Millions of Americans may be disabled and not even know it


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Ah, according to some legal experts.

That's because sweeping new regulations from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission offer new guidelines on the issue of how to define "disability" under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The ADA, originally passed in 1990 and updated by Congress in 2008, originally defined disability as "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity."

When a worker satisfies the definition, employers must provide reasonable accommodations. For years, employers and employees have clashed over who truly qualifies for the sometimes-costly modifications to workplace duties and schedules. Attorney Condon McGlothlen says the new regulations could have a profound impact on that debate.

"Before, perhaps 40 million people were covered by the ADA. That number will increase significantly," McGlothlen told Fox News. "Some people might even say that a majority of Americans are covered as disabled under the law."

Read more: New Rules Would Label Millions of American Workers as Disabled -

Aw. Shucks. Another gift to the lawyers. Who woulda thunk? :evil:
It wouldn't ever cross your mind that it is an improvement for people with disabilities, now would it chanel?. There has to be evil intent that will inconvenience your beloved elite.

But don't fret chanel, your right wing Supreme court has been busy making several decisions that have sharply narrowed the scope of the original ADA and eliminated protections for people with a wide variety of impairments.

So you right wingers can take heart, people will still be harmed, hurt and punished...throw a party!

We have all made mistakes. But Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted on different scales. Better the occasional faults of a party living in the spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a party frozen in the ice of its own indifference.
President John F. Kennedy
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chanel....are you going to protest the new rules that allow more soldiers to collect disability...concussion will hopefully get the attention do you protest that?
The problem with open-ended and vague language like what is in that decision is that it opens up a HUGE hole for people to drive stupid shit through....

I have a full facial birthmark. It does have a serious affect on my inter-personal skills and relationships with other people. Does that make it a "disability"? HELL NO!!!! It simply makes it something I have to deal with in life.

The potential for that wording to be completely and totally misused is obscenely large.
No, it is just people with a conscience standing up for other people's rights, and right wingers continuing to support an aristocracy.

I've got a better idea.... How about people stop whining about every little thing that happens to them, stand up on their own two feet, and make something of themselves rather than simply sticking their hand out and demanding that somebody give them something for nothing.

As I mentioned earlier, I have a full facial birthmark. I COULD HAVE gone down the road of "I'm so terribly disfigured. It's the worst thing in the world. I can't do anything for myself." and more than likely the school systems and such would have let me. Thankfully my parents wouldn't have ANY of that. Even after I was diagnosed with a disease where most people don't ever graduate from high school, nevermind hold a college degree, work in a technical field, and live on their own (all of which I have done). Now, I am the EXCEPTION to most of the rules about people with Sturge-Weber Syndrome, but I could have been allowed to not live up to my potential because of it. I wasn't, and I'm much better off for that.

Those people who are truly disabled deserve assistance (though I would rather see it be private than government run). Those who are simply seeking to get something for nothing need to be allowed to wallow in their own misery on the side of the road of life until they decide to pick themselves up and move on.
Just another ATTACK on Businesses in this country.

No, it is just people with a conscience standing up for other people's rights, and right wingers continuing to support an aristocracy.

Ummmmyeah sure.

The history of people with disabilities in this country is a HORROR story. Thankfully America has been graced with progressive thinking people like Eunice Kennedy Shriver and her family.

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The government telling me I have to spend money to accommodate someone else for any reason is unacceptable.
No, it is just people with a conscience standing up for other people's rights, and right wingers continuing to support an aristocracy.

I've got a better idea.... How about people stop whining about every little thing that happens to them, stand up on their own two feet, and make something of themselves rather than simply sticking their hand out and demanding that somebody give them something for nothing.

