Milo's quote does NOT condone pedophilia, it DEFINES it. Read the actual quote


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Here is the exact quote from Milo from the "DRUNKEN PEASANTS PODCAST" January, 2016:

"Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody who is 13 years old, who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty."

That's a definition, not an endorsement.

Snowflakes sure fight dirty if you have your own opinions that don't match theirs.
While I'm no fan of homos I think Milo is being railroaded.
He never said he approved of pedophilia.
Railroaded? Read the transcripts. Watch the video. He even admitted to being at a party where underage children were molested and he never reported it.

It boggles my mind that so many of you are sucked up by the "narrative" of this individual. He is CLEARLY a mentally unstable individual and quite possibly a criminal.

NONE OF YOU that defend this dirtbag have ANY credibility when y'all railed on Clintons immoral conduct. NONE
His actual words sound more condemning of pedophilia. He was taking the most common excuse for some, which is that some kids are mature enough for sex, and setting them straight.

I haven't followed Milo and really didn't pay much attention to this latest. So much disinformation out there and the left is crying foul every time a non-liberal speaks.

I am just tired of the fringe element out there and wish they'd shut up.
His actual words sound more condemning of pedophilia. He was taking the most common excuse for some, which is that some kids are mature enough for sex, and setting them straight.

I haven't followed Milo and really didn't pay much attention to this latest. So much disinformation out there and the left is crying foul every time a non-liberal speaks.

I am just tired of the fringe element out there and wish they'd shut up.
Milo is fringe lol
His actual words sound more condemning of pedophilia. He was taking the most common excuse for some, which is that some kids are mature enough for sex, and setting them straight.

I haven't followed Milo and really didn't pay much attention to this latest. So much disinformation out there and the left is crying foul every time a non-liberal speaks.

I am just tired of the fringe element out there and wish they'd shut up.
Milo is fringe lol

I agree.
Here is the exact quote from Milo from the "DRUNKEN PEASANTS PODCAST" January, 2016:

"Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody who is 13 years old, who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty."

That's a definition, not an endorsement.

Snowflakes sure fight dirty if you have your own opinions that don't match theirs.

This is true. I was frustrated that so many conservatives took offense to this statement as if they believed "pedophilia" includes all minor children. It doesn't. That's a clinical fact. There is another specific philia for older children in early pubescence.

That said, Milo does skirt the norms of typical conservatism. It is a valid argument that conservatism contains a certain moral element whether some want to accept that or not. Milo's lifestyle challenges that moral element in ways that are difficult for many conservatives to accept. And this is the crux of the blowback.

Now... I have struggled with how I feel about Milo and all that has transpired. I think he does bring some thoughtful and intelligent points to the table and reaches a demographic the conservative movement has traditionally had a hard time appealing to. I think there are some nuanced distinctions which should be pointed out.

CPAC's decision to un-invite Milo to speak is justifiable. They are a private organization representing a large body of Conservatives and they have every right to decide who they want to speak to their group. So I don't have a problem with their decision and I think it was probably for the best. Milo's message is not for everyone and probably not suitable for mainstream conservatives.

However, beyond the CPAC decision, the cancelling of his book and "resignation" from Breitbart, along with the ensuing smear campaign unleashed on him personally, is totally out of line. He has the right to have his book published and he didn't deserve to lose his job. He has the right to speak on campuses where he has been invited to speak. No one is obligated to listen or to buy his book.

The predictions that "he's done" are a little premature in my opinion. I think he will be back because he does bring a very unique perspective to a large and growing youthful demographic. I was thinking the other day about who Milo reminds me of from the past and I think it's Lenny Bruce. You have the same provocative social commentary and anti-establishment views and he sparks the same kind of vitriolic response to his unique message.
He bragged about having sex with his priest at 14. An encounter he described as the priest helping him come to terms with his sexuality (aka he was molested)

He bragged about being at a party where other children were molested.

You people defending him simply out of your hate for the left are despicable
"Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody who is 13 years old

Yes it is, you sick fuck. And he has said more than once that it is okay for an adult male to have sex with a 13 year old child.

I knew Trump was going to lead you tards even farther astray than you already are, but I had NO IDEA he would make you all this sick in the head.
MAN: If I knew someone around my age that was like had sex with a 13-year-old I would be creeped out. Honestly.

YIANNOPOULOS: What is your age?

MAN: I am almost thirty-five.

YIANNOPOULOS: Ok, well I am talking about 28-year-olds.

MAN: Oh that changes everything? [Laughter]

YIANNOPOULOS: I am guessing, I haven’t told this publicly … we are talking 13 – 25, 13 – 28. These things happen perfectly consensually. Often by the way it is the women who suffer. What normally happens in schools very often is older woman with this younger boy. And the boy is predatory in that situation. The boy is like let us see if I can fuck the hot gym teacher or the maths teacher. And he does. The women fall in love with these young men, these athletic young boys in their prime. And end up having their long life destroyed. Their schools, whatever. I would say, that situation I am describing on Joe Rogan show I was very definitely a predator on both occasions. As offensive as some people would find that I don’t much care. That was certainly my experience.

MAN: Milo hold on a second. Ben, you said you would be creeped out if someone came to and said they had sex with a 13-year-old. But what if they said, you know the 13-year-old, they were the predator. He came on to me. Is it that unbelievable to have some really horny 13-year-old that just like … [interrupted number of people talking].

