Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

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Or maybe, religious groups should not be dictating what public schools do....just a thought.

Oh I'm certain the Public School Administrators would absolutely LOVE to remove Religion from the Public.

They would like to remove Sex from the Public.

In fact, in a perfect setting, a Public School would have nothing to do with Parents, who would all be sent to a different planet until their offspring graduated.


These hopes are equally probable.
This was a smart move by the Mississippi School District in banning the High School Prom due to a immoral lesbian couple wanting to attend that would taint the event. Here in the south we want southern family MORAL traditions maintained that will carry on in this christian faith based family conservative values region. It is best to mainstain the status quo of boy girl dates. Louisiana did this last year at a prom and banned the same sex couple by sticking to their moral convictions in doing the right thing. This same sex behavior should recieve zero tolerance at all school events.

Living | Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request | Seattle Times Newspaper

JACKSON, Miss. —
A northern Mississippi school district decided Wednesday not to host a high school prom after a lesbian student demanded she be able to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi had given the district until Wednesday to change that policy and allow 18-year-old Constance McMillen to escort her girlfriend, who is also a student, to the dance on April 2.

Instead, the school board met and issued a statement announcing it wouldn't host the event at Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, "due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events."

The statement didn't mention McMillen or the ACLU. When asked by The Associated Press if McMillen's demand led to the cancellation, school board attorney Michele Floyd said she could only reference the statement.

"It is our hope that private citizens will organize an event for the juniors and seniors," district officials said in the statement. "However, at this time, we feel that it is in the best interest of the Itawamba County School District, after taking into consideration the education, safety and well being of our students."

idiocy .
So, you're saying they're similar in not having a choice? As I said, last time I looked being black did not go against perceived societal morals, so it's not the same at all. And God has nothing to do with it, other than He made every one of us with our differences. It's up to each individual to live their lives as they choose. It's why you have free will, and as I believe, only you will have to answer for your actions, not anyone else.

You see, that's where we're different. I have no mystical or supernatural beliefs. I don't believe in "ghosts", neither friendly or otherwise. Nothing occult. To me, it's all about as real as "Marvel Comics". But if other people want to believe that stuff, more power to them. Just don't attempt to cram that silliness down MY throat.

You're welcome to your beliefs or non beliefs, but others have different views, and it's not up to you to be judgmental about them, or you are no better than you're saying they are for being judgmental of gays. It's called hypocrisy. I was simply stating my POV as a Christian that I don't think it accomplishes anything to deny the kids their prom because of two girls who want to go together as a couple. I would have not taken that action, and I think the Christian community needs to be more vocal whenever this type of thing happens. I don't think we should be judging other people's behavior, unless of course they're hurting or violating the rights of others. Every person will have to answer for their behavior, at least that's what I believe, so what good does it do for me to judge them, I have my own behavior to worry about. It doesn't matter how immoral society becomes, it does not give you an excuse for your own behavior in the end.

I think it was a cruel thing for the school administration to do. They essentially said "We are cancelling your prom because of these two girls"
And yet, the ONLY reason for the discrimination is because of those same Christian beliefs. No one believes it's the "atheists" who demanded that Prom Night be canceled to stop children they don't "approve of" from attending. Nice people.

Not letting you off the hook... still waiting for you to post the cold hard facts supporting your assertions.. or for you to finally admit you were pulling shit out of your ass
I think I made my point. Why don't we go into typical evening shows on mainstream television. What do you think? At least 50% or more have gay characters. Every reality show has a 'diverse' cast, etc.. You're denying this? If so, you don't get out much.

I'll give you another opportunity to change your claim again. This time I suggest you support it with facts instead guesswork.

Gee, guess it must only be the shows that I watch then. And the statistics only count 'main' characters, not characters that don't appear regularly. To deny that they don't get broad exposure on mainstream television is ridiculous.

So....when you can't support a claim you translate that into accusing others of denial?
You see, that's where we're different. I have no mystical or supernatural beliefs. I don't believe in "ghosts", neither friendly or otherwise. Nothing occult. To me, it's all about as real as "Marvel Comics". But if other people want to believe that stuff, more power to them. Just don't attempt to cram that silliness down MY throat.

