Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

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Who gives a damn if a lesbian high school girl wants to have a lesbian date with her for the prom?

That's one of the things in life that the Miss. school district considers especially important? :cuckoo:

And not only is it "important" to the school district, it's important enough to screw around with all the other high school kids who cannot have their prom, now? :cuckoo:

There are some cultural aspects, still, of Mississippi that I wish they'd leave behind in the dark recesses of the past.
It's a public school. This directly violates the Constitution. But since you love hating the Constitution you love the decision.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. What part of that is hard to understand? It should also be noted that a public school is not obligated to host a high school prom. Fact is, this is just another lame attempt by homosexuals to validate an abominable lifestyle which is rejected by most fair minded Americans. When a liberal state such as California strikes down homosexual marriage, that ought to be a sign that most folks don't agree with such a lifestyle. The only weapon you homosexuals have is to call someone that doesn't agree with you homophobic. That label as well as the "racist" label is quickly losing it's effectiveness.

Fair minded Americans call gays "abominable". Uh, hate to break the news to you sparky, but gays come from those same "American" families who didn't raise their children to be gay. They just ARE. You might as well discriminate against a genius or a Downs syndrome, makes equal sense.

Are you kidding? Some DO discriminate against geniuses....we are told that smart, educated people are Elitists...that Colleges are bastions of Communist indoctrination...that having a Haarvard degree is bad.
And yet, the ONLY reason for the discrimination is because of those same Christian beliefs. No one believes it's the "atheists" who demanded that Prom Night be canceled to stop children they don't "approve of" from attending. Nice people.

Not letting you off the hook... still waiting for you to post the cold hard facts supporting your assertions.. or for you to finally admit you were pulling shit out of your ass

That Southern Christians are "moral and uneducated"?

They are "moral" because they say they are. Unless you disagree with that?

Uneducated. Wow, it's not like you have to look really hard.

6% of scientists are Republican and only 9% conservative. As in "conservative Christian".

Like I said, I can find organizations of "gay" scientists and engineers, but I haven't been able to find a "single one" for Evangelical or Conservative Christians. Find one for me. And please, NOT the Discovery Institute or the "ID Museum".

Beyond Red vs. Blue: Profiles of the Typology Groups - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

One thing that surprises me, you never, ever have any kind of "proof" yourself. When you are show "proof", you shout "liar". If Christians are so well educated, "Prove it".

But like I said, if they could have found someone qualifed to build the Crystal Cathedral, they would never have hired a gay. Call that a lie.

Membership in a group or 'organization' does not prove your assertion....

Nice try... please give cold hard factual statistics

Or just admit you generalized and pulled shit out of your ass
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Oh.. and I did not make any assertion that Christians are any 'smarter' or more 'educated' than gays or jews or atheists or little people or any other group... but nice try and twist this around... not gonna work though
Not letting you off the hook... still waiting for you to post the cold hard facts supporting your assertions.. or for you to finally admit you were pulling shit out of your ass

That Southern Christians are "moral and uneducated"?

They are "moral" because they say they are. Unless you disagree with that?

Uneducated. Wow, it's not like you have to look really hard.

6% of scientists are Republican and only 9% conservative. As in "conservative Christian".

Like I said, I can find organizations of "gay" scientists and engineers, but I haven't been able to find a "single one" for Evangelical or Conservative Christians. Find one for me. And please, NOT the Discovery Institute or the "ID Museum".

Beyond Red vs. Blue: Profiles of the Typology Groups - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

One thing that surprises me, you never, ever have any kind of "proof" yourself. When you are show "proof", you shout "liar". If Christians are so well educated, "Prove it".

But like I said, if they could have found someone qualifed to build the Crystal Cathedral, they would never have hired a gay. Call that a lie.

Membership in a group or 'organization' does not prove your assertion....

Nice try... please give cold hard factual statistics

Or just admit you generalized and pulled shit out of your ass

You called it, rdean. And for Diamond Dave.....:clap2: on the :beatingdeadhorse:
I think I made my point. Why don't we go into typical evening shows on mainstream television. What do you think? At least 50% or more have gay characters. Every reality show has a 'diverse' cast, etc.. You're denying this? If so, you don't get out much.

I'll give you another opportunity to change your claim again. This time I suggest you support it with facts instead guesswork.

Betty and Wilma were gay.

There are cartoon websites that prove it

Nah, Betty and Wilma were bi.... Fred, Wilma, Betty, and Barney were all swingers... :lol:
That Southern Christians are "moral and uneducated"?

They are "moral" because they say they are. Unless you disagree with that?

Uneducated. Wow, it's not like you have to look really hard.

6% of scientists are Republican and only 9% conservative. As in "conservative Christian".

Like I said, I can find organizations of "gay" scientists and engineers, but I haven't been able to find a "single one" for Evangelical or Conservative Christians. Find one for me. And please, NOT the Discovery Institute or the "ID Museum".

Beyond Red vs. Blue: Profiles of the Typology Groups - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

One thing that surprises me, you never, ever have any kind of "proof" yourself. When you are show "proof", you shout "liar". If Christians are so well educated, "Prove it".

