Bull crap Eric...... read how this came about. You can check it out yourself.

Yes she was looking for a fight.
It’s hijab day. It a place for Muslims. So how in the world a non Muslim women got in to that situation in the first place?
You want me to hypothesize using my imagination? I can think of all sorts of ways. I certainly have no reason to think she attended this Muslim event with the intent of starting a fight.
I know nothing about the circumstances of the event and neither do you.
Do you have a Jim Beam IV drip going right now?

And you assumed she did not do that. Instead of keep blabbering......... why don’t you read how this came about?

She keeps blabbering about hijab about women are forced to wear hijab blah blah blah blah in ME.
Instead of keep blabbering you can search and read it for yourself. Dude.
You aren't very bright and you are being rude. A bad combination if you want an exchange. I already made my position very clear. You must have that Jim Beam drip going real good.

Don't expect me to entertain you any more.;

Rude. You are nothing but ignorant Trump supporter.

Your position is nothing but a pile of cow dung.
My post are pure facts and reality.

That’s the difference between your cow dung and me. And if you don’t have anything else prove your stupidity you are welcome to ignore me.
You (and she) should remember that nothing you post online ever goes away. It's a private organization, no laws were broken, no rights violated. If you don't like it feel free to not support them. Of enough people do the same, they will cease to be relevant.

I'm really surprised at how many conservatives are upset by this, considering all most all of them wanted the NFL to fire the kneelers.
Sure. The trouble is, people being punished for their opinions seems to be happening more and more. I find it to be an alarming trend. I am for free speech for everybody.
Me too.

But as I already noted companies and organizations are getting gun shy. They'd rather cut ties than take the risk.
Yes. That's what you said. So just to be on the safe side let's sideline a woman who refuses to wear a hijab. We wouldn't want other women to believe they could do that too! Shut her and her dangerous beliefs down! Get a Miss Michigan in there who will submit to the hijab!

This is exactly what I’m been saying all along. This woman voluntarily attend a Muslim celebration called hijab day. A place for Muslims but she is not Muslim...... She walked in to place where everyone should wear a hijab..... but she refused to wear one.

Then start blabbering her political views. WTF. So why the hell you go to a place like that where she doesn’t belong in the first place?

Like Trumpy boi keep telling you snowflakes ........ If you don’t like the place ....... get the fuck out.

So cultural appropriation is wrong?
Wow, that's a huge stretch.
You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
So lowest black unemployment ever is racist?

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
You deflect because you cannot refute.
He isn't a racist. End of story. It is you lefties that are wrapped up in using race as a deciding factor in all things.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Lol, he is. And he's proved it over and over.
How? When has he used race as a reason to keep a person down? Hell he is helping them get jobs while the Democrats are tearing apart their families

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
You're kidding, right? He just said some should "go back where they came from".
Instead of keep blabbering you can search and read it for yourself. Dude.
You aren't very bright and you are being rude. A bad combination if you want an exchange. I already made my position very clear. You must have that Jim Beam drip going real good.

Don't expect me to entertain you any more.;

Perhaps you are to fucking dumb to understand that this woman supposed to represent the whole state of Michigan as NEUTRAL.

What if she wear BLM t shirt is that acceptable?

Is the whole state of Michigan share the same view, opinions and political views like her?
I asked this question several times but all of you coward refused to answer a simple question.
I don’t know but have you been listening to your own fake messiah? If you don’t like the place get the fuck out.
This woman is a good example of that.
Excuse me but how do you know the exact circumstances under which Kathy Zhu came into contact with this Muslim hijab day? Allow me to hypothesize you really don't know, do you? You seem to be guessing she walked in looking for a fight. How the hell do you know that? Psychic, perhaps?

Bull crap Eric...... read how this came about. You can check it out yourself.

Yes she was looking for a fight.
It’s hijab day. It a place for Muslims. So how in the world a non Muslim women got in to that situation in the first place?
Since you filth claim to know everything, you tell us!

I already did but you are in denial.