You're welcome to your beliefs or non beliefs, but others have different views, and it's not up to you to be judgmental about them, or you are no better than you're saying they are for being judgmental of gays. It's called hypocrisy. I was simply stating my POV as a Christian that I don't think it accomplishes anything to deny the kids their prom because of two girls who want to go together as a couple. I would have not taken that action, and I think the Christian community needs to be more vocal whenever this type of thing happens. I don't think we should be judging other people's behavior, unless of course they're hurting or violating the rights of others. Every person will have to answer for their behavior, at least that's what I believe, so what good does it do for me to judge them, I have my own behavior to worry about. It doesn't matter how immoral society becomes, it does not give you an excuse for your own behavior in the end.

And yet, the ONLY reason for the discrimination is because of those same Christian beliefs. No one believes it's the "atheists" who demanded that Prom Night be canceled to stop children they don't "approve of" from attending. Nice people.

Not MY christian beliefs, nor many other christians that I know, as a matter of fact, my entire church, nor a lot of mainstream christians today. You can feel free to use a minority to continue a stereo type if you like though.
Idiot... you can not pass in 4 years and still not be a dropout.. yet not be in the official graduation rate numbers...

As for your assertions

Please post the cold hard facts behind lesbians being among the smartest students and that christians are statistically 'moral and uneducated'

Or just admit, like with everything else... you simply were pulling shit out of your ass in a feeble attempt to give your stance some apparent credibility

Idiot... you can not pass in 4 years and still not be a dropout.. yet not be in the official graduation rate numbers...

I guess I am slow. What does that mean exactly?

You can pass in 5 years... and not be a positive statistic in the graduation rate.. and that does not up the dropout rate

And still waiting for you to post the cold hard facts backing up your assertions... or for you to simply admit you were pulling shit out of your ass

You can pass in 5 years... and not be a positive statistic in the graduation rate.. and that does not up the dropout rate

Now THAT'S funny. What is that statistic? About 1 in 500,000?
US Army retard troll strikes again. Please change you name asshole, you are a disgrace to all the honorable retired and current US Army people out there.
Idiot... you can not pass in 4 years and still not be a dropout.. yet not be in the official graduation rate numbers...

I guess I am slow. What does that mean exactly?

You can pass in 5 years... and not be a positive statistic in the graduation rate.. and that does not up the dropout rate

And still waiting for you to post the cold hard facts backing up your assertions... or for you to simply admit you were pulling shit out of your ass

You can pass in 5 years... and not be a positive statistic in the graduation rate.. and that does not up the dropout rate

Now THAT'S funny. What is that statistic? About 1 in 500,000?

It is part of it.. as are kids who have to finish up in summer school... as are kids who GED it for whatever reason... I know you can say it... there are differences between the 'dropout rate' and the negative side of the 'graduation rate'

Now... still calling you out for your supporting facts for your assertions... or are you going to admit to pulling shit out of your ass?
The flinstones are on. Who is the gay character?

I think I made my point. Why don't we go into typical evening shows on mainstream television. What do you think? At least 50% or more have gay characters. Every reality show has a 'diverse' cast, etc.. You're denying this? If so, you don't get out much.

I'll give you another opportunity to change your claim again. This time I suggest you support it with facts instead guesswork.

Betty and Wilma were gay.

There are cartoon websites that prove it
I think I made my point. Why don't we go into typical evening shows on mainstream television. What do you think? At least 50% or more have gay characters. Every reality show has a 'diverse' cast, etc.. You're denying this? If so, you don't get out much.

I'll give you another opportunity to change your claim again. This time I suggest you support it with facts instead guesswork.

Betty and Wilma were gay.

There are cartoon websites that prove it

Please PM URL's.
I think it was a cruel thing for the school administration to do. They essentially said "We are cancelling your prom because of these two girls"


No Pain, No Gain.:doubt:

The Public School has no business being in the freakin' Prom Business.

I'll have to agree with you there. Kids learn about sex all too soon and there's no need for the school to be one of the enablers.
Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request - Yahoo! News

The School District solved the problem they had with the attendance of the gay students. Leaving the ACLU with nothing to do.

Ohh and by the way? High School students do NOT have all the rights of adults. This has been legislated and approved by the Supreme Court on more then one occasion.

