Minneapolis disbands police!!!

Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
the POLICE are the aggressors and NOT the criminals---HAHAHHAHAHH
...that's one of the biggest dumbshit things I've ever heard
95% of police calls are not violent or criminal. it is crying out for reform just like our GOP give away to the rich screw everybody else society the last 30 years
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
the POLICE are the aggressors and NOT the criminals---HAHAHHAHAHH
...that's one of the biggest dumbshit things I've ever heard
95% of police calls are not violent or criminal. it is crying out for reform just like our GOP give away to the rich screw everybody else society the last 30 years
hahhaha--screwing every one else--hahahahah
....yes--I know--they become violent when the jackass criminal resists/ATTACKS/etc
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
........prove it!!!!!!!!!! prove blacks are fives times more likely to be arrested --whites are NOT arrested if they commit a crime???!! PROVE it
Best of luck to them I see no downside in doing that so full speed ahead and let us all know how it works out for you.

Yup. Wonder if all those council members will be responding to calls and putting their lives on the line?? I won't be holding my breath. What a pack of boobs.
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
........prove it!!!!!!!!!! prove blacks are fives times more likely to be arrested --whites are NOT arrested if they commit a crime???!! PROVE it
Try real news sometime and take off the tinfoil helmet.
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet - NAACP
African Americans are incarcerated at more than 5 times the rate of whites. ... Nationwide, African American children represent 32% of children who are arrested, 42% of children who ...

ImageThe Spokesman-Review
Black Spokane residents are 5 times more likely to be arrested, new data show
blacks are arrested 5 times as often as whites for the same from www.spokesman.com

Jun 16, 2020 · Williams points to studies showing Black people are more likely to be arrested for the same crimes white ...

ImageABC7 New York › police-racial...
Analysis of police arrests reveals stark racial disparity in New York, New ...

Jun 9, 2020 · In the Tri-State region, black people were on average about five times more likely to be arrested than white ...
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
And what is going to happen?
They are going to rename the police department, layoff some school resource officers, hire a few social workers, and hopefully change a few regulations and you'll have the new improved Minneapolis police dept, until the next time they kill some Blacks and then it starts all over again. The fact is cities do not have sufficient funds to maintain adequate police protection for the community, and also fix the social problems that plague the city, Mental heath, drugs, child care, education, jobs, and anti-violence. These programs do not come cheap. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. You still have the remainder of criminal justice system, which is just about as corrupt and biased as the police, the court system and prison system. Eventually, it all boils down how much tax payers are willing pay.
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
And what is going to happen?
They are going to rename the police department, layoff some school resource officers, hire a few social workers, and hopefully change a few regulations and you'll have the new improved Minneapolis police dept, until the next time they kill some Blacks and then it starts all over again. The fact is cities do not have sufficiento
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
And what is going to happen?
They are going to rename the police department, layoff some school resource officers, hire a few social workers, and hopefully change a few regulations and you'll have the new improved Minneapolis police dept, until the next time they kill some Blacks and then it starts all over again. The fact is cities do not have sufficient funds to maintain adequate police protection for the community, and also fix the social problems that plague the city, Mental heath, drugs, child care, education, jobs, and anti-violence. These programs do not come cheap. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. You still have the remainder of criminal justice system, which is just about as corrupt and biased as the police, the court system and prison system. Eventually, it all boils down how much tax payers are willing pay.
exactly! ..right after Floyd's death, Brooks was justifiably shot
..one was a ''choke hold''..one by firearm = these situations are very dynamic ....
..I was going to give you a good rating--but then you talked about the police being corrupt/etc = bullshit
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
........prove it!!!!!!!!!! prove blacks are fives times more likely to be arrested --whites are NOT arrested if they commit a crime???!! PROVE it
Try real news sometime and take off the tinfoil helmet.
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet - NAACP
African Americans are incarcerated at more than 5 times the rate of whites. ... Nationwide, African American children represent 32% of children who are arrested, 42% of children who ...

View attachment 356829The Spokesman-Review
Black Spokane residents are 5 times more likely to be arrested, new data show
View attachment 356830
Jun 16, 2020 · Williams points to studies showing Black people are more likely to be arrested for the same crimes white ...

View attachment 356831ABC7 New York › police-racial...
Analysis of police arrests reveals stark racial disparity in New York, New ...
Jun 9, 2020 · In the Tri-State region, black people were on average about five times more likely to be arrested than white ...
1 =NAACP--hahahhahahahaa
2, so, we don't want to incarcerate criminals???!!!??
3. blacks commit crimes at much higher rates!!
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
And what is going to happen?
They are going to rename the police department, layoff some school resource officers, hire a few social workers, and hopefully change a few regulations and you'll have the new improved Minneapolis police dept, until the next time they kill some Blacks and then it starts all over again. The fact is cities do not have sufficiento
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
And what is going to happen?
They are going to rename the police department, layoff some school resource officers, hire a few social workers, and hopefully change a few regulations and you'll have the new improved Minneapolis police dept, until the next time they kill some Blacks and then it starts all over again. The fact is cities do not have sufficient funds to maintain adequate police protection for the community, and also fix the social problems that plague the city, Mental heath, drugs, child care, education, jobs, and anti-violence. These programs do not come cheap. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. You still have the remainder of criminal justice system, which is just about as corrupt and biased as the police, the court system and prison system. Eventually, it all boils down how much tax payers are willing pay.
exactly! ..right after Floyd's death, Brooks was justifiably shot
..one was a ''choke hold''..one by firearm = these situations are very dynamic ....
..I was going to give you a good rating--but then you talked about the police being corrupt/etc = bullshit
Most cops are really trying to do a good job in a truly fucked up system. There is corruption in all levels of the criminal justice system from law enforcement to the prisons.

