minimum wage in the developed world

Plus people start out at minimum wage. Even part timers in a fast food joint will get raises. WEll at least I did.. But I was not a lazy jerk
Reliable source for simple statistics LOL
Let me check the CNN or Yahoo maybe they do petty ass statistics as well
Here is how I look at it. For the most part the jobs we are losing to say China, Mexico, Indonesia and the 3rd world are manufacturing jobs. The ones we are losing to India are R & D. Those jobs pay more than minimum wage. So an increase in M.W. won't increase the outsourcing of these jobs.

Minimum wage jobs are primarily in the service industry, such as retail, department stories, gas stations, fast food joynts, dishwashers, fruit pickers etc. Increasing M.W. on these jobs will increase the cost of items you buy through those places. Truthfully I think it will be nominal, but there will be an increase.

It's easy for some of us to say don't do it, but then again we make a ton more than minimum wage. Minimum wages goal should be to put someone over the poverty line, but then again, an increase in M.W. could raise that line!
Here is how I look at it. For the most part the jobs we are losing to say China, Mexico, Indonesia and the 3rd world are manufacturing jobs. The ones we are losing to India are R & D. Those jobs pay more than minimum wage. So an increase in M.W. won't increase the outsourcing of these jobs.

Minimum wage jobs are primarily in the service industry, such as retail, department stories, gas stations, fast food joynts, dishwashers, fruit pickers etc. Increasing M.W. on these jobs will increase the cost of items you buy through those places. Truthfully I think it will be nominal, but there will be an increase.

It's easy for some of us to say don't do it, but then again we make a ton more than minimum wage. Minimum wages goal should be to put someone over the poverty line, but then again, an increase in M.W. could raise that line!

yep. Would make products even more, and we would lose more to importers
Minimum wages are not supposed to be a living wage, they're supposed to be starting wages that get you employed and working your way up the income ladder. Don't know why it's so hard to understand, but a higher mw means fewer people starting out, fewer jobs, more gov't spending, less revenue, and less overall demand. Why? Cuz of fewer customers and higher prices. It ain't rocket science.

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