Minneapolis Police and Surrounding Suburban Police Should Walk off the Job

The Anoka County Sheriff, the red county to the north of Mpls I have called home for 25 years, states that if the Council goes through with this ignorant decision, our county will no longer bail out the metro with our resources.
I know which candidate for Sheriff I will be casting my vote for.
We also have low taxes, low crime and don't play pandering and lip service to what is the popular narrative.
In other words, it's Eden compared to the shithole of the Twin Cities.
Way to stop rioting criminal mobs is have government (Homeland Security) shut down all cellphone and internet service for a 20 mile radius, kick out media and have a complete information blackout. Have cops shut off body cam's...then clear them fucking streets!
Police body cameras are an invasion of privacy, it was a bad idea from the start. They should be illegal.
Hindering to good police work and clogs the courts. Rather than arrest them and take them to jail a good ass whipping used to always be street justice. Criminal's new the rules of the game. Now you're just going to have more black men incarcerated. Criminals would take an ass kicking and be left there rather than go to jail. Especially after "three strikes and your out" laws. Judge's liked it because it kept docket clean for trivial shit or assaulting a police officer.
I don't think cops should be handing out ass whippings, I don't want cops to have that power.
I think they should just not arrest the rest of us for handing out those ass whippings..... a lot of bad public behavior is a result of the lack of correction by the community. 30-40 years ago you didn't act like that unless you wanted to get the absolute shit stomped out of you.
Liberal lawyers ruined that. I agree with you. Punch somebody in the mouth of they deserve it. But , in the old days, if it's a bar fight and cops are called expect for both of you to get an ass beating and apologize to bar owner. If wanted you to stay that was his call, if he wanted you to go...you better go home and go to bed. But at least your wife didn't have to have your father-in-law come bail you out of jail.
Way to stop rioting criminal mobs is have government (Homeland Security) shut down all cellphone and internet service for a 20 mile radius, kick out media and have a complete information blackout. Have cops shut off body cam's...then clear them fucking streets!
Police body cameras are an invasion of privacy, it was a bad idea from the start. They should be illegal.
Hindering to good police work and clogs the courts. Rather than arrest them and take them to jail a good ass whipping used to always be street justice. Criminal's new the rules of the game. Now you're just going to have more black men incarcerated. Criminals would take an ass kicking and be left there rather than go to jail. Especially after "three strikes and your out" laws. Judge's liked it because it kept docket clean for trivial shit or assaulting a police officer.
I don't think cops should be handing out ass whippings, I don't want cops to have that power.
I think they should just not arrest the rest of us for handing out those ass whippings..... a lot of bad public behavior is a result of the lack of correction by the community. 30-40 years ago you didn't act like that unless you wanted to get the absolute shit stomped out of you.
Liberal lawyers ruined that. I agree with you. Punch somebody in the mouth of they deserve it. But , in the old days, if it's a bar fight and cops are called expect for both of you to get an ass beating and apologize to bar owner. If wanted you to stay that was his call, if he wanted you to go...you better go home and go to bed. But at least your wife didn't have to have your father-in-law come bail you out of jail.

Pretty much what it was like when I was a young man.

See any cops or lawsuits? Me either....
Way to stop rioting criminal mobs is have government (Homeland Security) shut down all cellphone and internet service for a 20 mile radius, kick out media and have a complete information blackout. Have cops shut off body cam's...then clear them fucking streets!
Police body cameras are an invasion of privacy, it was a bad idea from the start. They should be illegal.
Hindering to good police work and clogs the courts. Rather than arrest them and take them to jail a good ass whipping used to always be street justice. Criminal's new the rules of the game. Now you're just going to have more black men incarcerated. Criminals would take an ass kicking and be left there rather than go to jail. Especially after "three strikes and your out" laws. Judge's liked it because it kept docket clean for trivial shit or assaulting a police officer.
I don't think cops should be handing out ass whippings, I don't want cops to have that power.
I think they should just not arrest the rest of us for handing out those ass whippings..... a lot of bad public behavior is a result of the lack of correction by the community. 30-40 years ago you didn't act like that unless you wanted to get the absolute shit stomped out of you.
I never called it an ass whipping I just called it by it's legal term.
The Necessary amount of force to make the arrest
we got it. Tell them all to just get the fuck out.

