Minnesota: Rape is not rape if you have been drinking of your own free will.

If a woman is raped she enjoyed it or is lying about it - right wingers
Many MANY rape victims orgasm during rape. It is a physical reaction that doesn't mean they enjoyed it. That is why the fact of orgasm is inadmissible evidence.
She was passed out on the couch and the guy climbed a board and did the deed with an unconscious woman who couldn't give consent because she was Passed Out. Was she pretty damned stupid for going there to begin with? Sure, but she was drunk and wanted to party some more. She didn't want to pass out and be raped.

Actually, she said she couldn't remember what happened. That she blacked out, but did remember the guy on top of her.

And the rapist--what's up with him? One step up from necrophilia, just not quite as cold. Sick.

This is just plain blaming the victim again, so men can continue to stick it where they want when they want. Is this country ever going to evolve?

I say both of them exercised poor judgement.... Poor judgement should not be criminal.

The point was, if he drugged her, rape, no question.

If she drugged herself... and can't remember what she did, that's kind of on her.
Look at this from the other side of the transaction.

A woman who intentionally gets herself AFU on alcohol and/or other substances, consents to having sex, or alternatively does not "Say NO(!)" THEN CLAIMS that even though she did not object, because she was AFU she was incapable of legally consenting to sexual activity, and claims she was raped.

Biologically speaking, people of my gender are impelled to copulate, and acting like it is completely normal.

According to court records, she did say no.
She was passed out on the couch and the guy climbed a board and did the deed with an unconscious woman who couldn't give consent because she was Passed Out. Was she pretty damned stupid for going there to begin with? Sure, but she was drunk and wanted to party some more. She didn't want to pass out and be raped.

Actually, she said she couldn't remember what happened. That she blacked out, but did remember the guy on top of her.

And the rapist--what's up with him? One step up from necrophilia, just not quite as cold. Sick.

This is just plain blaming the victim again, so men can continue to stick it where they want when they want. Is this country ever going to evolve?

I say both of them exercised poor judgement.... Poor judgement should not be criminal.

The point was, if he drugged her, rape, no question.

If she drugged herself... and can't remember what she did, that's kind of on her.

Would you say the same if that were your 20 y.o. daughter? I think not.
Would you say the same if that were your 20 y.o. daughter? I think not.

My 20 year old daughter would know better. If I had one, which I don't.

If her parents did such a poor job that she was out there, drinking while underage, mixing drugs and alcohol and going off with total strangers, then their parenting skills were up there with feral wolves.

Would you say the same if that were your 20 y.o. daughter? I think not.

My 20 year old daughter would know better. If I had one, which I don't.

If her parents did such a poor job that she was out there, drinking while underage, mixing drugs and alcohol and going off with total strangers, then their parenting skills were up there with feral wolves.

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So, she deserved it...Is that what you want to go with?
So if your sister or daughter ever calims to have been raped you will just look at her and say..ya sure you were, we know you meant yes when you said no.
So if your brother or son is accused of rape you will just look at him and say "well you did it!!, she says so!! we know you are guilty!!
If there is proof to back up the allegation, hell ya I would tell him it's time to pay for his mistake. But if we lived in Minnesota it wouldn't matter if their was rape, he's scott free.
Nope - you are wrong. read the law text. It is quite clear.
You are just falling for the media spin
She was passed out on the couch and the guy climbed a board and did the deed with an unconscious woman who couldn't give consent because she was Passed Out. Was she pretty damned stupid for going there to begin with? Sure, but she was drunk and wanted to party some more. She didn't want to pass out and be raped.

There you go again.
We do not KNOW if that is what happened. We only know she said that is what happened.
You cannot convict someone of a very serious crime carrying years of jail time just because you think she is probably telling the truth.
It is NO LESS likely she just doesn't remember, and was receptive when it all started.
The law is correct. If a person is so drunk that it makes it impossible for the court to determine consent - then you can't charge rape.
My 20 year old daughter would know better. If I had one, which I don't.
It shows. You wouldn't be such a determined asshole about it if you did. As a parent one can only do so much. Kids love nothing more than testing their limits, plus shit always happens. Past 17 you just hope for the best and deal with whatever comes as supportively as possible.
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I say both of them exercised poor judgement.... Poor judgement should not be criminal.
Guy points a gun at your head and says "Blow me!"
You reply "Suck it!"
Guy shoots you in the head, pulls down your panties, and fucks you in the ass.
Your soul floats away muttering "We both exercised poor judgement.... Poor judgement should not be criminal."
I say both of them exercised poor judgement.... Poor judgement should not be criminal.
Guy points a gun at your head and says "Blow me!"
You reply "Suck it!"
Guy shoots you in the head, pulls down your panties, and fucks you in the ass.
Your soul floats away muttering "We both exercised poor judgement.... Poor judgement should not be criminal."
You guys love Non sequiturs don't ya?
Rape is rape no matter the outside circumstances. You sound like Hillary condemning the women accusing Bill.

Naw, those women were all proven liars at the time. Then they dredged them up again 20 years later and we forgot they had all been proven as liars.

Paula Jones claimed that Clinton's dick had a "distinguishing characteristic". His medical records show otherwise. Paula Jones was a liar.

