Missing the Racism Forest for the Trees


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Alfonzo once again exposes the institutional racism of liberalism. 10 bucks says the bed wetters on this page won't even watch this, but even if they do, they won't allow anything to challenge their programming. They'll deflect, attack the messenger, nit pick about trivial issues, but they won't acknowledge that Zo has a point.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2NYzl0HY1Y&feature=youtu.be]ZoNATION: False Concern: Missing the Racism Forest for the Trees - YouTube[/ame]
Liberals are absolutely petrified by the thought of such common sense as displayed by Alfonzo.

"...maybe they think that makes them honorary black people"
"... George Zimmerman HAD to be white"


Good for him. Especially at about 5:25 on. He'll be labeled a Tom, of course, in a predictable attempt to downplay his words and his points. Gotta deflect, that's the PC Police motto.

Thanks for posting this.

Alfonzo once again exposes the institutional racism of liberalism. 10 bucks says the bed wetters on this page won't even watch this, but even if they do, they won't allow anything to challenge their programming. They'll deflect, attack the messenger, nit pick about trivial issues, but they won't acknowledge that Zo has a point.

ZoNATION: False Concern: Missing the Racism Forest for the Trees - YouTube

This has been going at DHS for some time now and WITH the permission of the guy's supervisors.

Why? Can you imagine a KKK guy getting away with this? Well, in the old days, yeah. With dimocraps in control. Afterall, it was dimocraps who started the KKK.

Racist pigs. This all reminds me of Nazi Germany and how the people there ignored the uglier side of National Socialism because they were so good in other areas. Oh yes, they were. You don't get to be popular to the extent of becoming a cult unless you're doing something right. They were.

But the people turned a blind eye.... Just like now

DHS Employee Calls For Mass Murder of Whites, Says Black Men Are Being “Homosexualized” By Whites To Make Them Weaker…


Obama promotes him in 3… 2… 1.

Via The Atlantic:

A Department of Homeland Security employee who works on, among other things, the procurement of guns and ammunition for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, spends his nights and weekends preparing for a coming race war and advocating for anti-gay causes, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Meet Ayo Kimathi, a.k.a. “the Irritated Genie,” who told his bosses at the DHS that his anti-white, anti-gay site, “War is on the Horizon,” was just an entertainment site that sells concert and lecture videos.

You see, DHS employees, even those with office jobs like Kimathi’s, have to get outside activities approved by their supervisors, according to the SPLC. Kimathi’s former supervisor told the watchdog group, which tracks hate speech and groups in the U.S., that despite her former employee’s banal description of his extracurricular activities, the actual content of the site left her “stunned.” She continued: “To see the hate, to know that he is a federal employee, it bothered me.” She added that had Kimathi’s site been accurately described to the agency, there’s no way the DHS would have signed off on it. Possibly to keep his bosses from looking up his work, Kimathi used only the site’s acronym, WOH, in his permission request. In addition to his involvement in the purchase of ICE supplies, Kimathi also had a public profile for the agency, speaking at vendor events. As “Irritated Genie,” Kimathi also has a public profile as a black supremacist advocate.

The content of Kimathi’s advocacy demands some clarification. In some (white, conservative) circles, the term “black supremacist” is applied with a very wide brush. Black supremacy was the implication of Maine Governor Paul LePage’s reported comments that President Obama “hates white people,” for instance. Kimathi’s site is not in this vein of this imagined threat — on the contrary, War on the Horizon calls Obama a “a treasonous mulatto scum dweller,” and lists him among the movement’s enemies (also on the list? Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, and Condoleezza Rice, among others) Instead, the DHS employee advocates for:

• The mass murder of white people. His site says, “warfare is eminent, and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our christian hearts can possibly count.”

• A conspiracy theory arguing that white people are trying to “homosexualize” black men in order to make them more effeminate and therefore weaker. As part of this, Kimathi, praises a series of laws in some African countries that criminalize LGBT behavior and people. Kimathi also advocates for the supremacy of black men above black women — he offers tips on his site, for instance, “to help every Black woman in the world understand what she needs to do to keep a strong Black man happy.”

It isn't just the institutionalized racism of the scumbag dimocrap party, it's the inability of the party to critique itself.

To admit that they have problems.... Serious problems.

It is the mark of mental instability. If this were an individual, that person would have been put in protective custody years ago...

