Mind-blowing jobs numbers means inflation may not be done


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

I've seen a lot of people saying that inflation has been beaten, and I don't think I'd make that assumption.

This economy is on fire, and we're not yet removed enough from inflationary forces to declare anything. The market, particulary QQQ, will be worried by this.

These jobs numbers will provide more grist for the Fed to increase rates again. We'll see.

I've seen a lot of people saying that inflation has been beaten, and I don't think I'd make that assumption.

This economy is on fire, and we're not yet removed enough from inflationary forces to declare anything. The market, particulary QQQ, will be worried by this.

These jobs numbers will provide more grist for the Fed to increase rates again. We'll see.
How can inflation be beaten when the Federal government trillions of dollars a second?


No, they will inflate away everything you own and love.
They are good numbers, but tempered by the fact close to 1/4 of the new jobs were with the Govt.
Those tax cuts Trump pushed through filled our pockets with so much money that we don’t know what to do with it all and are more than happy to piss away a measily $18 on a delicious MacDonalds burger.
Government employment increased by 52,000 in December. Employment continued to trend
up in local government (+37,000) and federal government (+7,000).

I would say it is far better that most of the new Govt jobs were within the states and not at the Federal level. That is less than 1000 new state Govt workers per state.
Employers added 216,000 jobs in December on a seasonally adjusted basis, the Labor Department reported on Friday, surpassing the expectations of economists. It was the 36th consecutive month of gains.

Altogether, the U.S. economy added roughly 2.7 million jobs over the past year.
That’s a smaller gain than in 2021 or 2022, during the economy’s initial resurgence from the pandemic lockdowns. Yet the gains of 2023 are still stronger than those in the late 2010s.

The numbers are buoying expectations of what has been called a soft landing — in which the economy is able to avoid significant job loss while shifting into a calmer, more sustainable gear, after the years of disorienting volatility that began with the arrival of Covid-19 roughly four years ago.

And all across the fruited plain there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth among those who call themselves Republicans... Seriously, there is no way anyone will not be delighted with this news. Right?

I've seen a lot of people saying that inflation has been beaten, and I don't think I'd make that assumption.

This economy is on fire, and we're not yet removed enough from inflationary forces to declare anything. The market, particulary QQQ, will be worried by this!

These jobs numbers will provide more grist for the Fed to increase rates again. We'll see.
Two thirds of Americans are struggling financially and see no end in site for their misery. But woohoo look at all these new jobs! Now they can take on a third job YAY DEMOCRATS!!

Two thirds of Americans are struggling financially and see no end in site for their misery. But woohoo look at all these new jobs! Now they can take on a third job YAY DEMOCRATS!!

Oh look, another gasbag. Please, regale us with your policy solutions.

You think you are scoring troll points, but you're just embarrassing yourself.

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