But like I said, if they could have found someone qualifed to build the Crystal Cathedral, they would never have hired a gay. Call that a lie.

Membership in a group or 'organization' does not prove your assertion....

Nice try... please give cold hard factual statistics

Or just admit you generalized and pulled shit out of your ass

You called it, rdean. And for Diamond Dave.....:clap2: on the :beatingdeadhorse:

The asshole gave no statistics to quantify the position that Christians are less educated nor that lesbians are 'among the top educated groups'

Nice try
"It is our hope that private citizens will organize an event for the juniors and seniors," district officials said in the statement.

Translation - "we're turning prom into a private party that way it will be legal for us to keep out fags and anyone else we hate."
"It is our hope that private citizens will organize an event for the juniors and seniors," district officials said in the statement.

Translation - "we're turning prom into a private party that way it will be legal for us to keep out fags and anyone else we hate."

how astute of you.
At one time in mississippi, YES.

So, you're asserting that it was immoral to be black?

again, at one time yes. did I stutter? Shall we ignore the history of the south in order to forget how the same excuses by the same people have been used historically?

don't let the sun set on you in this town, ******.... right?

Sorry, I don't agree. I know the history of the US south, and I would say their behavior was immoral, but I don't recall being black as being 'immoral'. It meant a lot of other things, but not that you were immoral because you were black.
. It meant a lot of other things, but not that you were immoral because you were black.

Right. You were just immoral if you were black and drinking from a white water fountain. Or married to a white woman. Or trying to eat at a white restaurant.
It's a public school. This directly violates the Constitution. But since you love hating the Constitution you love the decision.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. What part of that is hard to understand? It should also be noted that a public school is not obligated to host a high school prom. Fact is, this is just another lame attempt by homosexuals to validate an abominable lifestyle which is rejected by most fair minded Americans. When a liberal state such as California strikes down homosexual marriage, that ought to be a sign that most folks don't agree with such a lifestyle. The only weapon you homosexuals have is to call someone that doesn't agree with you homophobic. That label as well as the "racist" label is quickly losing it's effectiveness.

Who caused the problems here? I'm guessing if the whiny bigots didn't complain the prom would have happened, more out-of-wedlock pregnancies would have occurred, and none of us would be discussing some backwater shithole living in the 18th century with electricity.

The Board went out of their way to specifically avoid being honest because what they did is a clear Constitutional violation. Homphobes are the problem. Tell us, if you all stopped whining like little bitches, what tangible harms would be caused? All of these threads boil down to the same damn thing:

Bigots with a persecution complex whining about gays.

Those who failed to comply with policy are the ones that caused the problems.

All You have is a strawman argument? You may as well concede now.
Discrimination is discrimination. And to stop the prom altogether in order to discriminate against two students is the worst kind of discrimination.

Nice of that school district to turn the entire student populace against the couple just because they wanted to go to the Prom. Perhaps next time they'll just host a public stoning.

Neg rep to you "US Army Retired", but there's nothing new there.

As for the students themselves, there should certainly be a lawsuit against the school district appearing in short order for such a blatant attempt at ostricizing these two individuals from the community.
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It's a public school. This directly violates the Constitution. But since you love hating the Constitution you love the decision.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. What part of that is hard to understand? It should also be noted that a public school is not obligated to host a high school prom. Fact is, this is just another lame attempt by homosexuals to validate an abominable lifestyle which is rejected by most fair minded Americans. When a liberal state such as California strikes down homosexual marriage, that ought to be a sign that most folks don't agree with such a lifestyle. The only weapon you homosexuals have is to call someone that doesn't agree with you homophobic. That label as well as the "racist" label is quickly losing it's effectiveness.

Fair minded Americans call gays "abominable". Uh, hate to break the news to you sparky, but gays come from those same "American" families who didn't raise their children to be gay. They just ARE. You might as well discriminate against a genius or a Downs syndrome, makes equal sense.

First off Nancy, I didn't call you homosexuals abominable, just your lifestyle. I understand reading comprehension isn't a homosexuals best attribute, as you have clearly demonstrated, so I won't state the obvious.

Aww, fuck it, I'll state the obvious, you're a stupid fuck!

If you're trying to suggest people are born homosexual, then you'll have to prove that claim.
You queers need to ease up just a bit.

These school officials are still trying to come to grips with the fact that they have to allow inter-racial couples to attend the prom.

Piling this shit on them at this juncture is just plain mean and insensitive.
So, you're asserting that it was immoral to be black?

again, at one time yes. did I stutter? Shall we ignore the history of the south in order to forget how the same excuses by the same people have been used historically?

don't let the sun set on you in this town, ******.... right?

Sorry, I don't agree. I know the history of the US south, and I would say their behavior was immoral, but I don't recall being black as being 'immoral'. It meant a lot of other things, but not that you were immoral because you were black.

Let me introduce you to a kid named Emmet Till

You queers need to ease up just a bit.

These school officials are still trying to come to grips with the fact that they have to allow inter-racial couples to attend the prom.

Piling this shit on them at this juncture is just plain mean and insensitive.

Imagine if they had to deal with an inter-racial gay couple.

Yikes, their inbred little heads would explode.

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