Juanita Brodderick signed two affidavits saying she never had sex with Clinton. Brodderick is a liar.

Kathleen Wiley claimed Clinton groped her... but then spent the next year sending letters to the White House begging for a job. Kathleen Wiley is a liar.

See how that works. You actually look at someone's story, and if you catch them LYING, then you call them liars.

Never called Monica Lewinsky a liar. She told a consistent story and had the cum-stained dress to prove it.

Now, on to the topic at hand...

A woman gets drunk at a bar, takes 5 shots AND some pills, and then she's complaining because she woke up at some dude's house and didn't know where she was?

Are we going to require men to give women field sobriety tests before they do the deed? I mean, that would be a mood killer.
Based on your criteria for Kathleen Willey, Anita Hill is also a liar since she followed Clarence Thomas to another job after the so-called harrassment.
She was raped. The court said this type of rape was legal in Minnesota. Go rant elsewhere.

Nope.... She made the decision to go home with him. Kind of her own damned fault.

A guy shouldn't get charged with a crime because she suffered a case of "Beer Goggles".
Either partner can at any time leading up to and during the act state that they want to stop. If the other partner does not honor that statement, it's assault and rape. That's the law. We know you don't like women very much, but in this case it's pretty clear, she can blow the whistle ending the game at any time she wants. Same for him. It doesn't matter if she agreed to go into a bedroom with him, or if he took her to a movie and bought her dinner. She doesn't owe him sex and he doesn't owe it to her. I notice that you don't don't say it's "Kind of her own damned fault" if she gets pregnant from having sex and wants to kill the baby.

Of course, if the remorse only comes after the act, it's not assault or rape.
You mean that he raped against their spoken wishes.

Crepitus. You can generally assume that every man you speak to, has at several times been told "no" and then had consensual sex with that woman at a later time, often very soon after.

Your pretense otherwise, only raises the question in the mind of men, as to whether you are lying or just incredibly inexperienced and ignorant.

The exceptions will be so rare, as to be insignificant.

Try to be less of an asshole.
The key is, of course, when and how that "no" is said. If it's said in public while a couple are flirting, that's one thing and can mean, "No, but keep trying". If, OTOH, it's said when he's removing her clothes and she's resisting, that means stop immediately, no matter what he hopes she MIGHT mean. Those kinds of games should only be played between people who completely trust each other, not first time acquaintances.
The key is, of course, when and how that "no" is said. If it's said in public while a couple are flirting, that's one thing and can mean, "No, but keep trying". If, OTOH, it's said when he's removing her clothes and she's resisting, that means stop immediately, no matter what he hopes she MIGHT mean. Those kinds of games should only be played between people who completely trust each other, not first time acquaintances.

Awesome... but that has no bearing on this case.
She was raped. The court said this type of rape was legal in Minnesota. Go rant elsewhere.

Nope.... She made the decision to go home with him. Kind of her own damned fault.

A guy shouldn't get charged with a crime because she suffered a case of "Beer Goggles".
Either partner can at any time leading up to and during the act state that they want to stop. If the other partner does not honor that statement, it's assault and rape. That's the law. We know you don't like women very much, but in this case it's pretty clear, she can blow the whistle ending the game at any time she wants. Same for him. It doesn't matter if she agreed to go into a bedroom with him, or if he took her to a movie and bought her dinner. She doesn't owe him sex and he doesn't owe it to her. I notice that you don't don't say it's "Kind of her own damned fault" if she gets pregnant from having sex and wants to kill the baby.

Of course, if the remorse only comes after the act, it's not assault or rape.

What a friggin dumbasss.....first of all stupid one the laws on rape vary from state to state ......got dat? Also....what is said between two people is irrelevant as in there were no witnesses....comes down to he said she said.....and if it goes to a jury trial then it is up to the jury to decide who is telling the truth.....it matters not what either said in such cases oneor both could be lying....so how does a jury determine who is telling the truth?

The jury is not allowed to administer a lie detector test.
She was passed out on the couch and the guy climbed a board and did the deed with an unconscious woman who couldn't give consent because she was Passed Out. Was she pretty damned stupid for going there to begin with? Sure, but she was drunk and wanted to party some more. She didn't want to pass out and be raped.

There you go again.
We do not KNOW if that is what happened. We only know she said that is what happened.
You cannot convict someone of a very serious crime carrying years of jail time just because you think she is probably telling the truth.
It is NO LESS likely she just doesn't remember, and was receptive when it all started.
The law is correct. If a person is so drunk that it makes it impossible for the court to determine consent - then you can't charge rape.

Finally someone with some sense.
Look at this from the other side of the transaction.

A woman who intentionally gets herself AFU on alcohol and/or other substances, consents to having sex, or alternatively does not "Say NO(!)" THEN CLAIMS that even though she did not object, because she was AFU she was incapable of legally consenting to sexual activity, and claims she was raped.

Biologically speaking, people of my gender are impelled to copulate, and acting like it is completely normal.

According to court records, she did say no.

Oh Mastah of da universe.....how does the court know what the fuck she said? Oh my bad i forgot.....women are always to be believed.....which begs the question.....why isnt joe biden in jail.....which bring up another question for all you stupids commenting on this case and actually believing it was rape........why do all of you support Biden?

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