Missionary tactics use to try to Convert jews

what religion has killed larger numbers of people?

the god-deniers hold the record.....Stalin alone has killed more Christians than all the Christians have killed in its 2000 year history.....

as for organized religions, the Muslim expansion under the Rashidun Caliphate is a likely contender. The battle of al-Qādisiyyah alone resulted in over 10,000 casualties, which is far more than all who died in the entire Inquisition.....

atheists run around killing people? lmao... not for religious reasons.so i have no idea what you're talking about. G-d deniers? *shakes head*

how many people died in the crusades and the spanish inquisition and every other war waged to spread christianity and convert people?

They are not doing that now? They haven't done that in centuries! Evangelical Christians are some of the best people (as a whole) around. That is undeniable!
While your "god deniers" claim is false, do you feel better about your religion for being less deadly than Stalin?

no, I simply feel better that once again I have shown someone wrong who claimed that Christianity has killed more people than anyone....

as to my claim being false, Stalin is attributed with around 20 million deaths.....how many do you have for Christianity?....

I don't have a comprehensive list of deaths attributed to Christianity. However, the Crusades alone account for 1.5 million.

You make the typical error of so many extremists linking Stalin's mass slaughter to atheism. Atheism was not a motivating factor for Stalin.

first, you have 18.5 million to go....
second, you'll have to demonstrate that Christianity was the motivating factor for the crusades if you make that requirement for Stalin.....how about the invading Saracens in Spain and the Byzantium Empire, the noblemen searching for wealth and land, and the power struggle between the papacy and emerging monarchies for political control?......have you ever heard of those being factors behind the crusades?.....
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Isn't the Inquisition on YouTube?
Neither is the Calvary.
I guess neither happened.
so I take it you aren't bothering to read my posts....I assure you this will go much quicker if you do......as I documented, there were approximately 6000 deaths over 500 years of Inquisition......the Muslim's killed 10,000 in a single day at the battle of al-Qādisiyyah

You shouldn't feel slighted that Christianity came in at second place (first loser), as compared to Moslems and the battle of al-Qādisiyyah. Christianity has many "wins", in terms of body count, that put it right up there in the blood and guts race.

I'm not even sure they were in the running.....there's also Mao, the Pol Pot, Ghengis Khan....after all 6000 deaths over 500 years is 12 a year.....I suspect loose axe handles accounted for at least that many.....

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