Missionary tactics use to try to Convert jews

I don't see what's insidious about going up to people and asking them if they want to hear a message about Jesus Christ.
what religion has killed larger numbers of people?

the god-deniers hold the record.....Stalin alone has killed more Christians than all the Christians have killed in its 2000 year history.....

as for organized religions, the Muslim expansion under the Rashidun Caliphate is a likely contender. The battle of al-Qādisiyyah alone resulted in over 10,000 casualties, which is far more than all who died in the entire Inquisition.....
While your "god deniers" claim is false, do you feel better about your religion for being less deadly than Stalin?
I'm sorry, Hollie....I tired of your demonstrations that you don't know jack shit about anything.....learn a little, then come back and try again....if you show progress I may throw you a bone.....

I never expected that you would address the substantive issue. Your response was typical for the extremist. You hope to ignore the history of your ideology and instead launch into personal attacks as a defensive posture.

Nothing will send an extremist into trembling, OCD reflexive fits of insecurity like being confronted with the damage to humanity that has been inflicted by their religion.
oh I will reply to substantive attacks from people with integrity.....I simply won't reply to you.....you'll just accuse me of believing in a 6000 year old earth and ignore everything I say.....

Resigning before you're fired. Good choice.
what religion has killed larger numbers of people?

the god-deniers hold the record.....Stalin alone has killed more Christians than all the Christians have killed in its 2000 year history.....

as for organized religions, the Muslim expansion under the Rashidun Caliphate is a likely contender. The battle of al-Qādisiyyah alone resulted in over 10,000 casualties, which is far more than all who died in the entire Inquisition.....
While your "god deniers" claim is false, do you feel better about your religion for being less deadly than Stalin?

no, I simply feel better that once again I have shown someone wrong who claimed that Christianity has killed more people than anyone....

as to my claim being false, Stalin is attributed with around 20 million deaths.....how many do you have for Christianity?....
by the way, according to this research there were approximately 6000 who died over a 500 year period of Inquisition.....the Muslim's killed that many in a single day.....
[ame=http://askville.amazon.com/people-killed-Inquisition/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=3878676]How many people were actually killed during the Inquisition?[/ame]
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what religion has killed larger numbers of people?

the god-deniers hold the record.....Stalin alone has killed more Christians than all the Christians have killed in its 2000 year history.....

as for organized religions, the Muslim expansion under the Rashidun Caliphate is a likely contender. The battle of al-Qādisiyyah alone resulted in over 10,000 casualties, which is far more than all who died in the entire Inquisition.....

atheists run around killing people? lmao... not for religious reasons.so i have no idea what you're talking about. G-d deniers? *shakes head*

how many people died in the crusades and the spanish inquisition and every other war waged to spread christianity and convert people?
Guno, I don't know much about religion. In as many words as you are willing to type what is the difference between Jews and Christians, from your point of view, rather than the wiki version.

[MENTION=46804]RandomVariable[/MENTION] jews don't believe the messiah has come.

Christians do.

and jews don't believe in the new testament


I met some Orthodox Jews who believe in messiah but the difference is they don't believe that the Messiah will be God. So they do believe in the Messiah but some of them don't know who he is. They were very nice people and they weren't antagonistic towards Christians.

There are people who know a lot of messianic Jews but I haven't met a lot of them.


The word Mow-She-Ach does not mean Messiah, it means An Anointed Individual.
We are not expecting a Messiah (supernatural being) to pop up out of nowhere.
We are awaiting one or more persons who will have the character to draw people to a state of love and fear of God which will evoke God to want to allow for the rebuilding of The Temple.
Service in The Temple requires anointing with oil.

This we are waiting for the DAYS OF ANOINTMENT, not a Messiah.
the god-deniers hold the record.....Stalin alone has killed more Christians than all the Christians have killed in its 2000 year history.....

as for organized religions, the Muslim expansion under the Rashidun Caliphate is a likely contender. The battle of al-Qādisiyyah alone resulted in over 10,000 casualties, which is far more than all who died in the entire Inquisition.....
While your "god deniers" claim is false, do you feel better about your religion for being less deadly than Stalin?

no, I simply feel better that once again I have shown someone wrong who claimed that Christianity has killed more people than anyone....

as to my claim being false, Stalin is attributed with around 20 million deaths.....how many do you have for Christianity?....