" Several black-owned businesses had been destroyed in this area — considered the heart of the city’s black community — in recent fires that investigators have deemed “suspicious.” Neighbors suspect right-wing militias, and social media has been abuzz with purported — but unverified — sightings of masked white men in pickup trucks holding semiautomatic assault rifles. "
"White men in pick-up trucks." Sure. Supposedly Fat Mike Brown had his hands in the air. Later witnesses confirmed it as a lie. Washington Post has hit rock bottom with it's journalism standard's. Citizen patrol's in inner cities translates to gangs running those neighborhoods. HEY! Not a bad idea! Perhaps the gangs could have a turf war and kill each other.

Thats good too. Just get those bitch ass cops gone.

You people have been burning your own homes, businesses and neighborhoods for decades. Ya'll need some common sense.
I can agree with that one. I think thats why this time it was different. They burnt up white businesses and precincts more than anything else.

I could at least understand that. I watched the King riots in stunned disblief :(
I did too. Then I beat the shit out of a smart mouthed co worker and lost my job. Best move I ever made though. Got a better job.
So you assaulted someone who disagreed with your lunatic racist views, then you went from mopping floors and doing dishes at Denny's, to mopping floors and doing dishes at the Waffle House?
You got the first part right but I've never had a job mopping or doing dishes and if I did it wouldnt be for that racist dive.
Which is racist, Denny's or Waffle House?
Probably both but Dennys for sure. I had to fuck up a waiter there one time.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Just running here and there and beating up all kinds of folks. Talking about violence and fucking is something those who don't do it brag about.
we got it. Tell them all to just get the fuck out.

" Several black-owned businesses had been destroyed in this area — considered the heart of the city’s black community — in recent fires that investigators have deemed “suspicious.” Neighbors suspect right-wing militias, and social media has been abuzz with purported — but unverified — sightings of masked white men in pickup trucks holding semiautomatic assault rifles. "
"White men in pick-up trucks." Sure. Supposedly Fat Mike Brown had his hands in the air. Later witnesses confirmed it as a lie. Washington Post has hit rock bottom with it's journalism standard's. Citizen patrol's in inner cities translates to gangs running those neighborhoods. HEY! Not a bad idea! Perhaps the gangs could have a turf war and kill each other.

Thats good too. Just get those bitch ass cops gone.

You people have been burning your own homes, businesses and neighborhoods for decades. Ya'll need some common sense.
I can agree with that one. I think thats why this time it was different. They burnt up white businesses and precincts more than anything else.

I could at least understand that. I watched the King riots in stunned disblief :(
I did too. Then I beat the shit out of a smart mouthed co worker and lost my job. Best move I ever made though. Got a better job.
So you assaulted someone who disagreed with your lunatic racist views, then you went from mopping floors and doing dishes at Denny's, to mopping floors and doing dishes at the Waffle House?
You got the first part right but I've never had a job mopping or doing dishes and if I did it wouldnt be for that racist dive.
Which is racist, Denny's or Waffle House?
Probably both but Dennys for sure. I had to fuck up a waiter there one time.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Just running here and there and beating up all kinds of folks. Talking about violence and fucking is something those who don't do it brag about.
I didnt mean to frighten you. You brought up a memory that still has a lot of emotional impact for me.
Way to stop rioting criminal mobs is have government (Homeland Security) shut down all cellphone and internet service for a 20 mile radius, kick out media and have a complete information blackout. Have cops shut off body cam's...then clear them fucking streets!
Police body cameras are an invasion of privacy, it was a bad idea from the start. They should be illegal.
Hindering to good police work and clogs the courts. Rather than arrest them and take them to jail a good ass whipping used to always be street justice. Criminal's new the rules of the game. Now you're just going to have more black men incarcerated. Criminals would take an ass kicking and be left there rather than go to jail. Especially after "three strikes and your out" laws. Judge's liked it because it kept docket clean for trivial shit or assaulting a police officer.
I don't think cops should be handing out ass whippings, I don't want cops to have that power.
I think they should just not arrest the rest of us for handing out those ass whippings..... a lot of bad public behavior is a result of the lack of correction by the community. 30-40 years ago you didn't act like that unless you wanted to get the absolute shit stomped out of you.
Liberal lawyers ruined that. I agree with you. Punch somebody in the mouth of they deserve it. But , in the old days, if it's a bar fight and cops are called expect for both of you to get an ass beating and apologize to bar owner. If wanted you to stay that was his call, if he wanted you to go...you better go home and go to bed. But at least your wife didn't have to have your father-in-law come bail you out of jail.