Pelosi Claims She “Cleaned Up” Washington While Stumping With Crooked Dem Rep. John Tierney Who’s Under A House Ethics Investigation…


She’s saying this while standing next to a Congressman whose wife recently went to jail for helping her brothers launder millions of dollars from their illegal offshore gambling ring.

BEVERLY, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi brushed off questions about coming to Massachusetts Friday to appear alongside Rep. John Tierney even though he is the target of an ethics investigation.

Pelosi made an appearance with Tierney, who represents the state’s 6th Congressional District, at a forum on economic issues for women in Beverly.

While Tierney refused to answer questions at the event, FOX 25′s Sharman Sacchetti asked Pelosi about why she chose not to wait until the completion of the probe to appear alongside the Congressman.

“Our timing is about the timing that works for the American people,” Pelosi replied. “To create good paying jobs for them and not to worry about what’s happening in Washington D.C., but to meet the needs of what is happening to people out here.

Tierney has been under fire since his wife pleaded guilty in 2010 to helping file false tax returns for her brother, who ran an illegal off-shore gambling ring.

When Pelosi was asked if she believed the ethics investigation was warranted, she said she welcomes it.

“I don’t know the merits of it, I welcome it. I think John does too, to clear up the issue,” Pelosi said.

Sacchetti also asked Pelosi about her longstanding goal to clean up Washington.

“Well, we have cleaned up Washington. We did. And now it has lapsed, but that’s not the point,” Pelosi said. “I want to go to your question. I’m here to stand with John Tierney and thank him for what he has done for our women’s economic agenda.”
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Holy crap that thing was I string of strawmen arguments combined with hypotheticals and assumptions that he made up just to argue against them.

It's a seven minute video so I can't go point by point thru the whole thing but the gist is that he's a black conservative being attacked and unfairly judged by black and white liberals. Mostly black tho.

He hit on GZ making the same arguments word for word that's already been discussed here. I.e. The liberal media, police stop and frisk, George Zimmerman, defending black conservatives, all other blacks that arent cons are stupid...sorry, I meant "not intelligent enough to get it *wink*, etc

Every point was literally word for word from talking points delivered here and other con media. It's almost an argument based only on being anti whatever dems like, do, accept he's against it. Some of it he doesn't "support" per se but he ridicules liberals for being against it anyway..just because.

When he talks about stop and frisk. His argument goes like this (watch the CID and correct me if im wrong). He acknowledges that the police can get out of hand sometimes. That it haPpens and it's possible. Then he says "people say it's unfair saying they don't have a weapon on them, like you need a weapon to commit a crime". Then says if stop and frisk was unfair, why hasn't he been stopped a lot when he hangs with rich white people. Or why hasn't he been taking out by an "NRA nut"?

Lol Whut? That's just one but like I said this is the same stuff only from a black guy. And repubs love that, sooooo
Oh and another point. This guy literally said that the liberal media didn't tell us that Trayvon was drinking Watermelon Arizona tea because they didn't wanna mention Watermelon with a black guy? Huh? They also didn't mention his shoes or the type of jeans he wore because the story was about a murder..but...ok.?

Then said that liberals made up the stereotype of blacks and watermelons! Not white people...LIBERALS! Come on man...
Oh and another point. This guy literally said that the liberal media didn't tell us that Trayvon was drinking Watermelon Arizona tea because they didn't wanna mention Watermelon with a black guy? Huh?

More likely, they didn't want 'lil Tray to look like the drugged out thug he was. Skittle and watermelon ice tea are two of the three ingredients in "lean", a nasty drug known to cause paranoia and aggression.
Oh and another point. This guy literally said that the liberal media didn't tell us that Trayvon was drinking Watermelon Arizona tea because they didn't wanna mention Watermelon with a black guy? Huh?

More likely, they didn't want 'lil Tray to look like the drugged out thug he was. Skittle and watermelon ice tea are two of the three ingredients in "lean", a nasty drug known to cause paranoia and aggression.

And Castor beans are one of the ingredients to make ricin. Btw iced tea is not used in lean. It's usually sprite and jolly ranchers not skittles. I could be wrong. Either way, tea and skittles are also just snacks too. This jusmp to assume he was going to make drugs is a leap stemming from TM just being black. No other reason has been given why people assumed he was making drugs.
Oh and another point. This guy literally said that the liberal media didn't tell us that Trayvon was drinking Watermelon Arizona tea because they didn't wanna mention Watermelon with a black guy? Huh?

