Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

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Yes, I said that also. I don't mean to imply that everyone in the county would immediately abandon their homes, but, given the chance to live inside the district or outside the district (which is a major consideration for home buyers and renters with kids) they may decide to live outside the district boundries.

This is the whole point of having localised control of school districts vs state or federal administration: Parents have a HUGE amount of power and input over school administration in the USA.

so people are supposed to pander to people's biases?

there will always be racists. there will always be homophobes. there will always be anti-semitics.

i'm pretty sure that we shouldn't be allowing schools to formulate policy to feed those hatreds.

we're not supposed to be tolerant of people's hatred.
I wonder if they'd have been allowed to cancel the dance on the basis of a black couple attending?

For some reason I doubt the people of that county are a big fan of the coloreds or especially interacial dating.
Yes, I said that also. I don't mean to imply that everyone in the county would immediately abandon their homes, but, given the chance to live inside the district or outside the district (which is a major consideration for home buyers and renters with kids) they may decide to live outside the district boundries.

This is the whole point of having localised control of school districts vs state or federal administration: Parents have a HUGE amount of power and input over school administration in the USA.

so people are supposed to pander to people's biases?

there will always be racists. there will always be homophobes. there will always be anti-semitics.

i'm pretty sure that we shouldn't be allowing schools to formulate policy to feed those hatreds.

we're not supposed to be tolerant of people's hatred.
I wonder if they'd have been allowed to cancel the dance on the basis of a black couple attending?

Again, she wanted to wear a tux....I think that was entirely inappropriate. If they would have banned it anyway, then they are wrong, but if they banned it because they wanted to uphold the dress code, more power to them.
And, just when you thought that gay people (and even straight children related to gay people) had no problems with being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country...here's another story:

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents - CNN.com

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents

The archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, is defending its decision not to re-enroll two children in a Catholic school in Boulder next year because their parents are lesbians.

and more to the article.

Isn't it charming what religious organizations do to children these days? Maybe it's all for the best...those children have a lesser chance of being diddled by a Catholic priest.

It is a PRIVATE SCHOOL. They have EVERY right to deny enrollment to ANYONE they want, for ANY reason. Get back to us when a Public school does so.
And, just when you thought that gay people (and even straight children related to gay people) had no problems with being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country...here's another story:

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents - CNN.com

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents

The archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, is defending its decision not to re-enroll two children in a Catholic school in Boulder next year because their parents are lesbians.

and more to the article.

Isn't it charming what religious organizations do to children these days? Maybe it's all for the best...those children have a lesser chance of being diddled by a Catholic priest.

It is a PRIVATE SCHOOL. They have EVERY right to deny enrollment to ANYONE they want, for ANY reason. Get back to us when a Public school does so.

RGS is right on this one.
And, just when you thought that gay people (and even straight children related to gay people) had no problems with being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country...here's another story:

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents - CNN.com

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents

The archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, is defending its decision not to re-enroll two children in a Catholic school in Boulder next year because their parents are lesbians.

and more to the article.

Isn't it charming what religious organizations do to children these days? Maybe it's all for the best...those children have a lesser chance of being diddled by a Catholic priest.

It is a PRIVATE SCHOOL. They have EVERY right to deny enrollment to ANYONE they want, for ANY reason. Get back to us when a Public school does so.

But do they get public funds through programs like vouchers?
The very first response to this thread is the best one. It is definitely cutting off your nose to spite your face.
My son goes to Catholic University and he said there are a significant number of gays there. He said it's kinda like "Don't ask, don't tell". Everyone gets along and no one pushes their sexual orientation on anyone else. What does "being a lesbian" have to do with the prom or being parents? How would anyone know unless they made a fucking issue out of it?

From the CNN article:
"The issue is not about our not accepting 'sinners,' " he said. "It is not about punishing the child for the sins of his or her parents. It is simply that the lesbian couple is saying that their relationship is a good one that should be accepted by everyone; and the Church cannot agree to that."

The church does not ask if anyone's relationship is a "good one". Yet it seems that this couple wanted that special recognition. There's always more to the story folks.
This was a smart move by the Mississippi School District in banning the High School Prom due to a immoral lesbian couple wanting to attend that would taint the event. Here in the south we want southern family MORAL traditions maintained that will carry on in this christian faith based family conservative values region. It is best to mainstain the status quo of boy girl dates. Louisiana did this last year at a prom and banned the same sex couple by sticking to their moral convictions in doing the right thing. This same sex behavior should recieve zero tolerance at all school events.