I guess the issue is that Stalin did not kill in the name of religion.
It just goes to show that psychos don't have to be religious.
what religion has killed larger numbers of people?

the god-deniers hold the record.....Stalin alone has killed more Christians than all the Christians have killed in its 2000 year history.....

as for organized religions, the Muslim expansion under the Rashidun Caliphate is a likely contender. The battle of al-Qādisiyyah alone resulted in over 10,000 casualties, which is far more than all who died in the entire Inquisition.....

atheists run around killing people? lmao... not for religious reasons.so i have no idea what you're talking about. G-d deniers? *shakes head*

how many people died in the crusades and the spanish inquisition and every other war waged to spread christianity and convert people?

I already accounted for the inquisition......can you give me an example of a war waged to spread Christianity and convert people?.....I can't think of any.....
While your "god deniers" claim is false, do you feel better about your religion for being less deadly than Stalin?

no, I simply feel better that once again I have shown someone wrong who claimed that Christianity has killed more people than anyone....

as to my claim being false, Stalin is attributed with around 20 million deaths.....how many do you have for Christianity?....

I guess the issue is that Stalin did not kill in the name of religion.
It just goes to show that psychos don't have to be religious.

can you give me some documentation of people killed in the name of Christianity?.....
no, I simply feel better that once again I have shown someone wrong who claimed that Christianity has killed more people than anyone....

as to my claim being false, Stalin is attributed with around 20 million deaths.....how many do you have for Christianity?....

I guess the issue is that Stalin did not kill in the name of religion.
It just goes to show that psychos don't have to be religious.

can you give me some documentation of people killed in the name of Christianity?.....

Isn't the Inquisition on YouTube?
Neither is the Calvary.
I guess neither happened.
Guno, I don't know much about religion. In as many words as you are willing to type what is the difference between Jews and Christians, from your point of view, rather than the wiki version.

[MENTION=46804]RandomVariable[/MENTION] jews don't believe the messiah has come.

Christians do.

and jews don't believe in the new testament


I met some Orthodox Jews who believe in messiah but the difference is they don't believe that the Messiah will be God. So they do believe in the Messiah but some of them don't know who he is. They were very nice people and they weren't antagonistic towards Christians.

There are people who know a lot of messianic Jews but I haven't met a lot of them.

[MENTION=44368]Chuckt[/MENTION] there are differences in how jews see the messiah. there always have been. some see the messiah as a messianic king who will bring 1000 years of peace... others as a type of spiritual savior... i suspect most see the messiah as a combination of both.

i have no problems with christians who don't think i'm going to hell or that i'm somehow misguided.

I'm glad your experience was a good one, though.
I guess the issue is that Stalin did not kill in the name of religion.
It just goes to show that psychos don't have to be religious.

can you give me some documentation of people killed in the name of Christianity?.....

Isn't the Inquisition on YouTube?
Neither is the Calvary.
I guess neither happened.
so I take it you aren't bothering to read my posts....I assure you this will go much quicker if you do......as I documented, there were approximately 6000 deaths over 500 years of Inquisition......the Muslim's killed 10,000 in a single day at the battle of al-Qādisiyyah
can you give me some documentation of people killed in the name of Christianity?.....

Isn't the Inquisition on YouTube?
Neither is the Calvary.
I guess neither happened.
so I take it you aren't bothering to read my posts....I assure you this will go much quicker if you do......as I documented, there were approximately 6000 deaths over 500 years of Inquisition......the Muslim's killed 10,000 in a single day at the battle of al-Qādisiyyah

No problem as I'm not particularly obsessed with what psychos of any religious or secular persuasion did in the past.
Isn't the Inquisition on YouTube?
Neither is the Calvary.
I guess neither happened.
so I take it you aren't bothering to read my posts....I assure you this will go much quicker if you do......as I documented, there were approximately 6000 deaths over 500 years of Inquisition......the Muslim's killed 10,000 in a single day at the battle of al-Qādisiyyah

No problem as I'm not particularly obsessed with what psychos of any religious or secular persuasion did in the past.

and yet, you seem obsessed enough to jump on the band wagon proclaiming Christianity the greatest killer, despite the evidence provided....what is the line your obsession does not cross?....
so I take it you aren't bothering to read my posts....I assure you this will go much quicker if you do......as I documented, there were approximately 6000 deaths over 500 years of Inquisition......the Muslim's killed 10,000 in a single day at the battle of al-Qādisiyyah

No problem as I'm not particularly obsessed with what psychos of any religious or secular persuasion did in the past.

and yet, you seem obsessed enough to jump on the band wagon proclaiming Christianity the greatest killer, despite the evidence provided....what is the line your obsession does not cross?....

