minimum wage/foreign aid

I'm not against a bump in the minimum wage but let's be realistic about it $15.00 a hour is not going to happen as for foreign aid I'm sure were wasting a lot of money on overseas ass holes that could be better spent.
I always thought you were an idiot, now I know you are.

i would rather see all that money we throw at these 3rd world shit holes who spit in our faces no matter what you do for them spent here myself.....and im talking about things to help OUR paving our highways,improving our infrastructure and the like.....

I would rather have the tax dollars stay with the people that earned the money by lowering all tax rates. That will create better highways and infrastructure and even come down to neighborhoods and communities. Everything gets a lot better when people get to keep and spend their own money.

that works for me....but i am against helping Countries that spit in your face after you help them.....
I'm not against a bump in the minimum wage but let's be realistic about it $15.00 a hour is not going to happen as for foreign aid I'm sure were wasting a lot of money on overseas ass holes that could be better spent.
Sure...but WHY should Government be mandating what the private sector and the free market PAY someone if it means a choice between a company maintaining their bottom line...and someone losing their job because such mandates coming from on high means the companies have to take such drastic measures to stay in business?

The OP and the idea is fucked in the head...and has NO regard for private property...or Liberty for that matter...ONLY takes the side of government that has gotten out of hand and has become what the Founders feared...TYRANNY.

As to Foreign AID? I think it should ALL be cut to near ZERO and those that want it? Demonstrate WHY they should have it, and they should also demonstrate how THEY are on the side of Liberty of their people...if they can't? THEY can go elsewhere. (And they had better have one damned good record to back up their need).
Now most people dislike that we send money overseas. Some people want 15 an hour for MW. So what if we took that money we sent overseas for MW? I am unsure how to go about this at the moment, but i figured it might be a neat concept to talk about?

I don't think you're too far off, but I have an even better idea. Eliminate the foreign aid in favor of tax cuts, which would lead to a natural wage increase. Let's take that a step further by eliminating government redistribution of wealth at home as well and watch this country really grow. The standard of living might increase to the point where few would even consider needing a minimum wage law.
Now most people dislike that we send money overseas. Some people want 15 an hour for MW. So what if we took that money we sent overseas for MW? I am unsure how to go about this at the moment, but i figured it might be a neat concept to talk about?

Wow your a mental midget!

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