It is Kathy Zhu who is presenting her tale of woe and oppression
If she has more context that will help her case, she can present it.

I Googled her and this story and can’t find any additional context. Can you?

In the absence of that context, we can only judge from what was in the OP

That makes her appear hateful and a bigot
So facts are "hateful and bigoted"? :113:
Wow! Straight out of Big Brother's mouth in 1984!

That's the bottom line, isn't it and as already twice demonstrated we can't know
the context of her full exchange but we certainly can infer she was factually demonstrating how most black people die.... at the hands of other black people.

And that would likely counter what?
The claim that evil whitey is killing so many black people.

Don't come to an argument with your petty two-bit leftist illogic if you want to be taken seriously
(which apparently you don't).
Claiming a hijab is a form of oppression is not a fact, it is an opinion based on religious intolerance.
Muslim women aren't oppressed now? Making up facts again huh?

How is the choice of Muslim women to wear a hijab a "form of oppression". I have Muslim friend who refuses to wear one. She has the thickest most beautiful head of hair ever. My Muslim friends who wear hijabs, tell me that they're less likely to be groped or assaulted on the subway if they're wearing one. Some have experimented, with/without, and discovered that with is safer. Others like wearing it, like Catholics wearing crosses, or Jews the Star of David, and have an entire collection of beautiful scarves, to match every outfit. In North America, it is their choice.

Just like a Yarmulke is for some Jewish sects, earlocks and black hats for Hassidic Jews, beards for Amish men, long dresses for their wives, habits for nuns, cassocks for priests, long dresses with sleeves for Quiverful Women, covered chests and long sleeves for Anglican brides, turbans for Sihk men, and on and on and on.
We are talking AMERICAN Muslim women and no, they are no more oppressed than Christian women.

Kathy Zhu claiming that they have no choice in wearing a hijab is a bigoted statement trying to generate hate towards Muslims
"Regarding the hijab incident, she wrote that “a Muslim woman tried to forcibly put a hijab on my head without my permission.”

“What’s ‘insensitive’ is that women in the Middle East are getting stoned to death for refusing to obey their husband’s orders to wear hijabs,” Zhu added.

Jesus Christ! You lie about things that can be easily checked. What's wrong with you?
Where do you see Zhu talking about American Muslim women being forced into a hijab?
I don't see that at all.
Note to Conservatives

We are not the Middle East, we are the UNITED STATES
An American Muslim wearing a hijab is not being oppressed regardless of the hate and misinformation being spread by Kathy Zhu
Note to Conservatives

We are not the Middle East, we are the UNITED STATES
An American Muslim wearing a hijab is not being subjugated regardless of the hate and misinformation being spread by Kathy Zhu
Note to lying leftists: You do not know when you see a woman with a hijab whether she chooses to wear it or not. You have no idea or insights. She may choose or she may have been forced to wear this symbol of submission. You do not know! Stop pretending you do.

You are all so freaked out by one single woman speaking her mind you must all lie about her and attribute all sorts of crap to her she is not responsible for. It's a mental disorder.
You are like frightened terrified children.
Check post #540 again or more like for the first time.

You attribute a lie to her and then when corrected in your very next post you yourself act as though you are the one setting things straight. Unbelievable chutzpah! Incredible audacity.
Last edited:
Note to Conservatives

We are not the Middle East, we are the UNITED STATES
An American Muslim wearing a hijab is not being subjugated regardless of the hate and misinformation being spread by Kathy Zhu
Note to lying leftists: You do not know when you see a woman with a hijab whether she chooses to wear it or not. You have no idea or insights. She may choose or she may have been forced to wear this symbol of submission. You do not know! Stop pretending you do.

You are all so freaked out by one single woman speaking her mind you must all lie about her and attribute all sorts of crap to her she is not responsible for. It's a mental disorder.
Check post #540 again or more like for the first time.

You attribute a lie to her and then when corrected in your very next post you yourself act as though you are the one setting things straight. Unbelievable chutzpah! Incredible audacity.
Note to brainless conservatives

Those women have a first amendment right to religious freedom
They can choose to wear a hijab or not. Many, many Muslim women do not
Note to brainless conservatives

Those women have a first amendment right to religious freedom
They can choose to wear a hijab or not. Many, many Muslim women do not
Doubling down so someone will think you weren't embarrassed caught red handed being a lying ass, eh?
Good move. Not obvious at all. :113:
Note to brainless conservatives

Those women have a first amendment right to religious freedom
They can choose to wear a hijab or not. Many, many Muslim women do not
Doubling down so someone will think you weren't embarrassed caught red handed being a lying ass, eh?
Good move. Not obvious at all. :113:

I have never met a North American Muslim who was forced to wear a hijab. I have not had any discussion with those who wear burkas but I note that any time these women are with a man, he is dressed in a white cotton tunic and pants with a flat topped finely crocheted hat. The men’s dress is just as constrained as the women, much like the Amish.