And if this tinker bell posted anti Trump I will still trashed her like how I’m trashing you right now.
That the difference between me and the rest of your fellow bull crap undesirable human being.
You mad now troll?
She won the crown. Once she's wearing it, they went through her social media and judged her unworthy and took her crown away. The reason given is It has been brought to the attention of Miss World America that your social media accounts contain offensive, insensitive and inappropriate content, and in violation of MWA's Rules and Conditions, specifically the contestant requirement of 'being of good character and whose background is not likely to bring into disrepute Miss World America or any person associated with the organisation'.

They don't specify what is so inappropriate about her words. Apparently, quoting statistics "insensitive". You're OK with that?
You (and she) should remember that nothing you post online ever goes away. It's a private organization, no laws were broken, no rights violated. If you don't like it feel free to not support them. Of enough people do the same, they will cease to be relevant.

I'm really surprised at how many conservatives are upset by this, considering all most all of them wanted the NFL to fire the kneelers.
Sure. The trouble is, people being punished for their opinions seems to be happening more and more. I find it to be an alarming trend. I am for free speech for everybody.
Me too.

But as I already noted companies and organizations are getting gun shy. They'd rather cut ties than take the risk.
Yes. That's what you said. So just to be on the safe side let's sideline a woman who refuses to wear a hijab. We wouldn't want other women to believe they could do that too! Shut her and her dangerous beliefs down! Get a Miss Michigan in there who will submit to the hijab!
Again, not me decision. That call was from the people who run the pageant. It's a business, they've got an image to protect, and theI decided to be proactive.
They only protect their image when what is said is anti-left, never when it's anti-right. They're hypocrites.
Instead of keep blabbering you can search and read it for yourself. Dude.
You aren't very bright and you are being rude. A bad combination if you want an exchange. I already made my position very clear. You must have that Jim Beam drip going real good.

Don't expect me to entertain you any more.;

Perhaps you are to fucking dumb to understand that this woman supposed to represent the whole state of Michigan as NEUTRAL.

What if she wear BLM t shirt is that acceptable?

Is the whole state of Michigan share the same view, opinions and political views like her?
I asked this question several times but all of you coward refused to answer a simple question.
It would be acceptable to you.
You (and she) should remember that nothing you post online ever goes away. It's a private organization, no laws were broken, no rights violated. If you don't like it feel free to not support them. Of enough people do the same, they will cease to be relevant.

I'm really surprised at how many conservatives are upset by this, considering all most all of them wanted the NFL to fire the kneelers.
Sure. The trouble is, people being punished for their opinions seems to be happening more and more. I find it to be an alarming trend. I am for free speech for everybody.
Me too.

But as I already noted companies and organizations are getting gun shy. They'd rather cut ties than take the risk.
Yes. That's what you said. So just to be on the safe side let's sideline a woman who refuses to wear a hijab. We wouldn't want other women to believe they could do that too! Shut her and her dangerous beliefs down! Get a Miss Michigan in there who will submit to the hijab!
Again, not me decision. That call was from the people who run the pageant. It's a business, they've got an image to protect, and theI decided to be proactive.
They only protect their image when what is said is anti-left, never when it's anti-right. They're hypocrites.
How was it anti- either? It was kinda racist, but I didn't see a party mentioned.
Perhaps you are too fucking dumb to understand that the reason Wallace ran as an independent was because nobody in the democratic party outside on those Southern states that are now solidly Trump, would have anything to do with him.
That's your childishly over simplistic view of things. '68 was the year Richard Nixon beat Humphrey's head in a with a baseball bat in a landslide. Whether other democrats loved George Wallace or not is immaterial.

He was a democrat....so fuck you.
Sure. The trouble is, people being punished for their opinions seems to be happening more and more. I find it to be an alarming trend. I am for free speech for everybody.
Me too.

But as I already noted companies and organizations are getting gun shy. They'd rather cut ties than take the risk.
Yes. That's what you said. So just to be on the safe side let's sideline a woman who refuses to wear a hijab. We wouldn't want other women to believe they could do that too! Shut her and her dangerous beliefs down! Get a Miss Michigan in there who will submit to the hijab!
Again, not me decision. That call was from the people who run the pageant. It's a business, they've got an image to protect, and theI decided to be proactive.
They only protect their image when what is said is anti-left, never when it's anti-right. They're hypocrites.
How was it anti- either? It was kinda racist, but I didn't see a party mentioned.