Living | Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request | Seattle Times Newspaper

JACKSON, Miss. —
A northern Mississippi school district decided Wednesday not to host a high school prom after a lesbian student demanded she be able to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi had given the district until Wednesday to change that policy and allow 18-year-old Constance McMillen to escort her girlfriend, who is also a student, to the dance on April 2.

Instead, the school board met and issued a statement announcing it wouldn't host the event at Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, "due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events."

The statement didn't mention McMillen or the ACLU. When asked by The Associated Press if McMillen's demand led to the cancellation, school board attorney Michele Floyd said she could only reference the statement.

"It is our hope that private citizens will organize an event for the juniors and seniors," district officials said in the statement. "However, at this time, we feel that it is in the best interest of the Itawamba County School District, after taking into consideration the education, safety and well being of our students."

where the fuck do you live in the south?

Bible Belt Leads U.S. In Divorces

Aside from the quickie-divorce Mecca of Nevada, no region of the United States has a higher divorce rate than the Bible Belt. Nearly half of all marriages break up, but the divorce rates in these southern states are roughly 50 percent above the national average.

According to federal figures:

Nationally, there were about 4.2 divorces for every thousand people in 1998.
The rate was 8.5 per thousand in Nevada, 6.4 in Tennessee, 6.1 in Arkansas, 6.0 in Alabama and Oklahoma.
Of southeastern states, only South Carolina's rate of 3.8 was below the national average.
By contrast, the divorce rate is less than 3.0 in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York.
Why so many divorces in the Bible Belt?

(mal left out due to copy right rules)

Religion may play a role, since some of the lowest divorce rates are in northeastern states with relatively high household incomes and large numbers of Roman Catholics whose church doesn't recognize divorce.

Bible Belt states, in contrast, are dominated by fundamentalist Protestant denominations that proclaim the sanctity of marriage but generally do not want to estrange churchgoers who do divorce.

No state has been more embarrassed by the divorce problem than Oklahoma. Over the past few months, Gov. Frank Keating has enlisted clergymen, academics, lawyers and psychologists in a campaign to reduce the divorce rate by a third within 10 years. In neighboring Arkansas, state officials hope to halve the divorce rate by 2010.

Bible Belt Leads U.S. In Divorces
My younger son's Catholic HS is now allowing "same sex couples" Not because they are recognizing gays in high school; they are recognizing same sex FRIENDSHIPS. There is simply too much pressure on kids to find a date. That's the way it should be handled. Win/win.
The very first response to this thread is the best one. It is definitely cutting off your nose to spite your face.
More like cutting off the student's noses to spite the parent's faces. This is an uneducated move. When children grow up, they will have to deal with the fact that lesbians exist and contribute to society. Shielding them from such "horrors" while within the public "learning center" is lunacy.

It takes the mindset of a Neanderthal to reject reality in keeping with ridiculous beliefs. The school board has done damage to all the students, created animosity among students and reinforced the prejudices of the bible-thumping, fire and brimstone numbnuts that apparently occupy the district.

It was an extremely bad decision.
This was a smart move by the Mississippi School District in banning the High School Prom due to a immoral lesbian couple wanting to attend that would taint the event.

We don't want two girls dancing together!!!

This was a smart move by the Mississippi School District in banning the High School Prom due to a immoral lesbian couple wanting to attend that would taint the event. Here in the south we want southern family MORAL traditions maintained that will carry on in this christian faith based family conservative values region. It is best to mainstain the status quo of boy girl dates. Louisiana did this last year at a prom and banned the same sex couple by sticking to their moral convictions in doing the right thing. This same sex behavior should recieve zero tolerance at all school events.

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It really kills two birds with one stone at that Mississippi school

They don't have to worry about lesbians dating

and they don't have to worry about white girls dancing with black boys

For them, they call it win-win
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so people are supposed to pander to people's biases?

there will always be racists. there will always be homophobes. there will always be anti-semitics.

i'm pretty sure that we shouldn't be allowing schools to formulate policy to feed those hatreds.

we're not supposed to be tolerant of people's hatred.
I wonder if they'd have been allowed to cancel the dance on the basis of a black couple attending?

Again, she wanted to wear a tux....I think that was entirely inappropriate. If they would have banned it anyway, then they are wrong, but if they banned it because they wanted to uphold the dress code, more power to them.

What's wrong with a tux?

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