Minnesota student govt: 9/11 remembrance would violate our safe space


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Here's another instance of political correctness on a college campus going a smidge too far, courtesy of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities: A proposed resolution to recognize the 9/11 terrorist attacks on campus each year was rejected by the Minnesota Student Association as it may potentially violate a "safe space" on campus.

Christine Rousselle - University of Minnesota Rejects 9/11 Remembrance Because it Might Incite Racism



That, is too offensive to fucking liberals. It offends them. Not Piss Christ. No no no. That, is art. That, is something they love.

Oh, but but but but but a sculpture in remembrance of the 911 victims?

All of a sudden.....


No reason to not hate all of them. Not one single reason.
Who outside of white people and homosexuals NEEDS a safe space? everyone else is a majority and their enclaves are their safe spaces, well at least from other groups.
"Minnesota student govt: 9/11 remembrance would violate our safe space"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a composition fallacy.

Where is the fallacy? C'mon, for once in your miserable existence at least back up your "eloquent" BS. You're a fraud of the highest order
"our safe space"

This is among the more idiotic non-issues contrived by the right since the ridiculous myths of the 'liberal media' and 'political correctness.'
You stupid fat ass fucking double talking liberal cocksucker.

All of a sudden someone asking for art to be torn down is no big fucking deal.

You stupid fucking moron. You deserve zero respect, and you will never get any from me you bloviated piece of shit.

Kiss my dick you fucking waste of time. We would have all been better off if you were flushed or swallowed.

Dumb hypocrite.
Turning down a 911 Memorial is probably the most UN -politically correct thing you can do. Oh the irony of this thread. It's the one young Republicans it on campus for really being politically correct.
"our safe space"

This is among the more idiotic non-issues contrived by the right since the ridiculous myths of the 'liberal media' and 'political correctness.'
Your post fails and is a false comparison fallacy, an post hoc fallacy, [URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/12808216/']a composition fallacy, a straw man fallacy, [URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/12804988/']an adverse consequences fallacy ,a [URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/12803410/']Red herring fallacy, a loaded question fallacy, and a failed attempt to deflect....LMFAO[/URL][/URL][/URL]

Mizzou Protesters: Stay Out of Our ‘Safe Space’ or We’ll Call the Cops

.....“No comment!” they chanted as at least one held a sign saying, “No Media, Safe Space.”

The students pushed and shoved reporters and cameramen to prevent them from breaking through and interviewing protesters on the quad, including Butler.

“We calling the police because you aren’t respecting us,” shouted one protester at a member of the media, as the protesters linked arms and moved in a phalanx to push the press further back, all the way to the perimeter of the quad.[/quote]
"our safe space" This is among the more idiotic non-issues contrived by the right since the ridiculous myths of the 'liberal media' and 'political correctness.'

Woo hoo, here we go again!

Thanks so much for trying this so often!

Here's some honest liberals for ya, who admit that PC is alive and well and destructive!

Thanks again!

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