Minneapolis disbands police!!!

real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
If Minneapolis disbands the police doesn't this mean police oversight is removed from city officials and allows the publicly elected county sheriff to perform his law enforcement duties simply as he sees fit? Reading stories of how some mayors have held back police use of force, it seems to me that this may be another reason for the folks up there to be careful for what they wish for.
Disbanding the police department does not mean abolishing law enforcement. It just means the city will make some changes and reorganize. So the police department becomes the Dept of Community Services which includes law enforcement and other community services. What those other services will be and how it will tie into law enforcement is yet to be determined. My guess is the mission of the police will change little but how they do their job will change somewhat. I expect the biggest change is that there will be a closer working arrangement between law enforcement and other community services such as social workers, vocational counselors, substance abuse specialists, and mental health professionals. The goal being to fix the problems that led to law enforcement involvement.
Most likely there will not be near enough money to even scratch the surface at fixing the community's problems so the name of the dept will change, there will be changes in some regulations, and the city will hire a few social workers and mental professions.
Last edited:
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
the POLICE are the aggressors and NOT the criminals---HAHAHHAHAHH
...that's one of the biggest dumbshit things I've ever heard
Disbanding the police department does not mean abolishing law enforcement. It just means the city will make some changes and reorganize.
I've read how some in these cities by "defunding" simply want money diverted from police programs to neighbor assistance programs. Latest I read concerning Minneapolis' plan is taking it to an extreme, to rid itself of the existing police department and create a more socially aligned public safety and "violence" prevention organization. That part really confuses me and is why I question how far they'll go and whether the sheriffs department might become the primary law enforcement agency in the city?
Disbanding the police department does not mean abolishing law enforcement. It just means the city will make some changes and reorganize.
I've read how some in these cities by "defunding" simply want money diverted from police programs to neighbor assistance programs. Latest I read concerning Minneapolis' plan is taking it to an extreme, to rid itself of the existing police department and create a more socially aligned public safety and "violence" prevention organization. That part really confuses me and is why I question how far they'll go and whether the sheriffs department might become the primary law enforcement agency in the city?
It's purpose is to confuse you. In this country you can not have law enforcement without having the threat of violence. The model that most people that support disbanding the police favor is the team approach that is used in Sweden. The fact that gun ownership in Sweden is about 1/4 that of the US and violent crime far less than in the US would be a problem but and even greater problem would be getting the funds to hire the number of community service people you would need while maintaining enough law enforcement to protect the community.
Disbanding the police department does not mean abolishing law enforcement. It just means the city will make some changes and reorganize.
I've read how some in these cities by "defunding" simply want money diverted from police programs to neighbor assistance programs. Latest I read concerning Minneapolis' plan is taking it to an extreme, to rid itself of the existing police department and create a more socially aligned public safety and "violence" prevention organization. That part really confuses me and is why I question how far they'll go and whether the sheriffs department might become the primary law enforcement agency in the city?
It's purpose is to confuse you. In this country you can not have law enforcement without having the threat of violence. The model that most people that support disbanding the police favor is the team approach that is used in Sweden. The fact that gun ownership in Sweden is about 1/4 that of the US and violent crime far less than in the US would be a problem but and even greater problem would be getting the funds to hire the number of community service people you would need while maintaining enough law enforcement to protect the community.
KScott armed
ASterling armed
most of those killed by cops are armed