Poor Eric. Still maintains that George Wallace was a democrat, when the democratic party did not run him for president. Ok, so given that Wallace was the democratic governor of Alabama, and Alabama now votes for Trump, who IS the GOP president, what does that make Trump? This "I know you are, but, what am I?" bullshit that Trumpettes spout all the time is childish and pointless Limbaugh theater. You are not fooling anyone but yourselves, and trust me when I tell you that there is a very good reason why blacks in the South almost never vote republican.
She won the crown. Once she's wearing it, they went through her social media and judged her unworthy and took her crown away. The reason given is It has been brought to the attention of Miss World America that your social media accounts contain offensive, insensitive and inappropriate content, and in violation of MWA's Rules and Conditions, specifically the contestant requirement of 'being of good character and whose background is not likely to bring into disrepute Miss World America or any person associated with the organisation'.

They don't specify what is so inappropriate about her words. Apparently, quoting statistics "insensitive". You're OK with that?
You (and she) should remember that nothing you post online ever goes away. It's a private organization, no laws were broken, no rights violated. If you don't like it feel free to not support them. Of enough people do the same, they will cease to be relevant.

I'm really surprised at how many conservatives are upset by this, considering all most all of them wanted the NFL to fire the kneelers.
Sure. The trouble is, people being punished for their opinions seems to be happening more and more. I find it to be an alarming trend. I am for free speech for everybody.
Me too.

But as I already noted companies and organizations are getting gun shy. They'd rather cut ties than take the risk.
Yes. That's what you said. So just to be on the safe side let's sideline a woman who refuses to wear a hijab. We wouldn't want other women to believe they could do that too! Shut her and her dangerous beliefs down! Get a Miss Michigan in there who will submit to the hijab!
Again, not me decision. That call was from the people who run the pageant. It's a business, they've got an image to protect, and theI decided to be proactive.
Uh huh. Silence them. It's proactive. You've made yourself clear.
Poor Eric. Still maintains that George Wallace was a democrat, when the democratic party did not run him for president.
LOL....the democrats didn't run lots of people for president in 1968.
Only Hubert H. Humphrey. What's your "brilliant" point?

Ok, so given that Wallace was the democratic governor of Alabama, and Alabama now votes for Trump, who IS the GOP president, what does that make Trump?
It makes him president, dimwit. Lots of states voted for Trump as president. Duh....
Pennsylvania went for Trump in 2016. So did Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. Would you like to equate them to Alabama somehow in your tiny little mind?
So what point would you like to make about that, you condescending clown?

This "I know you are, but, what am I?" bullshit that Trumpettes spout all the time is childish and pointless Limbaugh theater. You are not fooling anyone but yourselves, and trust me when I tell you that there is a very good reason why blacks in the South almost never vote republican.
Because blacks in general have allowed themselves to become wholly owned subsidiaries of the democrat party.
Boy you are some sort of genius. I'm sure you thought you had lots of clever points to make.
Turns out, you did not.
You (and she) should remember that nothing you post online ever goes away. It's a private organization, no laws were broken, no rights violated. If you don't like it feel free to not support them. Of enough people do the same, they will cease to be relevant.

I'm really surprised at how many conservatives are upset by this, considering all most all of them wanted the NFL to fire the kneelers.
Sure. The trouble is, people being punished for their opinions seems to be happening more and more. I find it to be an alarming trend. I am for free speech for everybody.
Me too.

But as I already noted companies and organizations are getting gun shy. They'd rather cut ties than take the risk.
Yes. That's what you said. So just to be on the safe side let's sideline a woman who refuses to wear a hijab. We wouldn't want other women to believe they could do that too! Shut her and her dangerous beliefs down! Get a Miss Michigan in there who will submit to the hijab!
Again, not me decision. That call was from the people who run the pageant. It's a business, they've got an image to protect, and theI decided to be proactive.
Uh huh. Silence them. It's proactive. You've made yourself clear.
Yes, proactive. I said that in my first post on the subject.

But they aren't silencing anyone. She can still talk, post, and whatever, just not as Miss Michigan.
Claiming a hijab is a form of oppression is not a fact, it is an opinion based on religious intolerance.