Pretty much what it was like when I was a young man.

See any cops or lawsuits? Me either....

I agree. My oldest brother got arrested as a teenager for being parked with a girlfriend and they had Boone's Farm wine (Remember that?) and my brother got arrested by a rookie. It was Friday night and dad had already had a few beers. He found out where my brother was being held and the precinct captain was an old friend and teammate of my dad's from high school. Dad stopped at liquor store and bought a six pack on the way there. He had called his friend the captain to meet him in the basement parking of the precinct house. Dad and him talked about old times while dad had two beers from the six pack. He got my brother released into dad's custody without bail. Dad wanted to meet the girl and her dad brought her over to the house. Him and dad drank beer until after midnight. My brother and the girl got married a couple years later after he was in the military. Ahhhh, the good old days.
You better start up a go fund me page so they cant get welfare first.

I agree!

any cop who refuses to abide by his oath to serve and protect ALL citizens should walk off the job

before we find them and FORCIBLY remove them and charge them.
No law enforcement officer has ever taken an oath to protect and serve
If they have could you quote the oath and post with a link?
FYI the supreme court ruled that no Law Enforcement officer is legally obligate to protect anyone
You better start up a go fund me page so they cant get welfare first.

I agree!

any cop who refuses to abide by his oath to serve and protect ALL citizens should walk off the job

before we find them and FORCIBLY remove them and charge them.
They ALL should walk off the job to show how incredibly stupid liberals are.
If you have any pull with them why dont you tell them to just do that instead of you wishing and hoping on the internet?
The Anoka County Sheriff, the red county to the north of Mpls I have called home for 25 years, states that if the Council goes through with this ignorant decision, our county will no longer bail out the metro with our resources.
I know which candidate for Sheriff I will be casting my vote for.
We also have low taxes, low crime and don't play pandering and lip service to what is the popular narrative.
In other words, it's Eden compared to the shithole of the Twin Cities.
Classic example of difference between blue and red communities. Great post.
we got it. Tell them all to just get the fuck out.

" Several black-owned businesses had been destroyed in this area — considered the heart of the city’s black community — in recent fires that investigators have deemed “suspicious.” Neighbors suspect right-wing militias, and social media has been abuzz with purported — but unverified — sightings of masked white men in pickup trucks holding semiautomatic assault rifles. "
"White men in pick-up trucks." Sure. Supposedly Fat Mike Brown had his hands in the air. Later witnesses confirmed it as a lie. Washington Post has hit rock bottom with it's journalism standard's. Citizen patrol's in inner cities translates to gangs running those neighborhoods. HEY! Not a bad idea! Perhaps the gangs could have a turf war and kill each other.

Thats good too. Just get those bitch ass cops gone.

You people have been burning your own homes, businesses and neighborhoods for decades. Ya'll need some common sense.
I can agree with that one. I think thats why this time it was different. They burnt up white businesses and precincts more than anything else.

I could at least understand that. I watched the King riots in stunned disblief :(
I did too. Then I beat the shit out of a smart mouthed co worker and lost my job. Best move I ever made though. Got a better job.
So you assaulted someone who disagreed with your lunatic racist views, then you went from mopping floors and doing dishes at Denny's, to mopping floors and doing dishes at the Waffle House?
You got the first part right but I've never had a job mopping or doing dishes and if I did it wouldnt be for that racist dive.
Which is racist, Denny's or Waffle House?
Probably both but Dennys for sure. I had to fuck up a waiter there one time.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Just running here and there and beating up all kinds of folks. Talking about violence and fucking is something those who don't do it brag about.
I didnt mean to frighten you. You brought up a memory that still has a lot of emotional impact for me.
There it is that TDS influenced delusion
You better start up a go fund me page so they cant get welfare first.

