Minnesota will be the surpise state this election


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Indiana was the surprise state in 2008. Few people thought it'd go for Obama.

In 2012, I think Minnesota will be the surprise state. It's going Romney.
I have my doubts.
Obama will ride hugely popular Senator Amy Klobuchar's coattails as she is projected to get 65% of the vote in her re-election bid to the US Senate.
Obama was actually ahead in Indiana in a few polls in '08. Romney has been within the margin of error in 1 poll in Minnesota. Not going to happen.
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I have my doubts.
Obama will ride hugely popular Senator Amy Klobuchar's coattails as she is projected to get 65% of the vote in her re-election bid to the US Senate.

Minnesota is very uppity; but less partisan than other states. That's why a 3rd party candidate like Jessie Ventura came along and that's why it'll happen again probably. But a lot of people split their votes between the parties there; even when they are often very different. And there is never a sure fire way of knowing what'll tickle there fancy. Look at Franken, Pawlenty, Ventura; all very different.

Obama was hugely popular in Minnesota in 08 and he still only won by 9 points. I expect that margin to be naturally diminished just like in every state he won. Then, Romney is advertising in the Twin Cities market to reach the Western Wisconsin market and that's going to have an effect.

If Romney doesn't pull it off; I believe he could have. He just needed to have visited there. Minnesotans love that personal stumping.

Also, the economy has been very tough in Minnesota. I think there'll a lot of blue Dog Dems in Minnesota going for Romney. I think the key would be, if independents exceed poll projections. It's only at 13 percent for Romney if I recall correctly.
Romney made a big ad buy on Twin Cities teevee stations.

It could be because those stations reach the Hudson and western rural Wisconsin areas, it could be because they have some internals that tell them that they're competitive.

Who knows?
I have my doubts.
Obama will ride hugely popular Senator Amy Klobuchar's coattails as she is projected to get 65% of the vote in her re-election bid to the US Senate.

Minnesota is very uppity; but less partisan than other states. That's why a 3rd party candidate like Jessie Ventura came along and that's why it'll happen again probably. But a lot of people split their votes between the parties there; even when they are often very different. And there is never a sure fire way of knowing what'll tickle there fancy. Look at Franken, Pawlenty, Ventura; all very different.

Obama was hugely popular in Minnesota in 08 and he still only won by 9 points. I expect that margin to be naturally diminished just like in every state he won. Then, Romney is advertising in the Twin Cities market to reach the Western Wisconsin market and that's going to have an effect.

If Romney doesn't pull it off; I believe he could have. He just needed to have visited there. Minnesotans love that personal stumping.

Also, the economy has been very tough in Minnesota. I think there'll a lot of blue Dog Dems in Minnesota going for Romney. I think the key would be, if independents exceed poll projections. It's only at 13 percent for Romney if I recall correctly.
Ventura one largely because he inspired a 15% higher than normal turnout, almost all of which voted for him.
Look at Franken, Pawlenty, Ventura; all very different.

Not to mention Bachman and Klobuchar being polar opposites and both being popular.

But also, the reporting in the newspapers (like many Midwest newspapers) is more straight up; more empirical analysis. A lot of numbers people that went for Obama will be shifting Romney.
But also, the reporting in the newspapers (like many Midwest newspapers) is more straight up; more empirical analysis. A lot of numbers people that went for Obama will be shifting Romney.
You've never read the Minneapolis Strib, I see. :lol::lol::lol:
I have my doubts.
Obama will ride hugely popular Senator Amy Klobuchar's coattails as she is projected to get 65% of the vote in her re-election bid to the US Senate.

Minnesota is very uppity; but less partisan than other states. That's why a 3rd party candidate like Jessie Ventura came along and that's why it'll happen again probably. But a lot of people split their votes between the parties there; even when they are often very different. And there is never a sure fire way of knowing what'll tickle there fancy. Look at Franken, Pawlenty, Ventura; all very different.

Obama was hugely popular in Minnesota in 08 and he still only won by 9 points. I expect that margin to be naturally diminished just like in every state he won. Then, Romney is advertising in the Twin Cities market to reach the Western Wisconsin market and that's going to have an effect.

If Romney doesn't pull it off; I believe he could have. He just needed to have visited there. Minnesotans love that personal stumping.

Also, the economy has been very tough in Minnesota. I think there'll a lot of blue Dog Dems in Minnesota going for Romney. I think the key would be, if independents exceed poll projections. It's only at 13 percent for Romney if I recall correctly.
Ventura one largely because he inspired a 15% higher than normal turnout, almost all of which voted for him.

Ventura basically invented the celebrity politician stumping against failure that Obama used in 08.

But the point is that Minnesota looks less at the D and the R than all of the other states IMO.
Ventura basically invented the celebrity politician stumping against failure that Obama used in 08.
No, he didn't.

Best shut your face on the subject right now...I guarantee that you'll only further be made a fool of.
But also, the reporting in the newspapers (like many Midwest newspapers) is more straight up; more empirical analysis. A lot of numbers people that went for Obama will be shifting Romney.
You've never read the Minneapolis Strib, I see. :lol::lol::lol:

I read a lot of the Minneapolis Star Tribune and Pioneer Press (St Paul) when I was there. The MST slants left; but still offers a lot of fair analysis. The Pioneer Press played it a little more straight up I thought. Both were not wacky like the NYT or Washington Post. Both dealt in details more than innuendo.
Ventura basically invented the celebrity politician stumping against failure that Obama used in 08.
No, he didn't.

Best shut your face on the subject right now...I guarantee that you'll only further be made a fool of.

Please__ people were star struck that the famous WWE wrestler wanted to be their governor and was going and visiting them all over the state. Despite his outspoken nature, he didn't win on the merit of his ideas. He was also, hugely popular among young voters. Sound like anyone else you know?
I grew up in Minneapolis....I know the history, I know the politics....I was in town during that election cycle.

I'm here to tell you that you haven't the first fucking idea how that election shook out the way it did and why.
Gasbag is now even alienating the last few people who took her seriously.
I grew up in Minneapolis....I know the history, I know the politics....I was in town during that election cycle.

I'm here to tell you that you haven't the first fucking idea how that election shook out the way it did and why.

That's just some blanket denial BS. I'm very studied up on the history and culture of Minnesota and I've lived there also. Ventura won because he went on a rock star jesus tour. And when he actually took office, he was not above the fray. Sound like anyone else you know?

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