Misian economic lecture ...two years ago


Mr. Forgot-it-All
Jun 5, 2008
economics - Google Video

"What we're witnessing now is the collapse of socialism"

Could this genius have possibly been more wrong?

And yet still many of you, people who I presume have enjoyed the benefits of their policies manifested in tax cuts to those who least needed them, still think these guys know what the fuck they're talking about, I'll wager

Amazing, totally amazing.

This economic disaster is really all about the steady increase economic inequity, between the have most of its and the rest of us -- INCLUDING incidently, even the very well off (indeed, those who most of us would call "the rich").

We, the disenfranchised from those in power are ALSO getting screwed (now, as some of you are seeing as your portfolios are shrinking) because all of our wealthy is dependent on the relative economic health of the working classes.

It all comes down to that. Make most people poor, give the benefits of the society to a very select group and the economy sooner or later pooches.

After fourty years of sucking up to the top 1/10th of 1% of the population, they, lacking the foresight to understand that their "investments" in ever increasingly abstract debt intstruments, saw the ecomony blow up in their faces, and NOW, they expect US to save them.

And this so called bailout?

Well, here the Misians aren't completely out to lunch.

At least they understand that rewarding this same class of nitwits with still more money at the expense of the rest of us is just plain wrong.
It is for this reason that the Austrian school will remain isolated and impotent, with even orthodox economists rejecting the fallacy of perfect competition.
It is for this reason that the Austrian school will remain isolated and impotent, with even orthodox economists rejecting the fallacy of perfect competition.

You're an anarchist, but you reject the Austrian school?
I think the Austrians are right about some things and wrong about others.

No dogma has all the answers.
Well, that's certainly ONE way of looking at it.

That was the only way of looking at it for the majority of the time in which anarchism as a modern political philosophy has existed. The same was true of libertarianism at one point, though it was corrupted by capitalists in the same way that they wish to corrupt anarchism, which is why swift and vigilant action was necessary to prevent them from doing so.

Incidentally, are you planning on responding to my critique of trade liberalization and its deleterious effects on infant industries?
Incidentally, are you planning on responding to my critique of trade liberalization and its deleterious effects on infant industries?

I had started reading and formulating responses, and then you got banned. I didn't think you were coming back so I stopped working on it.

I did promise a reply, and I will provide it. My main issue is finding that kind of free time in between chasing two children around, and getting set up for registering for classes at Devry at the last second before the semester starts.

Would you prefer a PM when I'm done, or resurrect the thread?
We are all students in a sense, of course...if you are asking if I am a formal economics student, I am not.

And we were all students once if we are no more.

Actually, I was wondering if you were a student in general as opposed to an economics student, which I assumed you weren't.
I had started reading and formulating responses, and then you got banned. I didn't think you were coming back so I stopped working on it.

I did promise a reply, and I will provide it. My main issue is finding that kind of free time in between chasing two children around, and getting set up for registering for classes at Devry at the last second before the semester starts.

Would you prefer a PM when I'm done, or resurrect the thread?

By all means, resurrect the thread.
And we were all students once if we are no more.

Actually, I was wondering if you were a student in general as opposed to an economics student, which I assumed you weren't.

Yes...but that shouldn't lead you to believe that my beliefs are raw and underdeveloped, if that was your inclination. ;)
Yes...but that shouldn't lead you to believe that my beliefs are raw and underdeveloped, if that was your inclination. ;)

Hey, its okay. I was just wondering because you don't meet many anarchists over the age of 30 who aren't employed by a post-secondary institution.
Hey, its okay. I was just wondering because you don't meet many anarchists over the age of 30 who aren't employed by a post-secondary institution.

That may be a result of moral convictions, though as a consequentialist, mine are rather different. There are productive forms of employment other than post-secondary institutes that anarchists can seek, as the workers of AK Press have proven.
economics - Google Video

"What we're witnessing now is the collapse of socialism"

Could this genius have possibly been more wrong?

And yet still many of you, people who I presume have enjoyed the benefits of their policies manifested in tax cuts to those who least needed them, still think these guys know what the fuck they're talking about, I'll wager

Which video are you talking about? You've linked to a google video page for the search term "economics".

Anyway, if you really want to understand the growing inequality between the rich and the poor, it's pretty easy. Inflationary policies hurt the poor and benefit the rich. The poor pay higher prices for living expenses, while the rich see their assets get inflated in value. This has been going on since the Reagan years.

If your point is that most economics is bunk, and nothing more than elaborate mathmatical apologetics for the rich, I would agree with you.
Perhaps we can engage in a wider discussion of the socioeconomic effects of trade liberalization as a whole. Are those prepared to discuss it familiar with the infant industries argument and its application to claims of comparative advantage?

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