Minneapolis disbands police!!!

real dumbasses
LOL..well..this is the first step in a long process that ends with an election...so lay the cards on the table..and let the people who live there decide.

Do you really believe the voters are going to enjoy being robbed and beaten with impunity?
If there is no local police dept, the burden falls on the sheriff.

The good news is that the county sheriff's not accountable to their 12 year old boy mayor
real dumbasses
LOL..well..this is the first step in a long process that ends with an election...so lay the cards on the table..and let the people who live there decide.

Do you really believe the voters are going to enjoy being robbed and beaten with impunity?
Then they will vote no...right? Oh..and i doubt that impunity is the correct word. This is America..and people in Minnesota are armed....perhaps...it's time we police ourselves? A well ordered militia?
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all.Typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, evictions, domestic disputes, missing persons, and missing property reports of violation of city or community housing codes,, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and often police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
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real dumbasses
LOL..well..this is the first step in a long process that ends with an election...so lay the cards on the table..and let the people who live there decide.

Do you really believe the voters are going to enjoy being robbed and beaten with impunity?
Then they will vote no...right? Oh..and i doubt that impunity is the correct word. This is America..and people in Minnesota are armed....perhaps...it's time we police ourselves? A well ordered militia?

If they dont they deserve what they get.
Hell,they deserve it now for voting left all these years.
The only thing holding back law abiding citizens at this point is....the law.
We all have something to lose where these shitheads dont.
Personally I dont think the BLM or Pantifa have a clue as to whats going to happen if they get rid of the cops.
It will unleash those of us who follow the rules since the chance of being prosecuted will be nil and we really wont have much choice but to fight back.
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
Lets see here: Criminals, the 90% of this equation, the VERY ASSHOLESS that we need cops to guard us AGAINST, they are going to magically reform and be nice. Because the Minneapolis city council, those wise and sage guardians and upholders of morality say so. Oh, brother, this isn't gonna end well.
This will be fun to watch from a safe distance. Those somalian howler monkeys will be hunting down the white wimmenz.

What could go wrong...

BTW, anybody wake up Sleepy and get some guidance for this?
Disbanding police is the dumbest idea in the long, sad history of dumb ideas.

These cities will turn into warzones. Just watch.
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
In a perfect society, there is no crime because everyone's needs and desires are met, but there are no perfect societies and police forces are organized to clean up the messes that politicians leave behind when they do not meet the needs of their constituents and some of these turn to crime. Everytime a cop stops a vehicle or tries to subdue a non-compliant subject he is potentially putting his own life and safety at risk and it is outrageous and absurd to demand he put the sensitivities of person he is confronting above his own safety. When you consider how many arrests are made in the US every year and how rarely the subject suffers serious injuries, it is clear that the police are for the most part doing a very good job and that it is the politicians who have failed to provide what their communities need who should be reformed or replaced, not the police.
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
real dumbasses
Real distortion of facts. Police are not going anywhere. Community Service professions; ie. society workers and mental health professionals are being added. 95% of all for police assistance calls are not for serious crime, or even crimes at all, typically mental health issues, dispute with neighbors, pet related issues, domestic disputes, missing persons, missing property, home accidents, etc. These are issues that community service professionals are trained to handle and police are not. When police are sent in with weapons drawn, non-crime related problems often become crimes and often with tragic results. This approach has proven effective in many places. It should be tried in the US.
I'm not rejecting the idea...i think that a public service component to Law Enforcement is a good idea.
As a team though.....maybe we should form LEA/Community service teams--for most things.

This is America..and someday...5 or 6 people will get guns and a plan to take the money, what then? Will the response time for police in a real emergency be slowed by the addition of another chain of command?

When non-professionals confront real bad guys...the results can also be tragic.

Our police need a hard reset...not a shutdown
I don't know and no else knows. We need to try something a bit different like responding to the needs of the community but keeping our police for when they are really needed.
and yet tie their hands when they have to respond?....
Lets see here: Criminals, the 90% of this equation, the VERY ASSHOLESS that we need cops to guard us AGAINST, they are going to magically reform and be nice. Because the Minneapolis city council, those wise and sage guardians and upholders of morality say so. Oh, brother, this isn't gonna end well.
Exactly why libertarianism and its radical sibling anarchy are doomed to fail -- BIGLY
....big chance someone will die because of this--and not a CRIMINAL--but an innocent victim ..and BLOOD will be on their hands.......

Recently some white guy was approached by two black "teens' and one stuck a gun into the white guy's chest:

Another resident, Mitchell Erickson, said he regretted calling 911 when two black teenagers cornered him a block away from his home, held a gun to his chest and demanded his car keys. Erickson said he mistakenly handed over his house keys, and the frustrated teens left him only to steal another car a few blocks away.

“Been thinking more about it,” Erickson said in a text message to a reporter. “I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.”

Liberalism is a mental disease.
I know there is virtually no chance anything could go wrong with this concept but on the outside chance it doesn't work and things go to shit I trust no federal taxpayer dollars will be asked for to clean up the mess.
real dumbasses
When the violence spill into the suburbs though, that is when people are going to die....And when the police , does not show up, you can blame once again, liberal policies for those deaths.....Shame ANTIFA doesnt go after Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi, they are millionaires and need a good dose of Molotov Cocktail, served ice cold...
Doesn't Charles Koch still own half of Minnesota ?
They might begin changing their tune if he starts packing up and moving.
Cant really move a refinery

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