Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
Stupid question. Trump doesn't just have the ability to launch nukes. Doesn't work that way skippy.

First. No leader in the military will follow an illegal order. They don't have to, and there are no repercussions if they don't. Not even from a mental midget like Trump.

Second. If a command general lets one of our nuclear capable adversaries that no nukes will be launched against them in a first strike, because America was stupid enough to elect a mental midget like Trump, that would be a legitimate use of back door diplomacy.

The fact that Trump would launch nukes as a way to get reelected, makes him a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States, and he should be summarily executed.
None of that has anything to do with the OP. General Milley told his Chinese counterpart that if Trump tries to start a war with China that Milley would tip them off ahead of time. Cold blooded traitor of the worst kind.
The predictable result of having a profoundly damaged, sociopathic, malignant narcissist in the White House.

It's comforting to know that top people saw what was happening and prepared for the worst.

Phew. Good news.

Let's see, you approve of a JCoS leader calling our enemies and calling the CiC mentally in question? What if Miley did this to Biden?
Trump was such a bad president, and was so totally gone and unhinged that US Generals had to step in and make sure he didn't literally destroy the country the way his Army of idiot brainwashed lemming supporters destroyed the Capitol in the most disgraceful display in US History.

Trump brought this on himself through his disgraceful actions. This is what happens when you incite an insurrection at the Capitol based on fabricated lies of election fraud that never happened, and never even had a shred of evidence to suggest happening.
What you deny is that Trump is cool. Most of those frauds that went to that party last night have created a smidgen of jobs total compared to Trump as a civilian.
Still trying to figure out what the hell your question has to do with any of this.

But that shows what an absolutely worthless President and human Trump was. His own generals, calling China to ensure them the military would not follow the orders of the mentally ill orange slob.
It was a general who clearly said that if Trump wanted to start a war with China that Milley would warn China ahead of time so that China could strike first. Traitor in the first degree. And, if the military wasn't going to follow Trump's orders to start a war, then why would China need to be tipped off at all? There would be no reason for that.
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He should rot in jail! disgusting POS.

Before, during, and after the 2020 election there was a coup attempt on Donald Trump by Nancy Pelosi. She asked the US Military to take the nuclear football from President Trump. That would have been a military coup. Nancy's request of Milley was "sedition", was unconstitutional, and she should be arrested and charged.

"In the “Dear colleague” letter, the Democratic speaker notes that she spoke to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Mark Milley, this morning about “discuss[ing] available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be OK,” Milley told Gen. Li Zuocheng four days before the 2020 election, according to the book. “We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you."

"The call, according to the book, was prompted by intelligence indicating that China was worried about a U.S. attack, which stemmed in part from Trump's bellicose rhetoric. “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise,” Milley told his Chinese counterpart. "

So Nancy was worried about Trump being "unhinged". What we have now is an incoherent and senile president who just surrendered AFG and $86b of US military equipment to the Taliban.

Do you trust Joe Biden with the nuclear football? I don't, he has no clue WTF it is.
Is Joe Biden a competent "Commander in Chief" concerning military matters? Hell NO. He's always WRONG.
Is Joe Biden coherent enough to have frequent real press conferences? Nope, all he can do is read from the teleprompter
Who did the Brits hold "in CONTEMPT"? Joe Biden
Who defended the US borders better? Trump
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If that call is verified, Milley should be immediately removed and then tried for treason.
Why, because he protected the U.S. from a deranged sociopath, Trump? Anyone with half a brain can listen to Trump for 5 minutes & see that he's a fucking maniac.
If true, then Milley belongs stripped of all his military pension, rank and benefits to spend the next 25 years in a damp federal prison with no possibility of parole living with rats eating bread and water.
You Trump asslickers would defend him if he nuked N.Y.C.
Before, during, and after the 2020 election there was a coup attempt on Donald Trump by Nancy Pelosi. She asked the US Military to take the nuclear football from President Trump. That would have been a military coup. Nancy's request of Milley was "sedition", was unconstitutional, and she should be arrested and charged.

"In the “Dear colleague” letter, the Democratic speaker notes that she spoke to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Mark Milley, this morning about “discuss[ing] available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be OK,” Milley told Gen. Li Zuocheng four days before the 2020 election, according to the book. “We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you."

