Minnesota: Rape is not rape if you have been drinking of your own free will.

The law as it stands, right now, is that a man and a woman get drunk together and have consensual sex, the woman can after the fact decide it was rape, adn the man goes to prison.

That is an injustice
That is the main point of the whole story. I dont understand why people here dont want to accept it.

Well the article is poorly written. It is does not address whether the woman gave consent or not.
Yes, she told us she was raped, which means she didn't give consent, and all she remembers is being accosted and waking up with her panties around her ankles. Obviously, if she was onboard with it, she wouldn't have pressed charges.

No my dear.....women cry rape for many reasons, many women lie, what she claims is irrelevant unless she has a witness.

Yet....she may be telling the truth...it might have been rape....but in a court of law in any state she will need more proof than that ....at least according to the law...but admittedly now that juries are so indoctrinated into believing a woman always tells the truth....any guy that is accused of rape is in big trouble.
You mean that he raped against their spoken wishes.

Crepitus. You can generally assume that every man you speak to, has at several times been told "no" and then had consensual sex with that woman at a later time, often very soon after.

Your pretense otherwise, only raises the question in the mind of men, as to whether you are lying or just incredibly inexperienced and ignorant.

The exceptions will be so rare, as to be insignificant.

Try to be less of an asshole.
The asshole is you, persisting over and over when a woman has told you no. I've given in to assholes like you, just because I was tired and didn't feel like wrestling over it anymore.

Some of you are just assholes.

hehheh Well you are right and it is good to see you are honest.
Awesome. She's honest and you're a rapist.

and you are the guy that went home with a hard on
A. I don't have to force myself on women, they usually come to me.
B. On the rare occasion that something like that happens I can still look at myself in the mirror the next morning.
C. If I'm wrong and god is real that one thing I won't have to try to explain.

bwaaaaaaa now if you live in a mansion and have buku bucks I could and would believe women do come to you and say please fuck me. hehheh

But times are different now than when I was a young stud....maybe women do commonly intitate sex....kinda believable...women have become more like men and men more like women.

Anyhow I have been happily married for years and whats happening out there now I know little about.

I would actually advise young men now to have consensual forms printed up....and have the woman sign it before engaging in sex....and maybe wear a body camera or have a video camera in your bedroom that records all activity with sound...ya know just to be on the safe side.
The law as it stands, right now, is that a man and a woman get drunk together and have consensual sex, the woman can after the fact decide it was rape, adn the man goes to prison.

That is an injustice
That is the main point of the whole story. I dont understand why people here dont want to accept it.

Well the article is poorly written. It is does not address whether the woman gave consent or not.
Yes, she told us she was raped, which means she didn't give consent, and all she remembers is being accosted and waking up with her panties around her ankles. Obviously, if she was onboard with it, she wouldn't have pressed charges.

No my dear.....women cry rape for many reasons, many women lie, what she claims is irrelevant unless she has a witness.

Yet....she may be telling the truth...it might have been rape....but in a court of law in any state she will need more proof than that ....at least according to the law...but admittedly now that juries are so indoctrinated into believing a woman always tells the truth....any guy that is accused of rape is in big trouble.
Women refuse to report rape every day because of the 'blame the victim' bilge the defense lawyer will throw at her, and the always claimed defense that women are presumed to be liars. Most people don't rape others in front of witnesses, so it's up to her to be believed.

Any of you who complain about MeToo, your attitudes here are the EXACT reason for it. And you all deserve it.
The law as it stands, right now, is that a man and a woman get drunk together and have consensual sex, the woman can after the fact decide it was rape, adn the man goes to prison.

That is an injustice
That is the main point of the whole story. I dont understand why people here dont want to accept it.

Well the article is poorly written. It is does not address whether the woman gave consent or not.
Yes, she told us she was raped, which means she didn't give consent, and all she remembers is being accosted and waking up with her panties around her ankles. Obviously, if she was onboard with it, she wouldn't have pressed charges.

No my dear.....women cry rape for many reasons, many women lie, what she claims is irrelevant unless she has a witness.

Yet....she may be telling the truth...it might have been rape....but in a court of law in any state she will need more proof than that ....at least according to the law...but admittedly now that juries are so indoctrinated into believing a woman always tells the truth....any guy that is accused of rape is in big trouble.
Women refuse to report rape every day because of the 'blame the victim' bilge the defense lawyer will throw at her, and the always claimed defense that women are presumed to be liars. Most people don't rape others in front of witnesses, so it's up to her to be believed.

