Minneapolis Police and Surrounding Suburban Police Should Walk off the Job

Way to stop rioting criminal mobs is have government (Homeland Security) shut down all cellphone and internet service for a 20 mile radius, kick out media and have a complete information blackout. Have cops shut off body cam's...then clear them fucking streets!
Police body cameras are an invasion of privacy, it was a bad idea from the start. They should be illegal.
Hindering to good police work and clogs the courts. Rather than arrest them and take them to jail a good ass whipping used to always be street justice. Criminal's new the rules of the game. Now you're just going to have more black men incarcerated. Criminals would take an ass kicking and be left there rather than go to jail. Especially after "three strikes and your out" laws. Judge's liked it because it kept docket clean for trivial shit or assaulting a police officer.
I don't think cops should be handing out ass whippings, I don't want cops to have that power.
I think they should just not arrest the rest of us for handing out those ass whippings..... a lot of bad public behavior is a result of the lack of correction by the community. 30-40 years ago you didn't act like that unless you wanted to get the absolute shit stomped out of you.
Liberal lawyers ruined that. I agree with you. Punch somebody in the mouth of they deserve it. But , in the old days, if it's a bar fight and cops are called expect for both of you to get an ass beating and apologize to bar owner. If wanted you to stay that was his call, if he wanted you to go...you better go home and go to bed. But at least your wife didn't have to have your father-in-law come bail you out of jail.

Pretty much what it was like when I was a young man.

See any cops or lawsuits? Me either....

I agree. My oldest brother got arrested as a teenager for being parked with a girlfriend and they had Boone's Farm wine (Remember that?) and my brother got arrested by a rookie. It was Friday night and dad had already had a few beers. He found out where my brother was being held and the precinct captain was an old friend and teammate of my dad's from high school. Dad stopped at liquor store and bought a six pack on the way there. He had called his friend the captain to meet him in the basement parking of the precinct house. Dad and him talked about old times while dad had two beers from the six pack. He got my brother released into dad's custody without bail. Dad wanted to meet the girl and her dad brought her over to the house. Him and dad drank beer until after midnight. My brother and the girl got married a couple years later after he was in the military. Ahhhh, the good old days.

It only worked in high trust communities.
Here in Los Angeles, some teachers are demanding that the school police force be disbanded.

I am guessing that some teachers disapprove of such a move, but they do not dare oppose it lest they be labeled with the dreaded and career-destroying R-word.

In those schools where there is a security presence, it is there first and foremost to protect the students.
Don't even wait for the Council vote. Walk of job and go on a wild cat strike right now! Especially the police in suburbia where council members live. Be vocal about it and let criminals know the streets of the city and surrounding communities are there's to have. In fact they can call it a "Blue Out." Might even want to take on nation wide, turn the whole country over to the criminals so liberals will be happy. Announce on a Friday that come Monday no more law enforcement in the nation. Nancy Pelosi and Tom Arnold will protect you.

I agree. Walk off and let the council get out on the streets to defend the city.

Oh wait. I forgot. The council is made up of dumbasses who couldn't find their asses with both hands. Gotta love the idiots. LOL
Walk off the job...give suburban liberals a piece of this action...

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