"The call, according to the book, was prompted by intelligence indicating that China was worried about a U.S. attack, which stemmed in part from Trump's bellicose rhetoric. “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise,” Milley told his Chinese counterpart. "

So Nancy was worried about Trump being "unhinged". What we have now is an incoherent and senile president who just surrendered AFG and $86b of US military equipment to the Taliban.

Do you trust Joe Biden with the nuclear football? I don't, he has no clue WTF it is.
Is Joe Biden a competent "Commander in Chief" concerning military matters? Hell NO. He's always WRONG.
Is Joe Biden coherent enough to have frequent real press conferences? Nope, all he can do is read from the teleprompter
Who did the Brits hold "in CONTEMPT"? Joe Biden
Who defended the US borders better? Trump
Holy crap.

Heads need to roll...
Listening to his rants over time would cause any sane person to believe that trump was mentally incompetent.
You only speak for yourself....of course you are entitled to your opinion.....though you need to understand opinions are like assholes --eveyone has one.

In a nutshell you are a partisan hack who watches too much msm which gave you a bad case of TDS

There is help for that but you must learn to think for yourself to get over it.
You're taking it out of context.
This happened after Trump went crazy and incited the insurection. China then became concerned over Trump's metal state and Miley told them they were going to strip Trump of military power and they would make sure Trump doesn't go crazy and attack them.

You are fake news, and the GOP is the party of lies and spin.

You know, I really hate this forum sometimes. Everyone accuses everyone else of lying, then immediately proceeds to lie their ass off. You either skimmed the story and didn't pay attention, or you posted that knowing you were full of shit.

The article CLEARLY states that the first of Milley's two calls assuring his CCP counterpart that he'd give advance notice of any attack occurred on October 30, 2020. In case you've forgotten, that was BEFORE the election. Hence, your post is complete bullshit.

Perhaps you can show a modicum of integrity and acknowledge you were incorrect. If so, you'd have my respect. Regrets for the harshness, I am completely fed up with blind partisanship.
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The worst part is Pelosi is a powerful woman who acts like she is scorned and is definitely a psychopath and is a minor league politician which makes it suck even more. She is a product of the system who lasted long enough to attain power. And she is not good. Just like Biden.
Milley directly coordinated with an enemy of the United States, telling them he would warn them prior to an attack. You can attempt to spin it, justify it, or point fingers at others, declaring THEY are to blame for his actions, but HE and HE alone is responsible for his actions, which was most DEFINITELY 'Treason'.

In the same EXACT way President Barak Obama committed treason when he betrayed the US-Led Coalition in the war against ISIS.

Obama authored and approved the Rule of Engagement (ROE), what would be allowed and NOT allowed in the war against ISIS. In the ROE Obama made striking the ISIS Black Market Oil refineries and operations OFF LIMITS, despite the fact that money made from their black market oil dealings funded over half of their terrorist operations.

On the night Barry so arrogantly declared FROM FRANCE that HE had isolated ISIS to a small area in the Middle East, and that they were no longer a threat to the rest of the world, ISIS attacked Paris, conducting the largest attack on France since WWII. Despite France being a loyal member of the US Coalition, Barry refused to allow the US military participate in the French Retaliatory Strike on ISIS. Coalition partners joined France in the strike - even Russia joined in on the strike.

Barry, instead, ordered the US military to drop leaflets down to the terrorists, WARNING THEM OF THE COMING ATTACK. By doing so, he endangered not only the mission but the lives of the pilots flying those planes.

Barry chose terrorists over Americans and our coalition partners. As President, Barry was also Commander And Chief, the HEAD of the Military. By warning the enemy of an attack tat was coming, Barry sure as hell committed treason, just as Miley did vowiung to warn the CCP.

You CAN'T spin that shit.
No excuse can justify betraying your country or coalition partners, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much BS you try to spin.
So you want to hang Milley over something that never happened.

Did we go to war with China? Nope. Therefore they weren't warned beforehand.

Btw, military commanders speak with our foreign adversaries every fucking day of the week, idiot. That's part of their job.

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