Millions Die Via Liberal Science

RBM Partnership marks a decade of progress on World Malaria Day 2011 and sets its sights on near zero deaths by 2015

Commemorations of World Malaria Day taking place in donor and endemic countries this week highlight the considerable progress reached in the last decade, with key international figures urging an extraordinary intensification of efforts and clear plans for attaining the goal of near zero deaths by 2015.

Geneva, 21 April 2011: - Malaria was cited as a development success story last week at the Oslo Malaria Conference, as more than 200 international stakeholders gathered to review priorities to reach the malaria related Millennium Development goals (MDGs).

"In just a decade, Africa has begun to extract itself from the grip of a disease that had been rife for millennia and was eliminated in Europe and North America over fifty years ago. But we still have a tremendous task ahead which calls for a massive intensification of our efforts, greater commitment and innovation if we want to reach the 2015 goals," said Mr Kapembwa Simbao, Minister of Health of Zambia and Chair of the RBM Partnership Board.

Progress in the fight against the disease has been attributed to the leadership of malaria endemic countries, bold partnerships with the private sector, innovative academic thinking, and increased resources made available by The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria, the World Bank, UNITAID and the US President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) as well as bi-laterals such as France and the UK.

High level political commitment has also spurred momentum with the appointment of UNSG Special Envoy for malaria and the creation of the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA).

RBM Partnership marks a decade of progress on World Malaria Day 2011 and sets its sights on near zero deaths by 2015

The Roll Back Malaria initiative, launched by WHO in 1998, led to the Abuja Declaration in 2000, which defined progressive intervention coverage targets for control designed to eliminate malaria as a public health problem, while emphasizing that this could only be achieved through vastly strengthened local health systems.9 Increased resources through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the World Bank’s Booster Program, the US President’s Malaria Initiative and many others has meant that this page is finally beginning to turn as intervention coverage is rising.10
WHO | Malaria eradication back on the table

DId you miss this ...........................?

Right wingers hate science because it does not always offer absolute answers. And they just cannot understand the concept of Analog, they are binary mentalities.

thank you rachel, for saving me.

As early as 1921, the journal Ecology reported that bald eagles were threatened with extinction – 22 years before DDT production even began. According to a report in the National Museum Bulletin, the bald eagle reportedly had vanished from New England by 1937 – 10 years before widespread use of the pesticide.

Bald Eagle-DDT Myth Still Flying High - Opinion -

From the 900,000 that die every year;

Fuck you.
PEDIATRICS Vol. 118 No. 1 July 2006, pp. 233-241 (doi:10.1542/peds.2005-3117)

In Utero Exposure to Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and Neurodevelopment Among Young Mexican American Children Brenda Eskenazi, PhDa, Amy R. Marks, MPHa, Asa Bradman, PhDa, Laura Fenster, PhDb, Caroline Johnson, PhDa, Dana B. Barr, PhDc and Nicholas P. Jewell, PhDa a Center for Children's Environmental Health Research, School of Public

Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California California Department of Health Services, Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control, Richmond, California National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

OBJECTIVE. We investigated the relationship between prenatal exposure to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and neurodevelopment of Mexican farm-workers' children in California. METHODS. Participants from the Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas study, a birth cohort study, included 360 singletons with maternal serum measures of p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, and p,p'-DDE. Psychomotor development and mental development were assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development at 6, 12, and 24 months.

RESULTS. We found a 2-point decrease in Psychomotor Developmental Index scores with each 10-fold increase in p,p'-DDT levels at 6 and 12 months (but not 24 months) and p,p'-DDE levels at 6 months only. We found no association with mental development at 6 months but a 2- to 3-point decrease in Mental Developmental Index scores for p,p'-DDT and o,p'-DDT at 12 and 24 months, corresponding to 7- to 10-point decreases across the exposure range. Even when mothers had substantial exposure, breastfeeding was usually associated positively with Bayley scale scores.

