been the solution, if Woodward is correct why wasn't it used?
7. Look at Joe Biden's mental capacity. Xiden is a senile POS who can't even handle a press conference. Why isn't the 25th being used on senile Joe?
Read "I Alone Can Fix It"
Milley was petrified that Trump would use the military in some way to stay in power and he was not going to let that happen
I think that the military has a "Golden Rule" that they do not have to follow an illegal order.
So why was Milley so petrified? There are co-equal branches of government, Congress would not support a Trump power-grab.
If true this has very serious implications.

This amounts to a military take over of one of the Executives prime responsibilities.....control of our nuclear retaliatory capability.

If he had felt that strongly then he should have talked to somone about invoking the 25th amendment which would have also bordered on insubordination as in there was no firm or real evidence Trump was mentally incompetent.

Now on the other hand joe biden? What does General milley think about bidens cognitive problems? Is milley ready to take over for Joe?

They support Biden, even in his incompetence and mental deficiencies because he can, ultimately, be controlled. Between his subservience to the deep-state and his blackmailability from the Chinese, Russians, and more, Biden is ultimately controlled. They give him a bit of rope to appease him and let him think he's in control.
He is not in command of anything!
He took command of the Military and the nuclear arsenal. When you talk about derangement and illusions of grandeur, Milley is the picture in the dictionary. He put himself above the elected president. He ordered people he didn't have authority over to be obedient to his will. He was/is a power hungry lunatic and is far scarier than even Biden.
That is NOT a coup. Trump had already lost the election. Oh and it never happened because Milley did not do that.

And with someone as unhinged as Trump...that's fucking SCARY as HELL
1. Agreed. Trump did not try to use the nuclear football, so Milley did not have to take it off of him. Nancy's request for the military to take the Commander in Chief power from Trump is a coup request, or sedition, by definition.
2. If Trump was "unhinged" it was up to the staff to keep him in line, I know he thought that the election was "stolen". I did not hear examples of Trump being "unhinged". Once the vote was certified, it was over. Pence did his job, power transferred peacefully.
I was going to say that if true, then Milley belongs stripped of all his military pension, rank and benefits to spend the next 25 years in a damp federal prison with no possibility of parole living with rats eating bread and water, but instead, he should be strapped down with a 150 amp TIG welder clamped to his balls.


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