Actually, I didn't.
An objective perusal of my posts will reveal that I am simply trying to shed light, or mock, a silly posting.
There will almost surely be a lack of evidence of the victims of the Roman Catholic Church throughout history because, unlike the Nazis, the RCC wasn't keeping records of their actions.
Neither were the Moslems or the Greek Orthodox or countless other religions and secular conquerors.
[MENTION=46804]RandomVariable[/MENTION] jews don't believe the messiah has come.

Christians do.

and jews don't believe in the new testament


I met some Orthodox Jews who believe in messiah but the difference is they don't believe that the Messiah will be God. So they do believe in the Messiah but some of them don't know who he is. They were very nice people and they weren't antagonistic towards Christians.

There are people who know a lot of messianic Jews but I haven't met a lot of them.

[MENTION=44368]Chuckt[/MENTION] there are differences in how jews see the messiah. there always have been. some see the messiah as a messianic king who will bring 1000 years of peace... others as a type of spiritual savior... i suspect most see the messiah as a combination of both.

i have no problems with christians who don't think i'm going to hell or that i'm somehow misguided.

I'm glad your experience was a good one, though.

You are listening to people who were given a spirit of stupor by God.

Isaiah 29:10 The LORD has brought over you a deep sleep: He has sealed your eyes (the prophets); he has covered your heads (the seers).

You noticed a difference between what they believe? Can they all be right? What if you are following the wrong one?

God cut off the natural branches of his olive tree and grafted us in:

Romans 11:21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

We know because they were cut off but God hasn't cast off his people. He is able to graft them in again.

That is why what you believe is very dangerous. You are trusting them and God is speaking through plan B (us) right now.
No problem as I'm not particularly obsessed with what psychos of any religious or secular persuasion did in the past.

and yet, you seem obsessed enough to jump on the band wagon proclaiming Christianity the greatest killer, despite the evidence provided....what is the line your obsession does not cross?....

Actually, I didn't.
An objective perusal of my posts will reveal that I am simply trying to shed light, or mock, a silly posting.
There will almost surely be a lack of evidence of the victims of the Roman Catholic Church throughout history because, unlike the Nazis, the RCC wasn't keeping records of their actions.
Neither were the Moslems or the Greek Orthodox or countless other religions and secular conquerors.

I can see that you're more inclined to accept the presumptions of bigotry than to examine facts.....at least you acknowledge your lack of evidence even if you blame Christianity for your failure....
the god-deniers hold the record.....Stalin alone has killed more Christians than all the Christians have killed in its 2000 year history.....

as for organized religions, the Muslim expansion under the Rashidun Caliphate is a likely contender. The battle of al-Qādisiyyah alone resulted in over 10,000 casualties, which is far more than all who died in the entire Inquisition.....
While your "god deniers" claim is false, do you feel better about your religion for being less deadly than Stalin?

no, I simply feel better that once again I have shown someone wrong who claimed that Christianity has killed more people than anyone....

as to my claim being false, Stalin is attributed with around 20 million deaths.....how many do you have for Christianity?....

I don't have a comprehensive list of deaths attributed to Christianity. However, the Crusades alone account for 1.5 million.

You make the typical error of so many extremists linking Stalin's mass slaughter to atheism. Atheism was not a motivating factor for Stalin.

Additionally, there are issues you extremists hope to avoid. Firstly, the slaughters of Christianity occurred during a time of much smaller global population. Why don't you give us some data on the percentage of the population slaughtered during Christianity's conquests? Christians think this world was nothing but barbarians before Jesus-- when in actuality, barbarism sprung up rampantly after Jesus and his devoted fanatics started hacking at anyone who slightly disagreed with them (even the atrocities of the old testament pale in comparison to the holocausts, pogrom, wars and genocides that the teachings of Jesus has inspired). You think the Greeks burned old women because they were witches? The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. It took a Christian mob to destroy their works and literally set us back 2,000 years.

Secondly, Christian Crusaders were never equipped with modern technological tools of mass slaughter so their damage was relatively limited.
can you give me some documentation of people killed in the name of Christianity?.....

Isn't the Inquisition on YouTube?
Neither is the Calvary.
I guess neither happened.
so I take it you aren't bothering to read my posts....I assure you this will go much quicker if you do......as I documented, there were approximately 6000 deaths over 500 years of Inquisition......the Muslim's killed 10,000 in a single day at the battle of al-Qādisiyyah

You shouldn't feel slighted that Christianity came in at second place (first loser), as compared to Moslems and the battle of al-Qādisiyyah. Christianity has many "wins", in terms of body count, that put it right up there in the blood and guts race.

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