Tell that to Iranian women who are risking their freedom RIGHT NOW by refusing to wear it. Tell them the hijab isn't a form of oppression.
We are not in Iran

We are in the US where Muslim women have a choice of whether to wear a hijab or not. It is a personal religious and cultural decision no different than a Christian woman choosing to wear a cross
Poor Eric. Still maintains that George Wallace was a democrat, when the democratic party did not run him for president.
LOL....the democrats didn't run lots of people for president in 1968.
Only Hubert H. Humphrey. What's your "brilliant" point?

Ok, so given that Wallace was the democratic governor of Alabama, and Alabama now votes for Trump, who IS the GOP president, what does that make Trump?
It makes him president, dimwit. Lots of states voted for Trump as president. Duh....
Pennsylvania went for Trump in 2016. So did Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. Would you like to equate them to Alabama somehow in your tiny little mind?
So what point would you like to make about that, you condescending clown?

This "I know you are, but, what am I?" bullshit that Trumpettes spout all the time is childish and pointless Limbaugh theater. You are not fooling anyone but yourselves, and trust me when I tell you that there is a very good reason why blacks in the South almost never vote republican.
Because blacks in general have allowed themselves to become wholly owned subsidiaries of the democrat party.
Boy you are some sort of genius.

...and, black is white, and white is black, and Trump is going to win the Nobel prize for the his work to unify the nation under a rainbow of diversity, and you will be his chief greeter when Christ arrives for a visit and photo op. at Trumps favorite golf course, where Trump always has a Bible in his golf bag and a can of white paint that he uses to paint over all those little black lawn caddy statues whenever he sees one.
..and, black is white, and white is black, and Trump is going to win the Nobel prize for the his work to unify the nation under a rainbow of diversity, and you will be his chief greeter when Christ arrives for a visit and photo op. at Trumps favorite golf course, where Trump always has a Bible in his golf bag and a can of white paint that he uses to paint over all those little black lawn caddy statues whenever he sees one.
All "hilarious" stuff that makes none of your drivel any more true or accurate.
It is Kathy Zhu who is presenting her tale of woe and oppression
If she has more context that will help her case, she can present it.

I Googled her and this story and can’t find any additional context. Can you?

In the absence of that context, we can only judge from what was in the OP

That makes her appear hateful and a bigot
So facts are "hateful and bigoted"? :113:
Wow! Straight out of Big Brother's mouth in 1984!

That's the bottom line, isn't it and as already twice demonstrated we can't know
the context of her full exchange but we certainly can infer she was factually demonstrating how most black people die.... at the hands of other black people.

And that would likely counter what?
The claim that evil whitey is killing so many black people.

Don't come to an argument with your petty two-bit leftist illogic if you want to be taken seriously
(which apparently you don't).
Claiming a hijab is a form of oppression is not a fact, it is an opinion based on religious intolerance.
Muslim women aren't oppressed now? Making up facts again huh?
We are talking AMERICAN Muslim women and no, they are no more oppressed than Christian women.

Kathy Zhu claiming that they have no choice in wearing a hijab is a bigoted statement trying to generate hate towards Muslims
..and, black is white, and white is black, and Trump is going to win the Nobel prize for the his work to unify the nation under a rainbow of diversity, and you will be his chief greeter when Christ arrives for a visit and photo op. at Trumps favorite golf course, where Trump always has a Bible in his golf bag and a can of white paint that he uses to paint over all those little black lawn caddy statues whenever he sees one.
All "hilarious" stuff that makes none of your drivel any more true or accurate.

At least you can tell me what color the sky is in your alternative universe.
We are talking AMERICAN Muslim women and no, they are no more oppressed than Christian women.

Kathy Zhu claiming that they have no choice in wearing a hijab is a bigoted statement trying to generate hate towards Muslims
"Regarding the hijab incident, she wrote that “a Muslim woman tried to forcibly put a hijab on my head without my permission.”

“What’s ‘insensitive’ is that women in the Middle East are getting stoned to death for refusing to obey their husband’s orders to wear hijabs,” Zhu added.

Jesus Christ! You lie about things that can be easily checked. What's wrong with you?
Where do you see Zhu talking about American Muslim women being forced into a hijab?
I don't see that at all.

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