also: Floyd and Garner deaths not by firearm
Sweden population 30 times the US--so comparison is difficult
..I agree you would have to spend more $$$$ to have police and the '''community service'' people
..this is another looks good on paper --but doesn't work in reality deals
Disbanding the police department does not mean abolishing law enforcement. It just means the city will make some changes and reorganize.
I've read how some in these cities by "defunding" simply want money diverted from police programs to neighbor assistance programs. Latest I read concerning Minneapolis' plan is taking it to an extreme, to rid itself of the existing police department and create a more socially aligned public safety and "violence" prevention organization. That part really confuses me and is why I question how far they'll go and whether the sheriffs department might become the primary law enforcement agency in the city?
It's purpose is to confuse you. In this country you can not have law enforcement without having the threat of violence. The model that most people that support disbanding the police favor is the team approach that is used in Sweden. The fact that gun ownership in Sweden is about 1/4 that of the US and violent crime far less than in the US would be a problem but and even greater problem would be getting the funds to hire the number of community service people you would need while maintaining enough law enforcement to protect the community.
KScott armed
ASterling armed
most of those killed by cops are armed
also: Floyd and Garner deaths not by firearm
Sweden population 30 times the US--so comparison is difficult
..I agree you would have to spend more $$$$ to have police and the '''community service'' people
The goal of law enforcement vs the community service approach is very different. The goal of law enforce is basically intervention, stop the criminal act and make arrests. The goal of community service is to go a step further and attempt to fix the underlying problem that resulted in the need for law enforcement. That can be very costly. Of course doing nothing can also be costly.
''pretty please let me put the cuffs on you''?????????
sob sob
The Minneapolis police, with their present practices of labor-union employment, promiscuous fraternization of officers, entrenched departmental bureaucracy, racketeering and corruption in a railroad court system without due process, endemic pimping and procuring, promoting and compelling prostitution, cops who openly and brazenly deal illegal street drugs, and so on and so forth, had to be disbanded to make way for any hope of peace or suppression of the open insurrection and rebellion against the United States taking place under color of local, municipal, state and federal law.
''pretty please let me put the cuffs on you''?????????
sob sob
The Minneapolis police, with their present practices of labor-union employment, promiscuous fraternization of officers, entrenched departmental bureaucracy, racketeering and corruption in a railroad court system without due process, endemic pimping and procuring, promoting and compelling prostitution, cops who openly and brazenly deal illegal street drugs, and so on and so forth, had to be disbanded to make way for any hope of peace or suppression of the open insurrection and rebellion against the United States taking place under color of local, municipal, state and federal law.
In other words, you have no idea what is going on in Minneapolis but you have strong opinions about it anyway.
In other words, you have no idea what is going on in Minneapolis but you have strong opinions about it anyway.
I have intelligence of other activities and malicious actions taken against me in other districts in coordination with the Minneapolis police who maintain a friendly jurisdiction and "Sanctuary City" for certain individuals who have banded together in multiple organized attempts to murder me.
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
If what replaces the old is not better, the results will not be good.
In other words, you have no idea what is going on in Minneapolis but you have strong opinions about it anyway.
I have intelligence of other activities and malicious actions taken against me in other districts in coordination with the Minneapolis police who maintain a friendly jurisdiction and "Sanctuary City" for certain individuals who have banded together in multiple organized attempts to murder me.
lol Have you recently escaped from a psychiatric hospital?
real dumbasses
The purpose for police officers was to prevent the public from taking matters into their own hands. And so I do want to have the people to have the authority to protect themselves by any means necessary. Because a stranger in uniform can accept bribes as well as the Clinton's.