Any of you who complain about MeToo, your attitudes here are the EXACT reason for it. And you all deserve it.

You have little concept of how the law works.....the woman says one thing.....the man says another...no witnesses. You want us to believe the woman is telling the truth just because she is a woman? Outrageous.

On the other hand if the woman has been beaten and there is evidence of it....then I say I would tend to believe her.

But if she has no evidence of any sort.....in my opinion it should never have been taken to court.
The law as it stands, right now, is that a man and a woman get drunk together and have consensual sex, the woman can after the fact decide it was rape, adn the man goes to prison.

That is an injustice
That is the main point of the whole story. I dont understand why people here dont want to accept it.

Well the article is poorly written. It is does not address whether the woman gave consent or not.
Yes, she told us she was raped, which means she didn't give consent, and all she remembers is being accosted and waking up with her panties around her ankles. Obviously, if she was onboard with it, she wouldn't have pressed charges.

No my dear.....women cry rape for many reasons, many women lie, what she claims is irrelevant unless she has a witness.

Yet....she may be telling the truth...it might have been rape....but in a court of law in any state she will need more proof than that ....at least according to the law...but admittedly now that juries are so indoctrinated into believing a woman always tells the truth....any guy that is accused of rape is in big trouble.
Women refuse to report rape every day because of the 'blame the victim' bilge the defense lawyer will throw at her, and the always claimed defense that women are presumed to be liars. Most people don't rape others in front of witnesses, so it's up to her to be believed.

Any of you who complain about MeToo, your attitudes here are the EXACT reason for it. And you all deserve it.

You have little concept of how the law works.....the woman says one thing.....the man says another...no witnesses. You want us to believe the woman is telling the truth just because she is a woman? Outrageous.
We should believe the man just because he is a man? When he is the aggressor in jail who was convicted by a jury? Yeah, okay.
You mean that he raped against their spoken wishes.

Crepitus. You can generally assume that every man you speak to, has at several times been told "no" and then had consensual sex with that woman at a later time, often very soon after.

Your pretense otherwise, only raises the question in the mind of men, as to whether you are lying or just incredibly inexperienced and ignorant.

The exceptions will be so rare, as to be insignificant.

Try to be less of an asshole.
The asshole is you, persisting over and over when a woman has told you no. I've given in to assholes like you, just because I was tired and didn't feel like wrestling over it anymore.

Some of you are just assholes.

hehheh Well you are right and it is good to see you are honest.
Awesome. She's honest and you're a rapist.

and you are the guy that went home with a hard on
A. I don't have to force myself on women, they usually come to me.
B. On the rare occasion that something like that happens I can still look at myself in the mirror the next morning.
C. If I'm wrong and god is real that one thing I won't have to try to explain.

bwaaaaaaa now if you live in a mansion and have buku bucks I could and would believe women do come to you and say please fuck me. hehheh

But times are different now than when I was a young stud....maybe women do commonly intitate sex....kinda believable...women have become more like men and men more like women.

Anyhow I have been happily married for years and whats happening out there now I know little about.

I would actually advise young men now to have consensual forms printed up....and have the woman sign it before engaging in sex....and maybe wear a body camera or have a video camera in your bedroom that records all activity with sound...ya know just to be on the safe side.
They do not come to me and say "please fuck me". They come into my orbit and things proceed normally.

I do not live in a mansion, but I do have a large house in a nice neighborhood, several nice cars, and I am a successful business man. Then there's the fact that at 53 I can out lift, out think, out run, and out drink people half my age. I have just enough scars to look rogueish, and lots of tattoos. The ability to talk knowledgeably on almost any subject and a good.education comes in handy as well. I also still have all my hair and teeth, which isn't a given at my age.

Sorry, but I've never lacked for female companionship.
In other words no one should expect a muslim to have the same moral standards as white folks.
Is Correll Muslim? Hornet?

Well.....I know of no anglos that have names like that.
My point is, you and Correll have exactly the same morals the rapist does. Stick it where you please. The drunker she is, the better.

hehheh That is just your imagination....since you do not know either of us....what else do you have?
The law as it stands, right now, is that a man and a woman get drunk together and have consensual sex, the woman can after the fact decide it was rape, adn the man goes to prison.

That is an injustice
That is the main point of the whole story. I dont understand why people here dont want to accept it.

Well the article is poorly written. It is does not address whether the woman gave consent or not.
Yes, she told us she was raped, which means she didn't give consent, and all she remembers is being accosted and waking up with her panties around her ankles. Obviously, if she was onboard with it, she wouldn't have pressed charges.