As to the specific claim the gay students have no Constitutional right to violate school board rules and regulations. I would agree with the school board. Their constituents do NOT want gays at sponsored events like this. The Board is elected. By canceling official participation they leave the ACLU with no where to go. And they meet the demands of their electorate.

It's a public school. This directly violates the Constitution. But since you love hating the Constitution you love the decision.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. What part of that is hard to understand? It should also be noted that a public school is not obligated to host a high school prom. Fact is, this is just another lame attempt by homosexuals to validate an abominable lifestyle which is rejected by most fair minded Americans. When a liberal state such as California strikes down homosexual marriage, that ought to be a sign that most folks don't agree with such a lifestyle. The only weapon you homosexuals have is to call someone that doesn't agree with you homophobic. That label as well as the "racist" label is quickly losing it's effectiveness.

Who caused the problems here? I'm guessing if the whiny bigots didn't complain the prom would have happened, more out-of-wedlock pregnancies would have occurred, and none of us would be discussing some backwater shithole living in the 18th century with electricity.

The Board went out of their way to specifically avoid being honest because what they did is a clear Constitutional violation. Homphobes are the problem. Tell us, if you all stopped whining like little bitches, what tangible harms would be caused? All of these threads boil down to the same damn thing:

Bigots with a persecution complex whining about gays.
It's you that's equating being of a different ethnicity to being gay, not me. I really don't see the similarity. Is being black, hispanic, jewish, etc... going against perceived societal morals?

At one time in mississippi, YES.

So, you're asserting that it was immoral to be black?

again, at one time yes. did I stutter? Shall we ignore the history of the south in order to forget how the same excuses by the same people have been used historically?

don't let the sun set on you in this town, ******.... right?
I think it was a cruel thing for the school administration to do. They essentially said "We are cancelling your prom because of these two girls"


No Pain, No Gain.:doubt:

The Public School has no business being in the freakin' Prom Business.

yea.. you know.. since PROM it usually associated with anything other than school.

And yet, the ONLY reason for the discrimination is because of those same Christian beliefs. No one believes it's the "atheists" who demanded that Prom Night be canceled to stop children they don't "approve of" from attending. Nice people.

Not letting you off the hook... still waiting for you to post the cold hard facts supporting your assertions.. or for you to finally admit you were pulling shit out of your ass

That Southern Christians are "moral and uneducated"?

They are "moral" because they say they are. Unless you disagree with that?

Uneducated. Wow, it's not like you have to look really hard.

6% of scientists are Republican and only 9% conservative. As in "conservative Christian".

Like I said, I can find organizations of "gay" scientists and engineers, but I haven't been able to find a "single one" for Evangelical or Conservative Christians. Find one for me. And please, NOT the Discovery Institute or the "ID Museum".

Beyond Red vs. Blue: Profiles of the Typology Groups - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

One thing that surprises me, you never, ever have any kind of "proof" yourself. When you are show "proof", you shout "liar". If Christians are so well educated, "Prove it".

But like I said, if they could have found someone qualifed to build the Crystal Cathedral, they would never have hired a gay. Call that a lie.
Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request - Yahoo! News

The School District solved the problem they had with the attendance of the gay students. Leaving the ACLU with nothing to do.

Ohh and by the way? High School students do NOT have all the rights of adults. This has been legislated and approved by the Supreme Court on more then one occasion.

As to the specific claim the gay students have no Constitutional right to violate school board rules and regulations. I would agree with the school board. Their constituents do NOT want gays at sponsored events like this. The Board is elected. By canceling official participation they leave the ACLU with no where to go. And they meet the demands of their electorate.

It's a public school. This directly violates the Constitution. But since you love hating the Constitution you love the decision.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. What part of that is hard to understand? It should also be noted that a public school is not obligated to host a high school prom. Fact is, this is just another lame attempt by homosexuals to validate an abominable lifestyle which is rejected by most fair minded Americans. When a liberal state such as California strikes down homosexual marriage, that ought to be a sign that most folks don't agree with such a lifestyle. The only weapon you homosexuals have is to call someone that doesn't agree with you homophobic. That label as well as the "racist" label is quickly losing it's effectiveness.

Fair minded Americans call gays "abominable". Uh, hate to break the news to you sparky, but gays come from those same "American" families who didn't raise their children to be gay. They just ARE. You might as well discriminate against a genius or a Downs syndrome, makes equal sense.

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