CONCLUSIONS. Prenata l exposure to DDT, and to a lesser extent DDE, was associated with neurodevelopmental delays during early childhood, although breastfeeding was found to be beneficial even among women with high levels of exposure. Countries considering the use of DDT should weigh its benefit in eradicating malaria against the negative associations found in this first report on DDT and human neurodevelopment.


thank you rachel, for saving me.

As early as 1921, the journal Ecology reported that bald eagles were threatened with extinction – 22 years before DDT production even began. According to a report in the National Museum Bulletin, the bald eagle reportedly had vanished from New England by 1937 – 10 years before widespread use of the pesticide.

Bald Eagle-DDT Myth Still Flying High - Opinion -

From the 900,000 that die every year;

Fuck you.
DDT can change into many different forms that are only slightly different from the original. They call these new forms metabolites. They think that one of these metabolites, abbreviated DDE, interferes with certain reproductive enzymes in birds.

Enzymes act as helpers for certain chemical reaction. They can speed up biological processes, slow them down, etc.. In birds, certain reproductive enzymes affect how much calcium is deposited in eggshells. DDE probably gets in the way of some of these enzymes. Consequently, eggshells have less calcium, which makes them easier to break.
DDT was destroying the bird population.

If you cannot figure out why killing off the birds would be a disasterous thing, so bad that DDT was banned to stop it, not amount of followup explanation is likely to convince you.

Link please

How can you live in this world today a nd NOT know about DDT and its decimation of any bird population it comes into contact with?

It fucks them up and deforms their offspring.

What happens is your bird population dies and you end up with more mosquitos and more malaria.

Birds eat bugs.

Jesus Im weary of talking to people who know nothing about the world arround them and then spewing hate on anyone who educates themselves in a reasonable manner.

thank you rachel, for saving me.

As early as 1921, the journal Ecology reported that bald eagles were threatened with extinction – 22 years before DDT production even began. According to a report in the National Museum Bulletin, the bald eagle reportedly had vanished from New England by 1937 – 10 years before widespread use of the pesticide.

Bald Eagle-DDT Myth Still Flying High - Opinion -

From the 900,000 that die every year;

Fuck you.
DDT can change into many different forms that are only slightly different from the original. They call these new forms metabolites. They think that one of these metabolites, abbreviated DDE, interferes with certain reproductive enzymes in birds.

Enzymes act as helpers for certain chemical reaction. They can speed up biological processes, slow them down, etc.. In birds, certain reproductive enzymes affect how much calcium is deposited in eggshells. DDE probably gets in the way of some of these enzymes. Consequently, eggshells have less calcium, which makes them easier to break.

The thin shell stuff is just that, stuff. The link shows it's non-sense and that ddt had no effect.

Look, I don't want to kill off anything except the mosquito that is killing nearly 1 million a year. That's what ddt was built for, once malaria is under control, and/ro that vaccine is available, we stop using ddt since there isn't a need.

Honestly, would you rather;

You kids get sick from being around ddt


Dead cuz they were not around ddt
Right wingers hate science because it does not always offer absolute answers. And they just cannot understand the concept of Analog, they are binary mentalities.

they are the people who fire off thier mouths without loading their brains first.

Knowitalls who dont bother to know anything first.
DDT was destroying the bird population.

If you cannot figure out why killing off the birds would be a disasterous thing, so bad that DDT was banned to stop it, not amount of followup explanation is likely to convince you.

Link please

How can you live in this world today a nd NOT know about DDT and its decimation of any bird population it comes into contact with?

It fucks them up and deforms their offspring.

What happens is your bird population dies and you end up with more mosquitos and more malaria.

Birds eat bugs.

Jesus Im weary of talking to people who know nothing about the world arround them and then spewing hate on anyone who educates themselves in a reasonable manner.

Then you will have no problem providing a link proving what you say is true.

and make sure it's newer than mine. B/c mine says your full of shit.

I'm not and neither are you.

thank you rachel, for saving me.

As early as 1921, the journal Ecology reported that bald eagles were threatened with extinction – 22 years before DDT production even began. According to a report in the National Museum Bulletin, the bald eagle reportedly had vanished from New England by 1937 – 10 years before widespread use of the pesticide.

