Missing Jet sounding more and more like Hijacking... Left Hopes it's not Islam...

A buddy of mine here at work offered up an amusing thought with regard to this incident...

He suggested, humorously, that the plane had been hijacked by Somali pirates, it would be found in Somalia just prior to or just after ransom demands were made...
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both of the air speed sensors were not functioning.

they are independent of each other.

It is NOT likely that was an accident.

Other countries are not as forthcoming as the USA is.

I think this was a highjacking.
both of the air speed sensors were not functioning.

they are independent of each other.

It is NOT likely that was an accident.

Other countries are not as forthcoming as the USA is.

I think this was a highjacking.

Certainly you mean the transponders were both shut off and that can only be done in the cockpit.
AOL.com Article - Malaysian plane may have flown hours after losing contact - WSJ

Pakistan has been mentioned as a possibile attempted destination...

But Honestly, you know most Liberals are Sympathetic for whatever Insane Reason to Islam are Praying to Allah that this had nothing to do with Islam.



94% of terrorist acts are commited by non-Muslims.

original article,
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil

FBI source for data,
FBI ? Terrorism 2002/2005

Maylasia is of course a dominantly Islamic country, along with Indonesia (being the world's most populous Islamic country) so if terrorism is involved it's reasonable to assume Islamic terrorists were involved, but only because that's the majority of the population over there.
This is not "...on U.S. soil." This is international. If it was a terrorist act, you can bet it was by some crazy fucking Muslims.

Bet the house.
Has that EVER happened? Can't stow it in someone's garage, somoene's gonna notice a big ass plane landing where it isn't supposed to.
sure do hope its stolen and somewhere.

that would mean some are still alive.

that plane is gone Im afraid.

Its just not where they thought is was
I just hope something comes up soon, especially for the families that are left living the hellish nightmare of not knowing.
AOL.com Article - Malaysian plane may have flown hours after losing contact - WSJ

Pakistan has been mentioned as a possibile attempted destination...

But Honestly, you know most Liberals are Sympathetic for whatever Insane Reason to Islam are Praying to Allah that this had nothing to do with Islam.



94% of terrorist acts are commited by non-Muslims.

original article,
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil

FBI source for data,
FBI ? Terrorism 2002/2005

Maylasia is of course a dominantly Islamic country, along with Indonesia (being the world's most populous Islamic country) so if terrorism is involved it's reasonable to assume Islamic terrorists were involved, but only because that's the majority of the population over there.

Could give me a total of Deaths from both WTC Attacks compared with the other 94% you are countering with and what the Death Toll was?

I'll even leave out Ft. Hood and the Beltway Muslims. :thup:


66,081 civilian deaths in Iraq during both Iraq Wars

4,486 U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2012

Suppose if you limit your sample pool to what happens here, and ignore what we do elsewhere you might have a case.
66,081 civilian deaths in Iraq during both Iraq Wars

4,486 U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2012

Suppose if you limit your sample pool to what happens here, and ignore what we do elsewhere you might have a case.

So you are calling War "Terrorism"... Got it.

Because the United States Deliberately Targeted 66,081 Civilians for Death?...

WWII was one MotherFucker of a Terrorist Act on the United States part then, amirite?...


Why would 'the left' be anymore concerned about the religious makeup of these hypothetical terrorists than people of other political affiliations?

op fail


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