No my dear.....women cry rape for many reasons, many women lie, what she claims is irrelevant unless she has a witness.

Yet....she may be telling the truth...it might have been rape....but in a court of law in any state she will need more proof than that ....at least according to the law...but admittedly now that juries are so indoctrinated into believing a woman always tells the truth....any guy that is accused of rape is in big trouble.
Women refuse to report rape every day because of the 'blame the victim' bilge the defense lawyer will throw at her, and the always claimed defense that women are presumed to be liars. Most people don't rape others in front of witnesses, so it's up to her to be believed.

Any of you who complain about MeToo, your attitudes here are the EXACT reason for it. And you all deserve it.

You have little concept of how the law works.....the woman says one thing.....the man says another...no witnesses. You want us to believe the woman is telling the truth just because she is a woman? Outrageous.
We should believe the man just because he is a man? When he is the aggressor in jail who was convicted by a jury? Yeah, okay.

No I did not say either should have been blieved....I said the case should never have been taken to court.
Wrongly convicted...and we all know about juries these days.
You mean that he raped against their spoken wishes.

Crepitus. You can generally assume that every man you speak to, has at several times been told "no" and then had consensual sex with that woman at a later time, often very soon after.

Your pretense otherwise, only raises the question in the mind of men, as to whether you are lying or just incredibly inexperienced and ignorant.

The exceptions will be so rare, as to be insignificant.

Try to be less of an asshole.
The asshole is you, persisting over and over when a woman has told you no. I've given in to assholes like you, just because I was tired and didn't feel like wrestling over it anymore.

Some of you are just assholes.

hehheh Well you are right and it is good to see you are honest.
Awesome. She's honest and you're a rapist.

and you are the guy that went home with a hard on
A. I don't have to force myself on women, they usually come to me.
B. On the rare occasion that something like that happens I can still look at myself in the mirror the next morning.
C. If I'm wrong and god is real that one thing I won't have to try to explain.

bwaaaaaaa now if you live in a mansion and have buku bucks I could and would believe women do come to you and say please fuck me. hehheh

But times are different now than when I was a young stud....maybe women do commonly intitate sex....kinda believable...women have become more like men and men more like women.

Anyhow I have been happily married for years and whats happening out there now I know little about.

I would actually advise young men now to have consensual forms printed up....and have the woman sign it before engaging in sex....and maybe wear a body camera or have a video camera in your bedroom that records all activity with sound...ya know just to be on the safe side.
They do not come to me and say "please fuck me". They come into my orbit and things proceed normally.

I do not live in a mansion, but I do have a large house in a nice neighborhood, several nice cars, and I am a successful business man. Then there's the fact that at 53 I can out lift, out think, out run, and out drink people half my age. I have just enough scars to look rogueish, and lots of tattoos. The ability to talk knowledgeably on almost any subject and a good.education comes in handy as well. I also still have all my hair and teeth, which isn't a given at my age.

Sorry, but I've never lacked for female companionship.

Me thinketh thou dost protest tooooo much, If you get mah drift boyo?
You mean that he raped against their spoken wishes.

Crepitus. You can generally assume that every man you speak to, has at several times been told "no" and then had consensual sex with that woman at a later time, often very soon after.

Your pretense otherwise, only raises the question in the mind of men, as to whether you are lying or just incredibly inexperienced and ignorant.

The exceptions will be so rare, as to be insignificant.

Try to be less of an asshole.
The asshole is you, persisting over and over when a woman has told you no. I've given in to assholes like you, just because I was tired and didn't feel like wrestling over it anymore.

Some of you are just assholes.

hehheh Well you are right and it is good to see you are honest.
Awesome. She's honest and you're a rapist.

and you are the guy that went home with a hard on
A. I don't have to force myself on women, they usually come to me.
B. On the rare occasion that something like that happens I can still look at myself in the mirror the next morning.
C. If I'm wrong and god is real that one thing I won't have to try to explain.

bwaaaaaaa now if you live in a mansion and have buku bucks I could and would believe women do come to you and say please fuck me. hehheh

But times are different now than when I was a young stud....maybe women do commonly intitate sex....kinda believable...women have become more like men and men more like women.

Anyhow I have been happily married for years and whats happening out there now I know little about.

I would actually advise young men now to have consensual forms printed up....and have the woman sign it before engaging in sex....and maybe wear a body camera or have a video camera in your bedroom that records all activity with sound...ya know just to be on the safe side.
They do not come to me and say "please fuck me". They come into my orbit and things proceed normally.