As I mentioned earlier, I have a full facial birthmark. I COULD HAVE gone down the road of "I'm so terribly disfigured. It's the worst thing in the world. I can't do anything for myself." and more than likely the school systems and such would have let me. Thankfully my parents wouldn't have ANY of that. Even after I was diagnosed with a disease where most people don't ever graduate from high school, nevermind hold a college degree, work in a technical field, and live on their own (all of which I have done). Now, I am the EXCEPTION to most of the rules about people with Sturge-Weber Syndrome, but I could have been allowed to not live up to my potential because of it. I wasn't, and I'm much better off for that.

Those people who are truly disabled deserve assistance (though I would rather see it be private than government run). Those who are simply seeking to get something for nothing need to be allowed to wallow in their own misery on the side of the road of life until they decide to pick themselves up and move on.

No, you don't have a 'better idea' have an excuse to not have to care about others and to justify your priorities; ME, MYSELF and I.
No, it is just people with a conscience standing up for other people's rights, and right wingers continuing to support an aristocracy.

I've got a better idea.... How about people stop whining about every little thing that happens to them, stand up on their own two feet, and make something of themselves rather than simply sticking their hand out and demanding that somebody give them something for nothing.

As I mentioned earlier, I have a full facial birthmark. I COULD HAVE gone down the road of "I'm so terribly disfigured. It's the worst thing in the world. I can't do anything for myself." and more than likely the school systems and such would have let me. Thankfully my parents wouldn't have ANY of that. Even after I was diagnosed with a disease where most people don't ever graduate from high school, nevermind hold a college degree, work in a technical field, and live on their own (all of which I have done). Now, I am the EXCEPTION to most of the rules about people with Sturge-Weber Syndrome, but I could have been allowed to not live up to my potential because of it. I wasn't, and I'm much better off for that.

Those people who are truly disabled deserve assistance (though I would rather see it be private than government run). Those who are simply seeking to get something for nothing need to be allowed to wallow in their own misery on the side of the road of life until they decide to pick themselves up and move on.

No, you don't have a 'better idea' have an excuse to not have to care about others and to justify your priorities; ME, MYSELF and I.

The government takes enough of my money and because I don't want the government telling me that I must spend even more of my money to accommodate someone else's shortcomings makes me selfish?

Tell you what, if you care so much about everyone with a disability then visit all your local businesses and offer to pay for government mandated accommodations out of your own pocket.
I've got a better idea.... How about people stop whining about every little thing that happens to them, stand up on their own two feet, and make something of themselves rather than simply sticking their hand out and demanding that somebody give them something for nothing.

As I mentioned earlier, I have a full facial birthmark. I COULD HAVE gone down the road of "I'm so terribly disfigured. It's the worst thing in the world. I can't do anything for myself." and more than likely the school systems and such would have let me. Thankfully my parents wouldn't have ANY of that. Even after I was diagnosed with a disease where most people don't ever graduate from high school, nevermind hold a college degree, work in a technical field, and live on their own (all of which I have done). Now, I am the EXCEPTION to most of the rules about people with Sturge-Weber Syndrome, but I could have been allowed to not live up to my potential because of it. I wasn't, and I'm much better off for that.

Those people who are truly disabled deserve assistance (though I would rather see it be private than government run). Those who are simply seeking to get something for nothing need to be allowed to wallow in their own misery on the side of the road of life until they decide to pick themselves up and move on.

No, you don't have a 'better idea' have an excuse to not have to care about others and to justify your priorities; ME, MYSELF and I.

The government takes enough of my money and because I don't want the government telling me that I must spend even more of my money to accommodate someone else's shortcomings makes me selfish?

Tell you what, if you care so much about everyone with a disability then visit all your local businesses and offer to pay for government mandated accommodations out of your own pocket.

You joke right?
Liberals only care MORE when it's being done with OTHER peoples monies through the FORCE of the Federal Guberment.
Just another ATTACK on Businesses in this country.

No, it is just people with a conscience standing up for other people's rights, and right wingers continuing to support an aristocracy.

Millions of Americans may be disabled and not even know it, according to some legal experts.