I agree!

any cop who refuses to abide by his oath to serve and protect ALL citizens should walk off the job

before we find them and FORCIBLY remove them and charge them.
They ALL should walk off the job to show how incredibly stupid liberals are.
If you have any pull with them why dont you tell them to just do that instead of you wishing and hoping on the internet?
Already emailed my support for the police union and encouraged them to walk. I don't live in Minneapolis, but just wanted to show my support. I also donate to International Union of Police and Fire Fighters as well. Got donation stickers on my vehicle.
we got it. Tell them all to just get the fuck out.

" Several black-owned businesses had been destroyed in this area — considered the heart of the city’s black community — in recent fires that investigators have deemed “suspicious.” Neighbors suspect right-wing militias, and social media has been abuzz with purported — but unverified — sightings of masked white men in pickup trucks holding semiautomatic assault rifles. "
"White men in pick-up trucks." Sure. Supposedly Fat Mike Brown had his hands in the air. Later witnesses confirmed it as a lie. Washington Post has hit rock bottom with it's journalism standard's. Citizen patrol's in inner cities translates to gangs running those neighborhoods. HEY! Not a bad idea! Perhaps the gangs could have a turf war and kill each other.

Thats good too. Just get those bitch ass cops gone.

You people have been burning your own homes, businesses and neighborhoods for decades. Ya'll need some common sense.
I can agree with that one. I think thats why this time it was different. They burnt up white businesses and precincts more than anything else.

I could at least understand that. I watched the King riots in stunned disblief :(
I did too. Then I beat the shit out of a smart mouthed co worker and lost my job. Best move I ever made though. Got a better job.
So you assaulted someone who disagreed with your lunatic racist views, then you went from mopping floors and doing dishes at Denny's, to mopping floors and doing dishes at the Waffle House?
You got the first part right but I've never had a job mopping or doing dishes and if I did it wouldnt be for that racist dive.
Which is racist, Denny's or Waffle House?
Probably both but Dennys for sure. I had to fuck up a waiter there one time.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Just running here and there and beating up all kinds of folks. Talking about violence and fucking is something those who don't do it brag about.
I didnt mean to frighten you. You brought up a memory that still has a lot of emotional impact for me.
There it is that TDS influenced delusion

"Sic Semper Tyrannis"

how ironic

a piece of shit conservative defending a tyrannical piece of shit while denouncing tyrants

you are TRULY deranged!

and human scum!
we got it. Tell them all to just get the fuck out.

" Several black-owned businesses had been destroyed in this area — considered the heart of the city’s black community — in recent fires that investigators have deemed “suspicious.” Neighbors suspect right-wing militias, and social media has been abuzz with purported — but unverified — sightings of masked white men in pickup trucks holding semiautomatic assault rifles. "
"White men in pick-up trucks." Sure. Supposedly Fat Mike Brown had his hands in the air. Later witnesses confirmed it as a lie. Washington Post has hit rock bottom with it's journalism standard's. Citizen patrol's in inner cities translates to gangs running those neighborhoods. HEY! Not a bad idea! Perhaps the gangs could have a turf war and kill each other.

Thats good too. Just get those bitch ass cops gone.

You people have been burning your own homes, businesses and neighborhoods for decades. Ya'll need some common sense.
I can agree with that one. I think thats why this time it was different. They burnt up white businesses and precincts more than anything else.

I could at least understand that. I watched the King riots in stunned disblief :(
I did too. Then I beat the shit out of a smart mouthed co worker and lost my job. Best move I ever made though. Got a better job.
So you assaulted someone who disagreed with your lunatic racist views, then you went from mopping floors and doing dishes at Denny's, to mopping floors and doing dishes at the Waffle House?
You got the first part right but I've never had a job mopping or doing dishes and if I did it wouldnt be for that racist dive.
Which is racist, Denny's or Waffle House?
Probably both but Dennys for sure. I had to fuck up a waiter there one time.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Just running here and there and beating up all kinds of folks. Talking about violence and fucking is something those who don't do it brag about.
I didnt mean to frighten you. You brought up a memory that still has a lot of emotional impact for me.
There it is that TDS influenced delusion

"Sic Semper Tyrannis"

how ironic

a piece of shit conservative defending a tyrannical piece of shit while denouncing tyrants

you are TRULY deranged!

and human scum!
You support the Democrats efforts at a centralized Orwellian national government. If you hate tyranny you're on the wrong sideline.
we got it. Tell them all to just get the fuck out.

