Milo Yiannopolous releases gospel song, President Trump wants bible literacy classes federally

Basque, yer giving me baaaaAAaaaad flashbacks dude.....


well, you'd have to understand recovering christians Basque ,,,,~S~
Bible literacy classes may help leftists....they keep trying to use it and don't have the very first clue what's in it.
They need to teach Bible literacy in public school cause churches don't know how..
ok with me as schools teaching Bible in the formation of the USA is just part of USA History BWK , YOU 'Constitutional ' sk:afro:ollllar' You . [chuckle] !!
Meh, proves nada IMO

People are born liking sensual pleasure, hence are bi-sexual since birth. Society pushes sexual standards, they are not inherent.

The quandry is illustrated by considering the problemastic nature of supposedly transgender people in relations with homosexual people.

If a person is born male, but dresses female has relations with a woman who considers herself gay, is she really gay since she is having relations with a biological male?

IF lesbians are naturally not inclined toward the distaff community, then why do most of their sex toys resemble penises?

This is all bullshit as the moral relativism crowd tries to undermine the cultural norms that helped the Western nations achieve higher birth rates over the last 500 years.

The oligarchs hated Unionism and wants to dumb us down.
One of the most dangerous pieces of self-glossing literature on earth. Go Trump.
as one comment that i have heard . Even 'satan' can quote Scripture or made up 'scripture' .
Just walked in on my dad watching Milo Yiannopolous. Please send your prayers.

Milo can sing though

the song is called "Silver & Gold"

this is a double-topic thread

Trump gives his blessing to allowing states to teach Bible literacy in public schools
Milo is like Trump. He has a lot good things and ideas to offer but too often ruins it for himself.
Add that to an unbalanced, vicious opposition that goes berserk over the slightest transgression, neither of them have a chance to win over more voters. The mainstream media is too left and too dishonest to allow it as well.
The world has turned, we are in different and darker times than even 5 years ago.

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