Misdemeanor charge for man defending himself against bully woman on train.


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
I'm not really sure why the police, after viewing this video, even charged the victim. The female bully deserves the felony charge, the white knight butting in and instigating a fight in defense of the honor of the bully deserves to be charged but the police charged him with a misdemeanor rather than a felony - the victim had had no interaction with the white knight until the white knight blindsided him with a physical assault.

The story from the NY Post:

A brawl broke out on an F train in Greenwich Village when a woman was smacked in the face and knocked down by a man she was arguing with — and four people were cuffed following the melee, cops said.

The whole thing was captured on video and posted to YouTube on Saturday.

The video shows a woman and her friends laughing at and taunting a man while on the train between the Broadway-Lafayette and West Fourth Street stations early Saturday.

And while on the subject of bullies, here's another bully getting his comeuppance.

The woman deserved a good smack in the face. What a fucking bitch. This is what shits me - women are allowed to do shit like this, and as soon as the man raises a finger, he's the bad guy.
The woman deserved a good smack in the face. What a fucking bitch. This is what shits me - women are allowed to do shit like this, and as soon as the man raises a finger, he's the bad guy.

She's the one who got charged with a felony. Why though did the cops charge the victim with a misdemeanor?
The woman deserved a good smack in the face. What a fucking bitch. This is what shits me - women are allowed to do shit like this, and as soon as the man raises a finger, he's the bad guy.
I agree. To me, a guy should be allowed to standup for himself too no matter what he is up against.

God bless you always!!!

Too bad he didn't cave her skull in.

But again: never help, never get involved. Not worth the risk.

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