More likely, they didn't want 'lil Tray to look like the drugged out thug he was. Skittle and watermelon ice tea are two of the three ingredients in "lean", a nasty drug known to cause paranoia and aggression.

And Castor beans are one of the ingredients to make ricin. Btw iced tea is not used in lean. It's usually sprite and jolly ranchers not skittles. I could be wrong.

You are.

Either way, tea and skittles are also just snacks too. This jusmp to assume he was going to make drugs is a leap stemming from TM just being black.

No, it has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with the fact he posted social media messages about Lean.

No other reason has been given why people assumed he was making drugs

Other than he and his buddies posted often of making the stuff.
Just saying that happened is one thing. Proving it is another. My points stand until proven otherwise. "because I said so" isn't proof.
Just saying that happened is one thing. Proving it is another. My points stand until proven otherwise. "because I said so" isn't proof.

Oh good gawd. The postings are all over the web. Do a search! Here you'll find ACTUAL SCREEN GRABS of 'lil Tray and his buddies taking about making the drug:

Update #26 Part 2 ? Trayvon Martin Shooting ? A year of drug use culminates in predictable violence? | The Last Refuge

Yes, it's a conservative site, but then, the liberal media isn't exactly interested in telling the whole story. Matters not...the screen grabs from his social media postings tell the story. He was a drugged up thug. You willingness to suspend disbelief because it doesn't fit your agenda is telling.
Holy crap that thing was I string of strawmen arguments combined with hypotheticals and assumptions that he made up just to argue against them.

It's a seven minute video so I can't go point by point thru the whole thing but the gist is that he's a black conservative being attacked and unfairly judged by black and white liberals. Mostly black tho.

He hit on GZ making the same arguments word for word that's already been discussed here. I.e. The liberal media, police stop and frisk, George Zimmerman, defending black conservatives, all other blacks that arent cons are stupid...sorry, I meant "not intelligent enough to get it *wink*, etc

Every point was literally word for word from talking points delivered here and other con media. It's almost an argument based only on being anti whatever dems like, do, accept he's against it. Some of it he doesn't "support" per se but he ridicules liberals for being against it anyway..just because.

When he talks about stop and frisk. His argument goes like this (watch the CID and correct me if im wrong). He acknowledges that the police can get out of hand sometimes. That it haPpens and it's possible. Then he says "people say it's unfair saying they don't have a weapon on them, like you need a weapon to commit a crime". Then says if stop and frisk was unfair, why hasn't he been stopped a lot when he hangs with rich white people. Or why hasn't he been taking out by an "NRA nut"?

Lol Whut? That's just one but like I said this is the same stuff only from a black guy. And repubs love that, sooooo

Thanks for fulfilling my predictions. You didn't try watching the video with an objective mind. You nitpicked trivial matters and took things out of context. Take for instance:

what you heard said:
Then says if stop and frisk was unfair, why hasn't he been stopped a lot when he hangs with rich white people.

He didn't say that at all. He said

Since I'm always strollin' around in their neighborhoods, I guess I should be gettin' stopped everyday

His point was, he doesn't get profiled by police, because he doesn't go out of his way to look shady. It's at 7:23. You took his point out of context, and made it sound as if he said he has nothing to worry about as long as he was hanging out with rich white people.

Not that I expect any intellectual honesty from a lib. In fact, you did exactly what I thought you'd do.
WTF? You complained that no one would look or listen to it. I did. Now you're complaining that I opened up a con video, watched 7 minutes of it because I have a closed mind? I wouldn't even have watched it if that was the case.

Of course he hasn't been frisked unless he thinks stop and frisk laws are done in rich neighborhoods. You and I know THAT. He doesn't seem to understand it.
Alfonzo once again exposes the institutional racism of liberalism. 10 bucks says the bed wetters on this page won't even watch this, but even if they do, they won't allow anything to challenge their programming. They'll deflect, attack the messenger, nit pick about trivial issues, but they won't acknowledge that Zo has a point.

ZoNATION: False Concern: Missing the Racism Forest for the Trees - YouTube

I see the same from all sides of the political spectrum.
The politicians in public look like they are infighting, while behind closed doors they all support each other and are friendly.

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