Mindblowing pics of Pluto

Fly over Pluto’s icy mountains and frozen plains from @NASANewHorizons July 14th #PlutoFlyby http://go.nasa.gov/1JfbVge https://amp.twimg.com/v/0bc8d2f5-05ae-4523-9f9d-16dcf62e711b…

'Completely wild': Pluto close-ups from New Horizons boggle astro-minds http://nbcnews.to/1Og84GI

If you're planning to visit Pluto, don't forget the map! #NewHorizons #PlutoFlyby #Pluto #NASA

NewHorizons2015, NASA New Horizons and AlanStern

Very cool maps with the informal feature names on #Pluto and #Charon ! #PlutoFlyby @NewHorizons2015




Amazing Pluto! Glaciers of nitrogen ice flowing into mountains of water ice. #PlutoFlyby @NewHorizons2015

Stunning Nightside Image Reveals Pluto’s Hazy Skies
Backlit by the sun, Pluto’s atmosphere rings its silhouette like a luminous halo in this image taken by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft.
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New Horizons reveals more mountains in Pluto's heart

22 July 2015
The latest images from the New Horizons spacecraft have revealed another range of ice mountains on Pluto.
The frozen peaks were found on the lower-left edge of the dwarf world's "heart" and are 1-1.5km-high.
They sit between a patch of icy, flat terrain, called Sputnik Planum, which scientists believe is less than 100 million years old, and a dark area dating to billions of years ago.
More close-ups will be unveiled on Friday at a press conference.


Second Mountain Range Rises from Pluto's 'Heart' (Photo)
by Mike Wall, Space.com Senior Writer | July 21, 2015 05:48pm ET


Six views of Pluto revealing some of the weird & WONDERFUL terrain... http://fb.me/40BmX60f9 pic.twitter.com/sUDJkiuNkE
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