Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
trump had the where-with-all to start WWIII, and he is mentally incompetent. Somebody had to take his toys away. Note that this was done after his minions attacked the United States Government.
If Trump was going to nuclear attack, China's only recourse would be to wipe us out first. This is what Milley would have done. If it were a conventional attack we would have lost the element of surprise and it would have cost US soldiers' lives. No one elected a woke general to conduct US foreign policy, up to and including war. He should be arrested by military intelligence before the sun sets and brought in for questioning.
. o you have an answer to the question? Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Trump got crazy at the end and wanted to launch an attack on China, let's say thinking that that a war would help him win re-election. Now if Milley had pre-warned China of Trump's attack and China launched nuclear weapons against us first, would Milley be a hero or a traitor?

Stupid question. Trump doesn't just have the ability to launch nukes. Doesn't work that way skippy.

First. No leader in the military will follow an illegal order. They don't have to, and there are no repercussions if they don't. Not even from a mental midget like Trump.

Second. If a command general lets one of our nuclear capable adversaries that no nukes will be launched against them in a first strike, because America was stupid enough to elect a mental midget like Trump, that would be a legitimate use of back door diplomacy.

The fact that Trump would launch nukes as a way to get reelected, makes him a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States, and he should be summarily executed.
Stupid question. The fact that Trump would launch nukes as a way to get reelected, makes him a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States, and he should be summarily executed.



You really wanna go with claiming that Trump tried to launch nukes and that Milley stopped him?????!!!!!


Its funny watching liberals defend this.
Trump was such a bad president, and was so totally gone and unhinged that US Generals had to step in and make sure he didn't literally destroy the country the way his Army of idiot brainwashed lemming supporters destroyed the Capitol in the most disgraceful display in US History.

Trump brought this on himself through his disgraceful actions. This is what happens when you incite an insurrection at the Capitol based on fabricated lies of election fraud that never happened, and never even had a shred of evidence to suggest happening.
Stupid question. Trump doesn't just have the ability to launch nukes. Doesn't work that way skippy.

First. No leader in the military will follow an illegal order. They don't have to, and there are no repercussions if they don't. Not even from a mental midget like Trump.

Second. If a command general lets one of our nuclear capable adversaries that no nukes will be launched against them in a first strike, because America was stupid enough to elect a mental midget like Trump, that would be a legitimate use of back door diplomacy.

The fact that Trump would launch nukes as a way to get reelected, makes him a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States, and he should be summarily executed.
Hint to mentally deranged lunatics...Trump launched no missiles. Not in actuality. Not in reality.
Not in any sense at all.
Not anywhere but in your diseased minds.

Your paranoia is frightening and says much about
the anti Trump brain fog that makes so many fools act like lunatics. GFY.
Biden is driving the nation into a ditch and all you can do is go on about all
the things Donald Trump did not do. Brilliant thinking, shit bag!
Stupid question. Trump doesn't just have the ability to launch nukes. Doesn't work that way skippy.

First. No leader in the military will follow an illegal order. They don't have to, and there are no repercussions if they don't. Not even from a mental midget like Trump.

Second. If a command general lets one of our nuclear capable adversaries that no nukes will be launched against them in a first strike, because America was stupid enough to elect a mental midget like Trump, that would be a legitimate use of back door diplomacy.

The fact that Trump would launch nukes as a way to get reelected, makes him a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States, and he should be summarily executed.
Trump was the anti-war president.
of an attack by the US on that country would that person be a traitor?

"In the calls, Milley sought to assure Li the United States was stable and not going to attack and, if there were to be an attack, he would alert his counterpart ahead of time, the report said."

Still trying to figure out what the hell your question has to do with any of this.

But that shows what an absolutely worthless President and human Trump was. His own generals, calling China to ensure them the military would not follow the orders of the mentally ill orange slob.
Trump was such a bad president, and was so totally gone and unhinged that US Generals had to step in and make sure he didn't literally destroy the country the way his Army of idiot brainwashed lemming supporters destroyed the Capitol in the most disgraceful display in US History.

Trump brought this on himself through his disgraceful actions. This is what happens when you incite an insurrection at the Capitol based on fabricated lies of election fraud that never happened, and never even had a shred of evidence to suggest happening.
So much bull shit. So many flowers to spread them on. Nothing you spewed out is true.
Worry about your own mental stability. You and Joe the Dotard.
All Milley did was reassure the Chinese that Trump was not about to nuke China. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Milley “warning” China in advance. Trumpers are either lying or are just plain unable to grasp the story.

This does raise the question why Trumpers think it is fine with them if Trump decided to start a nuclear war. I mean why are Trumpers defending Trump’s right to burn them to a crisp? I mean this is beyond Jim Jones.
That dog don't hunt. If the USA wants to discuss things with China, we have an entire State Department for that. This is treason and no amount of TDS gymnastics can change that. That you folks condone it for political purposes is no surprise, yet not any less despicable.
That dog don't hunt. If the USA wants to discuss things with China, we have an entire State Department for that. This is treason and no amount of TDS gymnastics can change that. That you folks condone it for political purposes is no surprise, yet not any less despicable.
But there is a precedent for that...

During the Vietnam War, a Navy lieutenant named John Kerry went to Paris, met with the North Vietnamese, and offered to surrender to them...

It seems that the Democrat Party is full of treasonous fruitcakes!!

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