Bald Eagle-DDT Myth Still Flying High - Opinion -

From the 900,000 that die every year;

Fuck you.

The effects of DDT aren't a myth. There's also nothing logically wrong with the notion that there could be more than one reason for their falling numbers. Seems the only myth being perpetrated is that, those who rail against environmental policy know anything at all about science!!! :doubt:
all i know is that when i was a kid in the 60's, you rarely saw raptors.

see them all the time now.

thank you rachel, for saving me.

As early as 1921, the journal Ecology reported that bald eagles were threatened with extinction – 22 years before DDT production even began. According to a report in the National Museum Bulletin, the bald eagle reportedly had vanished from New England by 1937 – 10 years before widespread use of the pesticide.

Bald Eagle-DDT Myth Still Flying High - Opinion -

From the 900,000 that die every year;

Fuck you.

The effects of DDT aren't a myth. There's also nothing logically wrong with the notion that there could be more than one reason for their falling numbers. Seems the only myth being perpetrated is that, those who rail against environmental policy know anything at all about science!!! :doubt:

Link says they were endagered 20 years before ddt

I know, science. WTF is a conservative doing quoting science and WTF are liberals doing ignoring facts.

oh wait

Those facts don't hold up your long held lies, I mean beliefs.

oh wait, there is no proof of a god, so you can't have beliefs, so actually I do mean lies.
As early as 1921, the journal Ecology reported that bald eagles were threatened with extinction – 22 years before DDT production even began. According to a report in the National Museum Bulletin, the bald eagle reportedly had vanished from New England by 1937 – 10 years before widespread use of the pesticide.

Bald Eagle-DDT Myth Still Flying High - Opinion -

From the 900,000 that die every year;

Fuck you.

The effects of DDT aren't a myth. There's also nothing logically wrong with the notion that there could be more than one reason for their falling numbers. Seems the only myth being perpetrated is that, those who rail against environmental policy know anything at all about science!!! :doubt:

Link says they were endagered 20 years before ddt

I know, science. WTF is a conservative doing quoting science and WTF are liberals doing ignoring facts.

oh wait

Those facts don't hold up your long held lies, I mean beliefs.

oh wait, there is no proof of a god, so you can't have beliefs, so actually I do mean lies.

quoting an opinion piece as fact is pretty silly, imo.
all i know is that when i was a kid in the 60's, you rarely saw raptors.

see them all the time now.

That would be due to the hunting ban.

Are you seeing more crows, robins, blue jays, sparrow, etc, etc?

I'm gunna guess no.


B/c they were not hunted and there is no effect on birds from ddt, b/c it's a liberal lie from the 60's. Chemical companies created poison weapons to use in VN, so to get revenge the libs made shit up, kept repeating the lie, and now they assume it's true no matter how many studies are done.
They believe ANYTHING a Fox shill says over the entire scientific community.

They pick who to believe so they can retain their failed ideas.
all i know is that when i was a kid in the 60's, you rarely saw raptors.

see them all the time now.

That would be due to the hunting ban.

Are you seeing more crows, robins, blue jays, sparrow, etc, etc?

I'm gunna guess no.


B/c they were not hunted and there is no effect on birds from ddt, b/c it's a liberal lie from the 60's. Chemical companies created poison weapons to use in VN, so to get revenge the libs made shit up, kept repeating the lie, and now they assume it's true no matter how many studies are done.

the hunting ban?


you had me going for a minute there. good one!

hunting ban-that's a corker

you're a funny bastard
The effects of DDT aren't a myth. There's also nothing logically wrong with the notion that there could be more than one reason for their falling numbers. Seems the only myth being perpetrated is that, those who rail against environmental policy know anything at all about science!!! :doubt:

Link says they were endagered 20 years before ddt

I know, science. WTF is a conservative doing quoting science and WTF are liberals doing ignoring facts.

oh wait

Those facts don't hold up your long held lies, I mean beliefs.

oh wait, there is no proof of a god, so you can't have beliefs, so actually I do mean lies.

quoting an opinion piece as fact is pretty silly, imo.

How many links would you like?

I'm unaware that "Ecology" is an opinion piece.

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