lol Have you recently escaped from a psychiatric hospital?
Where the fuck do these fucking shrink-head psychiatrists live in some house that ain't burned down and the windows are still intact? Quarter million dollars salary plus kickbacks from major European druggers for every civil commitment in the U.S. Fancy sports car parked in the hospital lot. Tsk, tsk.
lol Have you recently escaped from a psychiatric hospital?
Where the fuck do these fucking shrink-head psychiatrists live in some house that ain't burned down and the windows are still intact? Quarter million dollars salary plus kickbacks from major European druggers for every civil commitment in the U.S. Fancy sports car parked in the hospital lot. Tsk, tsk.
Aha! So you have recently escaped from a psychiatric hospital?
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
If what replaces the old is not better, the results will not be good.
I can agree with that
--plain and simple--like I've said before, a lot of people think in terms of Movies or TV--not real life --and this is one of them

Minneapolis is planning on creating a Dept. of Public Safety, which will likely be as sort of park rangers, I think, in terms of "Peace Officers", but you know what would happen in the power vacuum, there will be groups looking to occupy and control spaces themselves. Obviously, having criminal intentions. IT'LL BE MAD CHAOS IN THE STREETS! Or Minneapolis will become a little Chicago, or as LA during the riots.

The residents voted these asshole in power, let them suffer the consequences. They deserve what ever happens.

real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
There are many non-lethal means of subduing a perp. If politicians outlaw some, industry will come up new ones. They always have. Deescalation training and understanding the mental state of a perp can be very helpful but that takes training and experience.
...like I said, you can train until you are dead--and there will STILL be problems--per my previous posts

---understanding the mental state of the perp????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!
.....WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO----NO--NO ONE can understand what's in the other person's mind---especially criminals who DON'T think like a normal rational person
..takes experience?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the cops will have to go to psych class and then do an internship for TEN years???!!
..you think you can get enough experience in ONE year in dealing with criminals/druggies/psychos/etc??? = that's ludicrous---ludicrous

..so the cops have to have PHDs in psychology???!!!
no--we don't have the time or $$$$$-----if the criminal is violent, tough shit---if he gets hurt--

--we should think about protecting the community and not LIFE long criminals--a lot of these jackasses have done this shit more than once--how many chances do they get

Recidivism is over 50% at 10 years after prison and nearly 60% over a lifetime. Prisons have 3 primary purposes and they fail all three; protecting the community, punishing the criminal so he will not repeat his crimes, and rehabilitating the criminal.
....over 30% of prisoners are black
....blacks commit crimes at HIGH rates
..blacks graduate at low rates
OBVIOUSLY--undeniably the ROOOOOT of the problem is black culture/etc--breeding criminals at high rates.....so if you really want to cut down the REAL problem [ which is not the police ] you first have to ADMIT the problem--and blacks don't want to admit that....they blame the cops/whitey/racism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT their culture
We know that Blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites but do Blacks actually commit a disproportional higher number of crimes than Whites? My answer would be a qualified yes. Although they commit more crimes it may well be a lot less than the statistics show? If a police officer believes Blacks are more likely to commit a crime, they will tend to focus on Blacks and arrest more Blacks. In other words, people tend find what they are looking for more often than what they are not looking for.
jesus christ!!! the FACTS say you are wrong.....
it's not arrests--it's convictions.....
so these stats in the link below are false/skewed?
....so not only are the cops racist but also the judges and juries?
..the cops usually are not sitting at the donut table and say ''let's go get us a n****r'''---they are CALLED to the crimes....
and Mr Jackass Floyd committed a crime before
Bad idea. Defunding police is the only police reform Americans don’t like...just wait until they are completely dismantled...

Nobody is dumb enough to just do away with the police there will be a transition to a new operation that will also be police and social workers and god-knows-what.better than we have now and a lot safer for blacks. On the other hand the Republican base is dumb enough to believe the Democrats wants to just do away with the police without putting something in to replace them. You brainwashed functional morons are totally misinformed as always.
Social workers can’t even get CYFD right. They sure as hell aren’t going to do “ policing” right.
95% of police calls are not criminal or violence. They just turn out that way as cops are overly aggressive and militarized even now. When you have the worst inequality ever anywhere and hopelessness there is a lot of problems of all kinds and police are not trained to handle most of them. Of course we need to reform our society after 30 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates.
Cataclysmic changes in society typically are the result of cataclysmic events, war, revolution, natural disasters, plagues, etc. Peaceful protests can lead to important but isolated changes such as women's suffrage, voting rights, etc. Big changes in society will result big winners and big losers and that does not happen peacefully.
this is going to happen peacefully. The difference is smartphones and all the videos we have now to prove that the police are over aggressive especially with minorities. Blacks are five times as likely to be arrested then whites in the same situations. We've had way too much law and order the last 40 years talk about a nanny state. We have more people in prison than anywhere else by far. Mainly nonviolent drugs cases against minorities. thanks for the worse inquality and upward mobility ever, not to mention your ridiculous imaginary propaganda planet.

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