Milo Speech on Immigration Blocked By UTube


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
More of that libtard tolerance thingy going on here.

These idiot companies are AOK with streaming women committing suicide or getting gang raped, apparently, as these have been streamed and not blocked, but can a conservative give a humor infused speech on immigration?

Oh, hell no. That might actually cause people to question the multinational corporate crony networks version of the immigration narrative where flooding our country with illegal immigrants that do not share our values or respect our laws is somehow good for us.

YouTube Disables MILO Livestream Hours Before Immigration Speech in New Mexico - Breitbart

YouTube disabled Breitbart News Senior Editor MILO’s livestreaming ability on Friday, just hours before his speech on immigration at the University of New Mexico.
MILO’s ability to host livestreams was withdrawn from YouTube after his video “MILO At UC – Colorado Springs: Democrats Are The ‘Party Of The Cuckold,'” was flagged and subsequently removed.

“Your video ‘MILO At UC – Colorado Springs: Democrats Are The ‘Party Of The Cuckold’ was flagged for review. Upon review, we’ve determined that it violates our guidelines,” YouTube declared in a notice to MILO. “We’ve removed it from YouTube and assigned a Community Guidelines strike, or temporary penalty, to your account.”
And the far right cucks whine. OK. I get it. Business is not allowed to run its business except by far right parameters.
The left knows he is powerful and a threat to a portion of their base and will do anything to shut down his free speech.
And the far right cucks whine. OK. I get it. Business is not allowed to run its business except by far right parameters.

Do they censor left wing commentators? They are a private organization so the 1st amendment doesn't apply but that doesn't mean we can't criticize them as the fascist pigs that they are or criticize fascist pig scum like you who defend their acts of censorship, so goosestep the fuck off.
Whiney butthurt right wingers don't even know what free speech is.
And the far right cucks whine. OK. I get it. Business is not allowed to run its business except by far right parameters.

Do they censor left wing commentators? They are a private organization so the 1st amendment doesn't apply but that doesn't mean we can't criticize them as the fascist pigs that they are or criticize fascist pig scum like you who defend their acts of censorship, so goosestep the fuck off.
Of course you get to criticize them as your opponents get to praise them.

But your lie above is simple: in fact, you far right cucks are the fascists.
Isn't there room for more than one you tube service? The nation has divided. If there aren't alternative sites there should be.
Isn't there room for more than one you tube service? The nation has divided. If there aren't alternative sites there should be.
I'm guessing that the capitol costs are so far preventative, but I agree, we need a second service that lets people post opposing political speech.
Whiney butthurt right wingers don't even know what free speech is.
Yes, mein herr, apparently in the minds of you leftwing fascists it means one can only speak in favor of the reigning socio-political Establishment or else be verbotten.
Trump is the one using time-tested fascist tenets to form and operate his authoritarian administration. The case of youtube is an easy one. The private owner of the venue has every right to control what they put out in or on their venue, not random people. If that were the case anyone could go to any newspaper and demand their article be printed and included in the paper. Youtube is protecting its right to freedom of speech.
This is one more example of the whiny butthurt trumpers trying to inflict fascist tenets on American society. Control and or neutralizing the press, media, and free speech is a main tenet of fascism. That is simply historical fact. Attacking the press and limiting private sources of speech is the foundation of an authoritarian dictatorship.
I know YouTube and Google blocks a lot of true information about the war in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine).

There should be some Media sources that people could trust, urgently! There is a lot of information in the world which NO Western Media has EVER reported about. The Western people deserve to know all the truth and to be delivered the real news instead of fairly tales.
And the far right cucks whine. OK. I get it. Business is not allowed to run its business except by far right parameters.

Do they censor left wing commentators? They are a private organization so the 1st amendment doesn't apply but that doesn't mean we can't criticize them as the fascist pigs that they are or criticize fascist pig scum like you who defend their acts of censorship, so goosestep the fuck off.
Of course you get to criticize them as your opponents get to praise them.

But your lie above is simple: in fact, you far right cucks are the fascists.

No, the facist pigs like you beating, kidnapping, torturing, and rioting in the streets are the facists. The facist pigs are those on twitter, facebook, and youtube censoring content for those they disagree with which is no different from brown shirt shout down tactics which is another thing the left loves to do.
Whiney butthurt right wingers don't even know what free speech is.
Yes, mein herr, apparently in the minds of you leftwing fascists it means one can only speak in favor of the reigning socio-political Establishment or else be verbotten.
Trump is the one using time-tested fascist tenets to form and operate his authoritarian administration. The case of youtube is an easy one. The private owner of the venue has every right to control what they put out in or on their venue, not random people. If that were the case anyone could go to any newspaper and demand their article be printed and included in the paper. Youtube is protecting its right to freedom of speech.
This is one more example of the whiny butthurt trumpers trying to inflict fascist tenets on American society. Control and or neutralizing the press, media, and free speech is a main tenet of fascism. That is simply historical fact. Attacking the press and limiting private sources of speech is the foundation of an authoritarian dictatorship.

And the facist pig criticizes the Trump administration of fascism while defending censorship on youtube of conservatives while ISIL gets free reign. Eat a bag of dicks you fascist swine.
Youtube is a private business, so, you, as a fascist, want government to censor it: not going to happen.
Youtube is a private business, so, you, as a fascist, want government to censor it: not going to happen.

I never said I want government to censor anything but you being the facist pig that you are supports the brown shirt shout down tactics to shut down dissenting voices so go jerk off to Mein Kampf some more.

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