I do not live in a mansion, but I do have a large house in a nice neighborhood, several nice cars, and I am a successful business man. Then there's the fact that at 53 I can out lift, out think, out run, and out drink people half my age. I have just enough scars to look rogueish, and lots of tattoos. The ability to talk knowledgeably on almost any subject and a good.education comes in handy as well. I also still have all my hair and teeth, which isn't a given at my age.

Sorry, but I've never lacked for female companionship.

Me thinketh thou dost protest tooooo much, If you get mah drift boyo?
Your opinion is noted. You asked, I answered.
In other words no one should expect a muslim to have the same moral standards as white folks.
Is Correll Muslim? Hornet?

Well.....I know of no anglos that have names like that.
My point is, you and Correll have exactly the same morals the rapist does. Stick it where you please. The drunker she is, the better.

hehheh That is just your imagination....since you do not know either of us....what else do you have?
I'm basing it on what you've said here, genius. But I've had all I can take of this garbage. You can keep talking to me, but I'm not here.
In other words no one should expect a muslim to have the same moral standards as white folks.
Is Correll Muslim? Hornet?

Well.....I know of no anglos that have names like that.
My point is, you and Correll have exactly the same morals the rapist does. Stick it where you please. The drunker she is, the better.

hehheh That is just your imagination....since you do not know either of us....what else do you have?
I'm basing it on what you've said here, genius. But I've had all I can take of this garbage. You can keep talking to me, but I'm not here.

Why should I keep talking to someone who has no ground to stand on?
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Well, its not like no woman never hollered rape when there was no rape.

Also....well known....some women mean yes when they say no.

Also...well known that women have more intense orgasms whilst being raped and they are more likely to get pregnant when raped than when having normal intercourse.

The pleasure factor women get from being raped is one reason that so many of them feel intense guilt....and that is also a factor in why some men become rapists...they get an intense satisfaction watching a woman they are forcing to have sex get such pleasure from the act.

So if your sister or daughter ever calims to have been raped you will just look at her and say..ya sure you were, we know you meant yes when you said no.

Decent women rarely get raped....and no man should go to jail merely because some chic says oh by the way I said no...dont be ridiculous....no man should go to jail because of what any woman says. Let us face the ugly truth......women lie.
And men don't??
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Well, its not like no woman never hollered rape when there was no rape.

Also....well known....some women mean yes when they say no.

Also...well known that women have more intense orgasms whilst being raped and they are more likely to get pregnant when raped than when having normal intercourse.

The pleasure factor women get from being raped is one reason that so many of them feel intense guilt....and that is also a factor in why some men become rapists...they get an intense satisfaction watching a woman they are forcing to have sex get such pleasure from the act.

So if your sister or daughter ever calims to have been raped you will just look at her and say..ya sure you were, we know you meant yes when you said no.

Decent women rarely get raped....and no man should go to jail merely because some chic says oh by the way I said no...dont be ridiculous....no man should go to jail because of what any woman says. Let us face the ugly truth......women lie.
And men don't??

Well of course everyone lies.....but the latest political trend is to claim women always tell the truth when they claim to have been raped.
What is wrong in Minnesota? So many really bad stories out of Minnesota. George Floyd, Justine Damond, Philandro Castilo and now we have this. Minnesota law states that it's not rape if the person has voluntarily been drinking on their own. What kind of warped people pass such a law?

A Minnesota man can’t be charged with rape, because the woman chose to drink beforehand, court rules

Well, its not like no woman never hollered rape when there was no rape.

Also....well known....some women mean yes when they say no.

Also...well known that women have more intense orgasms whilst being raped and they are more likely to get pregnant when raped than when having normal intercourse.

The pleasure factor women get from being raped is one reason that so many of them feel intense guilt....and that is also a factor in why some men become rapists...they get an intense satisfaction watching a woman they are forcing to have sex get such pleasure from the act.

Hasn't occur to you that the study needing funding founds looney women to participate in group discussions of rape, or that the women in these group discussions are crazy women who fantasy about rape...much like the christians who join the virgin clubs and discuss keeping their virginity are actually obsessed with having sex.

Crazy people join clubs....crazy people make up stories in group discussions......
Jesus, let me say again, going by some of these comments a few posters on here obviously have been accused of rape at some time or another. Probably true but in their minds..'she asked for it'

Of course they ask for it....in one way or another....a pious and smart woman rarely.....very rarely gets raped.
Not under these circumstances. Smart women rarely if ever get blackout drunk.

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