YIANNOPOULOS: Seriously, is it any wonder I was sexually precocious, fucking look at me. The point of all this stuff we get hung up on abuse. This is a controversial point of view I accept. We get hung up on this, this child abuse thing. To the point where heavily policing even relationships between consenting adults, Graduate students and professors, at universities.

The Law is about probably ok. but, there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age. I certainly consider myself to be one of them. People who are sexually active younger. I think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way. And in many cases those relationships with older men, this is one of the reasons I hate the left. They have this stupid. This sort of arbitrary culture.
Full Unedited Video Of Milo Yiannopoulos “Defending Pedophilia”

Yiannopoulos is clearly saying he thinks age of consent laws are wrong, and that 13 year olds are capable of giving consent to sex with 28 year old men. And he blames LIBERALS for age of consent laws!
"Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody who is 13 years old, who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty."

That's a definition, not an endorsement.
True. He endorsed sexual attraction and gratification with 13 year old boys.
Here is the exact quote from Milo from the "DRUNKEN PEASANTS PODCAST" January, 2016:

"Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody who is 13 years old, who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty."

That's a definition, not an endorsement.

Snowflakes sure fight dirty if you have your own opinions that don't match theirs.
lol right Milo was pressured to resign because he was simply defining a word.
His actual words sound more condemning of pedophilia. He was taking the most common excuse for some, which is that some kids are mature enough for sex, and setting them straight.

I haven't followed Milo and really didn't pay much attention to this latest. So much disinformation out there and the left is crying foul every time a non-liberal speaks.

I am just tired of the fringe element out there and wish they'd shut up.
Milo is fringe lol

The right wing has become fringe.
MAN: If I knew someone around my age that was like had sex with a 13-year-old I would be creeped out. Honestly.

YIANNOPOULOS: What is your age?

MAN: I am almost thirty-five.

YIANNOPOULOS: Ok, well I am talking about 28-year-olds.

MAN: Oh that changes everything? [Laughter]

YIANNOPOULOS: I am guessing, I haven’t told this publicly … we are talking 13 – 25, 13 – 28. These things happen perfectly consensually. Often by the way it is the women who suffer. What normally happens in schools very often is older woman with this younger boy. And the boy is predatory in that situation. The boy is like let us see if I can fuck the hot gym teacher or the maths teacher. And he does. The women fall in love with these young men, these athletic young boys in their prime. And end up having their long life destroyed. Their schools, whatever. I would say, that situation I am describing on Joe Rogan show I was very definitely a predator on both occasions. As offensive as some people would find that I don’t much care. That was certainly my experience.

MAN: Milo hold on a second. Ben, you said you would be creeped out if someone came to and said they had sex with a 13-year-old. But what if they said, you know the 13-year-old, they were the predator. He came on to me. Is it that unbelievable to have some really horny 13-year-old that just like … [interrupted number of people talking].

YIANNOPOULOS: Seriously, is it any wonder I was sexually precocious, fucking look at me. The point of all this stuff we get hung up on abuse. This is a controversial point of view I accept. We get hung up on this, this child abuse thing. To the point where heavily policing even relationships between consenting adults, Graduate students and professors, at universities.

The Law is about probably ok. but, there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age. I certainly consider myself to be one of them. People who are sexually active younger. I think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way. And in many cases those relationships with older men, this is one of the reasons I hate the left. They have this stupid. This sort of arbitrary culture.
Full Unedited Video Of Milo Yiannopoulos “Defending Pedophilia”

Yiannopoulos is clearly saying he thinks age of consent laws are wrong, and that 13 year olds are capable of giving consent to sex with 28 year old men. And he blames LIBERALS for age of consent laws!

He says straight out that he agrees with the consent laws. Don't lie.
The worst thing about the Milo situation is that a man has had his means of earning a living taken from him based upon his words. It does not appear that he really did anything wrong. Then again, I thought that Michael Vick was unfairly targeted and prosecuted.

Targeting anyone based upon speech content is a frightening thing. Obviously, it was not the government targeting Milo. Rather, he was punished by the marketplace. However, the marketplace is also influenced by PC culture.

So on one hand I am sympathetic to Milo one level. But, what he said was disturbing. Further, we should really question why people adored Milo in the first place. I have never thought that Milo represents American conservatism. On the surface he clearly does not. But get past the homo thing, and to who he really is, and I still do not see Milo as a conservative warrior. He is a provocateur and a self-promoter. In this way he is a little like Trump himself.

Milo's real attraction is that he gets in the face of the left and attempts to shock and shame the PC culture. He entertains us and validates certain things we believe. But, is Milo a real conservative? I have never heard him dedicate as much energy to tax reform and national security as he does to creating clever and ironic ways to poke fun at the PC left. This does not mean that he does not share these views with us. But it does mean that he has a media niche that he created and that he was very successful with.

So, in my judgment, losing Milo is not that big a deal. He knows what he was doing. He was pushing the envelope, and he went too far. That is the problem with a provocateur: in order to stay fresh they have to keep stepping over lines. In my opinion, he crossed the line in this instance.

I will hand it to Milo in this regard: he promptly resigned from Breitbart and did so with class. I also think that his publisher went way too far in pulling his book. Milo may have legal recourse for this, or not. I would of preferred that he kept his book deal and allow the market to decide if he still needs to be heard.
If you haven't figured it out before now, all the right wingers defending this pedophile should make it clear that the right only cares about their party. Nothing else, even the practice of pedophilia, can get in the way of their support of their party.

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