BTW You don't need to bother with the ratings. I've been posting for 10 years, saying whatever I feel like regardless of what readers think. Frankly, I don't know what the ratings mean and don't really care.
real dumbasses
Community safety and violence prevention. Hmm. How do you keep a community safe by people not part of the legal system, not carrying guns who don't enforce laws with no power to arrest? How do you prevent violence? Do people have a red light on their head the day before they do something violent?

This is going to implode big time. The only way they can try to do this is to attack people for dangerous thoughts and actions before they even occur, make everyone a snitch, and walk all over free speech. Yep. This is gonna work out.
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.
........prove it!!!!!!!!!! prove blacks are fives times more likely to be arrested --whites are NOT arrested if they commit a crime???!! PROVE it
Try real news sometime and take off the tinfoil helmet.
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet - NAACP
African Americans are incarcerated at more than 5 times the rate of whites. ... Nationwide, African American children represent 32% of children who are arrested, 42% of children who ...

View attachment 356829The Spokesman-Review
Black Spokane residents are 5 times more likely to be arrested, new data show
View attachment 356830
Jun 16, 2020 · Williams points to studies showing Black people are more likely to be arrested for the same crimes white ...

View attachment 356831ABC7 New York › police-racial...
Analysis of police arrests reveals stark racial disparity in New York, New ...
Jun 9, 2020 · In the Tri-State region, black people were on average about five times more likely to be arrested than white ...
1 =NAACP--hahahhahahahaa
2, so, we don't want to incarcerate criminals???!!!??
3. blacks commit crimes at much higher rates!!
Baloney read the second article. There are plenty of examples of blacks being arrested five times as often much more often while in fact being less apt to be druggys etcetera etc. So much of it is blacks killing other gangster blacks to see who gets to sell drugs to whitey.
real dumbasses
Community safety and violence prevention. Hmm. How do you keep a community safe by people not part of the legal system, not carrying guns who don't enforce laws with no power to arrest? How do you prevent violence? Do people have a red light on their head the day before they do something violent?

This is going to implode big time. The only way they can try to do this is to attack people for dangerous thoughts and actions before they even occur, make everyone a snitch, and walk all over free speech. Yep. This is gonna work out.
As I understand it, law enforcement will still be enforcing laws. Community service people, mental health specialist, social workers, drug intervention people, etc will be there to do what law enforcement can't do, find the problem that resulted in the need for law enforcement and fix it. I'm not saying this will work. They will probably need 500 community service people and they'll have a budget to hire 3.
real dumbasses
Community safety and violence prevention. Hmm. How do you keep a community safe by people not part of the legal system, not carrying guns who don't enforce laws with no power to arrest? How do you prevent violence? Do people have a red light on their head the day before they do something violent?

This is going to implode big time. The only way they can try to do this is to attack people for dangerous thoughts and actions before they even occur, make everyone a snitch, and walk all over free speech. Yep. This is gonna work out.
real dumbasses
LOL..well..this is the first step in a long process that ends with an election...so lay the cards on the table..and let the people who live there decide.
Lincoln's words prior to the civil war.....

The Chief Magistrate derives all his authority from the people, and they have referred none upon him to fix terms for the separation of the States. The people themselves can do this if also they choose, but the Executive as such has nothing to do with it. His duty is to administer the present Government as it came to his hands and to transmit it unimpaired by him to his successor.

Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? In our present differences, is either party without faith of being in the right? If the Almighty Ruler of Nations, with His eternal truth and justice, be on your side of the North, or on yours of the South, that truth and that justice will surely prevail by the judgment of this great tribunal of the American people.

By the frame of the Government under which we live this same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief, and have with equal wisdom provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals. While the people retain their virtue and vigilance no Administration by any extreme of wickedness or folly can very seriously injure the Government in the short space of four years.

My countrymen, one and all, think calmly and well upon this whole subject. Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time. If there be an object to hurry any of you in hot haste to a step which you would never take deliberately, that object will be frustrated by taking time; but no good object can be frustrated by it. Such of you as are now dissatisfied still have the old Constitution unimpaired, and, on the sensitive point, the laws of your own framing under it; while the new Administration will have no immediate power, if it would, to change either. If it were admitted that you who are dissatisfied hold the right side in the dispute, there still is no single good reason for precipitate action. Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty.

In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The Government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the Government, while I shall have the most solemn one to “preserve, protect, and defend it.”

I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

This is a plea by Lincoln unto those whom are set to break the union, and therefore want to strike out on their own correct ? He is asking them to think hard and long on what they are attempting, but that he has been charged to uphold the union, and shall pass it on to his succesor intact.

Trump is also facing what Lincoln was facing, and it is his duty to pass the union on to his successor at the end of either his 1st or second term intact.

There shall be no challenges to the union, and if so it will be the people as the aggressor and not the government instead.

It's time for Trump to act on behalf of the Union/United States of America. Enough is enough.
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Best of luck to them I see no downside in doing that so full speed ahead and let us all know how it works out for you.

Yup. Wonder if all those council members will be responding to calls and putting their lives on the line?? I won't be holding my breath. What a pack of boobs.
We have anarchy among the government officials within the states, and they are leading the citizen followers against the Union/these United States. They should be arrested by federal authorities, and stripped of their powers after a trial insues.

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