Oh and the left never pulls this shit that you chear on.

I'm sure they do. What's your point?

This at the end of the day was an organization in a state with large Islamic and Black populations deciding they weren't well represented by a woman who expressed Islamophobic and Racist views.

If I got up on my desk and started spewing racist and Islamophobic opinions, they would take me down to HR and have me clean out my desk, too.
Oh and the left never pulls this shit that you chear on.

I'm sure they do. What's your point?

This at the end of the day was an organization in a state with large Islamic and Black populations deciding they weren't well represented by a woman who expressed Islamophobic and Racist views.

If I got up on my desk and started spewing racist and Islamophobic opinions, they would take me down to HR and have me clean out my desk, too.

The only phobia that is relevant here is

When facts are inconvenient cowards wilt and cuckolds collapse. Take you for instance.

Name calling is the best you got. You must have been a very lonely 3Rd grader.

Never ever has Kathy Zhu suggested that blacks are the only people who get murdered by members of their own racial type. That's just fully invented bullshit by yourself in a weak attempt to make her look like a racist.
What it does is make you look like a desperate liar and someone trying to make the woman something she is not.
Fuck that!

No, what makes her look racist is that she uses this "fact" to take away from legitimate complaints about racism and economic inequality.
Never dawns on you that this stat along with the Democrat slavery is the reason for their ignorant belief that racism is keeping them poor instead of their own actions?

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Oh and the left never pulls this shit that you chear on.

I'm sure they do. What's your point?

This at the end of the day was an organization in a state with large Islamic and Black populations deciding they weren't well represented by a woman who expressed Islamophobic and Racist views.

If I got up on my desk and started spewing racist and Islamophobic opinions, they would take me down to HR and have me clean out my desk, too.
Try it and get us the video.

I don't believe you.
Note to brainless conservatives

Those women have a first amendment right to religious freedom
They can choose to wear a hijab or not. Many, many Muslim women do not
Doubling down so someone will think you weren't embarrassed caught red handed being a lying ass, eh?
Good move. Not obvious at all. :113:

I have never met a North American Muslim who was forced to wear a hijab. I have not had any discussion with those who wear burkas but I note that any time these women are with a man, he is dressed in a white cotton tunic and pants with a flat topped finely crocheted hat. The men’s dress is just as constrained as the women, much like the Amish.......

So, you clearly lack the experience to speak intelligently on the matter, but you keep going on and on anyway.
In America, religious garb is voluntary whether you are Amish, Hasidic Jew, Mormon, Fundamentalist Christian, Catholic or Muslim

That hate mongerer Kathy Zhu would choose to single out Muslims is reprehensible
Your idiocy is what's reprehensible.
Muslims single themselves out, by the way, by conducting "outreach" programs designed to gain favor and converts to a religion whose ultimate goal is world domination.(as a quisling and a cultural cuck you would look good in a burka as a bitch for Islam).

If there were more dumb shits like you around (a chilling thought) Muslims might reach their ultimate goal.
So sorry the independent thought of strong minded women like Kathy Zhu frightens and triggers you.
Probably your burka will help hide the pee stains she causes you to emit every time her name comes up.
Every woman who refuses to wear the hijab is screaming islamophobic insults by the very nature of her bare head.
Ok. I'll settle with your argument that the democratic party is racist and that blacks are not smart enough to know that their best interest would REALLY be the republican party. I think that the GOP should run that into some kind of bumper sticker sized motto for the 2020 election!
That's your argument, asshole! Not mine. Get a new life that doesn't involve trolling.
In America, religious garb is voluntary whether you are Amish, Hasidic Jew, Mormon, Fundamentalist Christian, Catholic or Muslim

That hate mongerer Kathy Zhu would choose to single out Muslims is reprehensible
Your idiocy is what's reprehensible.
Muslims single themselves out, by the way, by conducting "outreach" programs designed to gain favor and converts to a religion whose ultimate goal is world domination.(as a quisling and a cultural cuck you would look good in a burka as a bitch for Islam).

If there were more dumb shits like you around (a chilling thought) Muslims might reach their ultimate goal.
So sorry the independent thought of strong minded women like Kathy Zhu frightens and triggers you.
Probably your burka will help hide the pee stains she causes you to emit every time her name comes up.
They shouldn’t have to have outreach programs they should be accepted as is
They shouldn’t have to have outreach programs they should be accepted as is
They are accepted as is, for what they are. That's why Muslims feel it's necessary to conduct public relations stunts.
Because it's clear they are a regressive woman hating cult, in it's basic unvarnished form.

And they are the only fundamentalist cult the left defends and protects. And when someone,
Kathy Zhu, stands up and speaks the truth, the fascist pigs on the left must beat her down.
They shouldn’t have to have outreach programs they should be accepted as is
They are accepted as is, for what they are. That's why Muslims feel it's necessary to conduct public relations stunts.
Because it's clear they are a regressive woman hating cult, in it's basic unvarnished form.

And they are the only fundamentalist cult the left defends and protects. And when someone,
Kathy Zhu, stands up and speaks the truth, the fascist pigs on the left must beat her down.
What a load of shit

Then why did Republicans complain so much when Omar wanted to wear a hijab on the House Floor?
Kathy Zhu got her ass kicked out of UCF

Hopefully, Michigan will follow suit
So you like seeing women of color kicked out of places how racist.
I enjoy when bad shit happens to racists
No you enjoy calling people racist you don't agree with and ignoring the racist you do agree with.
I specified
Why she is a racist

We haven’t seen the worst
Nope the racist is you labeling anyone who criticizes a woman of color racist is the standard the left set so enjoy it.

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