As a parent of teenagers, city kids change their clothes the moment they’re out of sight. It’s a tradition. I did it when I was in high school. So did my daughter.
Note to brainless conservatives

Those women have a first amendment right to religious freedom
They can choose to wear a hijab or not. Many, many Muslim women do not
Doubling down so someone will think you weren't embarrassed caught red handed being a lying ass, eh?
Good move. Not obvious at all. :113:
Kathy Zhu lied when she spread hate against Muslim women and blacks

She misrepresented intraracial murder as a black only problem and taunted blacks for it

She lied when she said the Muslim women on her campus are oppressed for wearing a hijab
Note to brainless conservatives

Those women have a first amendment right to religious freedom
They can choose to wear a hijab or not. Many, many Muslim women do not
Doubling down so someone will think you weren't embarrassed caught red handed being a lying ass, eh?
Good move. Not obvious at all. :113:

I have never met a North American Muslim who was forced to wear a hijab. I have not had any discussion with those who wear burkas but I note that any time these women are with a man, he is dressed in a white cotton tunic and pants with a flat topped finely crocheted hat. The men’s dress is just as constrained as the women, much like the Amish.
In America, religious garb is voluntary whether you are Amish, Hasidic Jew, Mormon, Fundamentalist Christian, Catholic or Muslim

That hate mongerer Kathy Zhu would choose to single out Muslims is reprehensible
The most enlightening discussion was the hijab wearers who found it curbed sexual assaults on public transit. When my daughter was in high school, she avoided transit at rush hour, as did all her friends. Groping and unwanted touching is epidemic, especially for teenage girls.
Kathy Zhu lied when she spread hate against Muslim women and blacks
That's your bullshit spin.

She misrepresented intraracial murder as a black only problem and taunted blacks for it
That's a lie and everyone has read the same text. You must be sniffing glue thinking you can get away with misrepresenting it like that. Or you just don't care anymore about right and wrong.

She lied when she said the Muslim women on her campus are oppressed for wearing a hijab
And yet another lie. Again, we've all seen the same text. You are full of shit and you don't even care.
What is it about Kathy Zhu that frightens you people so much? Did you pee yourself when you read her big scary words? Jesus! You are all sick.
In America, religious garb is voluntary whether you are Amish, Hasidic Jew, Mormon, Fundamentalist Christian, Catholic or Muslim

That hate mongerer Kathy Zhu would choose to single out Muslims is reprehensible
In all honesty it probably had more to do with Hijab Day where someone tried to force one on Kathy Zhu.
Does your skin burn a little when you lie like that?
At least you can tell me what color the sky is in your alternative universe.
If I lived in an alternate universe why would I be wasting my time with assholes like you?

Tell me again about the reason that blacks don't vote republican is because they are what? ..uneducated?, brainwashed?, subservient? not smart enough to vote in their own self interest? Inquiring minds want to know!
Tell me again about the reason that blacks don't vote republican is because they are what? ..uneducated?, brainwashed?, subservient? not smart enough to vote in their own self interest? Inquiring minds want to know!
Bored? Start a thread about it. I'm sure my time would be better spent than wasting it on you.
Tell me again about the reason that blacks don't vote republican is because they are what? ..uneducated?, brainwashed?, subservient? not smart enough to vote in their own self interest? Inquiring minds want to know!
Bored? Start a thread about it. I'm sure my time is better spent than wasting it on you.

Can't help it, Eric. That particular logic of yours was kind of like analyzing a Salvador Dali painting....
Kathy Zhu lied when she spread hate against Muslim women and blacks
That's your bullshit spin.

She misrepresented intraracial murder as a black only problem and taunted blacks for it
That's a lie and everyone has read the same text. You must be sniffing glue thinking you can get away with misrepresenting it like that. Or you just don't care anymore about right and wrong.

She lied when she said the Muslim women on her campus are oppressed for wearing a hijab
And yet another lie. Again, we've all seen the same text. You are full of shit and you don't even care.
What is it about Kathy Zhu that frightens you people so much? Did you pee yourself when you read her big scary words? Jesus! You are all sick.
Kathy Zhu is a hateful bigot

She spread mistruths about blacks and Muslims to encourage others to hate like she does.

She is not worthy of being seen as an example for other young women to follow
In America, religious garb is voluntary whether you are Amish, Hasidic Jew, Mormon, Fundamentalist Christian, Catholic or Muslim

That hate mongerer Kathy Zhu would choose to single out Muslims is reprehensible
In all honesty it probably had more to do with Hijab Day where someone tried to force one on Kathy Zhu.
Does your skin burn a little when you lie like that?

Did they jump poor Kathy and try to force a hijab on her head?

Looks like another lie from Bigot Kathy

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