" Several black-owned businesses had been destroyed in this area — considered the heart of the city’s black community — in recent fires that investigators have deemed “suspicious.” Neighbors suspect right-wing militias, and social media has been abuzz with purported — but unverified — sightings of masked white men in pickup trucks holding semiautomatic assault rifles. "
"White men in pick-up trucks." Sure. Supposedly Fat Mike Brown had his hands in the air. Later witnesses confirmed it as a lie. Washington Post has hit rock bottom with it's journalism standard's. Citizen patrol's in inner cities translates to gangs running those neighborhoods. HEY! Not a bad idea! Perhaps the gangs could have a turf war and kill each other.

Thats good too. Just get those bitch ass cops gone.

You people have been burning your own homes, businesses and neighborhoods for decades. Ya'll need some common sense.
I can agree with that one. I think thats why this time it was different. They burnt up white businesses and precincts more than anything else.

I could at least understand that. I watched the King riots in stunned disblief :(
I did too. Then I beat the shit out of a smart mouthed co worker and lost my job. Best move I ever made though. Got a better job.
So you assaulted someone who disagreed with your lunatic racist views, then you went from mopping floors and doing dishes at Denny's, to mopping floors and doing dishes at the Waffle House?
You got the first part right but I've never had a job mopping or doing dishes and if I did it wouldnt be for that racist dive.
Which is racist, Denny's or Waffle House?
Probably both but Dennys for sure. I had to fuck up a waiter there one time.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Just running here and there and beating up all kinds of folks. Talking about violence and fucking is something those who don't do it brag about.
I didnt mean to frighten you. You brought up a memory that still has a lot of emotional impact for me.
There it is that TDS influenced delusion

"Sic Semper Tyrannis"

how ironic

a piece of shit conservative defending a tyrannical piece of shit while denouncing tyrants

you are TRULY deranged!

and human scum!

Jus look how bad you think you are!!!!!
we got it. Tell them all to just get the fuck out.

" Several black-owned businesses had been destroyed in this area — considered the heart of the city’s black community — in recent fires that investigators have deemed “suspicious.” Neighbors suspect right-wing militias, and social media has been abuzz with purported — but unverified — sightings of masked white men in pickup trucks holding semiautomatic assault rifles. "
"White men in pick-up trucks." Sure. Supposedly Fat Mike Brown had his hands in the air. Later witnesses confirmed it as a lie. Washington Post has hit rock bottom with it's journalism standard's. Citizen patrol's in inner cities translates to gangs running those neighborhoods. HEY! Not a bad idea! Perhaps the gangs could have a turf war and kill each other.

Thats good too. Just get those bitch ass cops gone.

You people have been burning your own homes, businesses and neighborhoods for decades. Ya'll need some common sense.
I can agree with that one. I think thats why this time it was different. They burnt up white businesses and precincts more than anything else.

I could at least understand that. I watched the King riots in stunned disblief :(
I did too. Then I beat the shit out of a smart mouthed co worker and lost my job. Best move I ever made though. Got a better job.
So you assaulted someone who disagreed with your lunatic racist views, then you went from mopping floors and doing dishes at Denny's, to mopping floors and doing dishes at the Waffle House?
You got the first part right but I've never had a job mopping or doing dishes and if I did it wouldnt be for that racist dive.
Which is racist, Denny's or Waffle House?
Probably both but Dennys for sure. I had to fuck up a waiter there one time.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Just running here and there and beating up all kinds of folks. Talking about violence and fucking is something those who don't do it brag about.
I didnt mean to frighten you. You brought up a memory that still has a lot of emotional impact for me.
There it is that TDS influenced delusion

"Sic Semper Tyrannis"

how ironic

a piece of shit conservative defending a tyrannical piece of shit while denouncing tyrants

you are TRULY deranged!

and human scum!
Talk about Ironic the last time I checked a majority of freedoms are restricted in leftists controlled areas.

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