:lol: Yep its those wonderful lawyers gonna tell you who is now disabled
I've got a better idea.... How about people stop whining about every little thing that happens to them, stand up on their own two feet, and make something of themselves rather than simply sticking their hand out and demanding that somebody give them something for nothing.

As I mentioned earlier, I have a full facial birthmark. I COULD HAVE gone down the road of "I'm so terribly disfigured. It's the worst thing in the world. I can't do anything for myself." and more than likely the school systems and such would have let me. Thankfully my parents wouldn't have ANY of that. Even after I was diagnosed with a disease where most people don't ever graduate from high school, nevermind hold a college degree, work in a technical field, and live on their own (all of which I have done). Now, I am the EXCEPTION to most of the rules about people with Sturge-Weber Syndrome, but I could have been allowed to not live up to my potential because of it. I wasn't, and I'm much better off for that.

Those people who are truly disabled deserve assistance (though I would rather see it be private than government run). Those who are simply seeking to get something for nothing need to be allowed to wallow in their own misery on the side of the road of life until they decide to pick themselves up and move on.

No, you don't have a 'better idea' have an excuse to not have to care about others and to justify your priorities; ME, MYSELF and I.

The government takes enough of my money and because I don't want the government telling me that I must spend even more of my money to accommodate someone else's shortcomings makes me selfish?

Tell you what, if you care so much about everyone with a disability then visit all your local businesses and offer to pay for government mandated accommodations out of your own pocket.

I strongly suggest you take and steal everything you can in this life, because your next life will be hot and eternal.

Luke 16:13-15

13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon (money).”

14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.

15 He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of man, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valuable in the eyes of man is detestable in God’s sight.
Millions of Americans may be disabled and not even know it,according to some legal experts.

you'll now see a rush of people APPLYING for DISABILY through the Federal Guberment.

More for us TAXPAYERS to cheer this ruling.

all together now, hip hip hooray.
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No, you don't have a 'better idea' have an excuse to not have to care about others and to justify your priorities; ME, MYSELF and I.

Those SHOULD BE everyone's priorities.... It's called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, and it's one of the cornerstones and building blocks that this nation was founded on, Bfgrn.

I had the opportunity to go down the road that this new language now offers to many others. The opportunity to be nothing, to do nothing, and to truly have nothing of my own. To simply be a ward of the state and to expect everything to be given to me. I'm VERY GLAD that my parents refused to allow me to even consider going down that path. I would not be anywhere near who and what I am today if they had. I've worked my ass off to get to where I am today. It's not a perfect life, but it's a thousand times better than where I would be if I'd been allowed to succumb to the opportunities that were there to be coddled and simply allowed not to have to work for things.

Maybe, just maybe, the founders had a bright idea when they assumed that it was the role of family, friends, and the community (not the government) to deal with people who truly have disabilities. Ever think of that?
This is not about accommodating people with real disabilities. There is already a law.

If a person with "Epstein Barr" oversleeps every day, does the boss need to "make accomodations"? If an adult has ADHD and forgets shit, should he be excused? I am very familiar with 504s in the workplace. It is bullshit.

I wonder if people can be fired for drug use. After all addiction is a disabilty, right?

Gift to the lawyers. Period.
No, you don't have a 'better idea' have an excuse to not have to care about others and to justify your priorities; ME, MYSELF and I.

The government takes enough of my money and because I don't want the government telling me that I must spend even more of my money to accommodate someone else's shortcomings makes me selfish?

Tell you what, if you care so much about everyone with a disability then visit all your local businesses and offer to pay for government mandated accommodations out of your own pocket.

I strongly suggest you take and steal everything you can in this life, because your next life will be hot and eternal.

Luke 16:13-15

13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon (money).”

14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.

15 He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of man, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valuable in the eyes of man is detestable in God’s sight.

I've never stolen anything. I've worked since I was old enough to have a paper route and i save my money. I don't need the government telling me I must under penalty of law spend more than they already take.

I don't believe in the man in the sky so if I'm really worried about hell I'll just make Pascal's wager on my death bed.

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