Missing Chicago-area student found murdered in forest preservey

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
These blue cities and suburbs are becoming outright animals

An Illinois woman whose body was found earlier this week in a forest preserve in a south Chicago suburb was strangled, an autopsy revealed Thursday.

Vanessa Ceja-Ramirez, 22, was last seen Monday afternoon when she was walking with her mother in the Midlothian Meadows preserve, the Chicago Tribune reported. The two separated, with Ceja-Ramirez telling her mother she’d meet her later at their car, but she did not return.

Police brought helicopters and dogs to search the two-square mile area, and at one point, the K-9s picked up her scent. A ping on Ceja-Ramirez’s cell phone’s location led investigators to an apartment building two miles away, but they found nothing.

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