"]Mississippi Tea Party Chairman Calls for Insurrection Against the Government


These 3 idiots would call the founding fathers terrorists,insurgents,traitors etc. Just remember that.

No, those terms are reserved for Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens.

So do you share your idiot friends opinion that the Confederacy are only "traitors" because they lost? Do I really need to remind you that the U.S. committed treason and were traitors to the King of England?
United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A few excerpts for you idiots

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I know I know..its just a stupid piece of paper to you sheeple but to a lot of us its what this country was founded on and needs to be returned to.

With respect, it was nullified when the union refused to allow the south to leave.

Mine as well have been, ain't but a handful of presidents obeyed the constitution since then.
Oh so someone loses and that makes them traitors etc...gotcha. That is some brilliant logic there...

Winners get to decide where their loyalties lie. Losers beg forgiveness to avoid the noose.

We didn't lose. We are an occupied country to this day.Oh and my loyalties will belong to the south till my last breath is taken. Ain't a god damn thing you or any government tyrant can do about that.

These 3 idiots would call the founding fathers terrorists,insurgents,traitors etc. Just remember that.

No, those terms are reserved for Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens.

So do you share your idiot friends opinion that the Confederacy are only "traitors" because they lost? Do I really need to remind you that the U.S. committed treason and were traitors to the King of England?

Yeah except for the loyalist conservatives.

These 3 idiots would call the founding fathers terrorists,insurgents,traitors etc. Just remember that.

No, those terms are reserved for Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens.

So do you share your idiot friends opinion that the Confederacy are only "traitors" because they lost?

They were traitors because....They were traitors.

Do I really need to remind you that the U.S. committed treason and were traitors to the King of England?

No, I'm well aware of that fact.

The King is permanent, unelected despot that is responsible to no one. The President serves a four year term at the whim of the electorate and is responsible to everyone.

But hey, don't let facts get in your way. Just keep dreaming of going Jeff Davis. Trust me, if you keep it in Mississippi we won't put a fight.
United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A few excerpts for you idiots

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I know I know..its just a stupid piece of paper to you sheeple but to a lot of us its what this country was founded on and needs to be returned to.

What comes right after that in the text?

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes​
No, those terms are reserved for Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens.

So do you share your idiot friends opinion that the Confederacy are only "traitors" because they lost?

They were traitors because....They were traitors.

Do I really need to remind you that the U.S. committed treason and were traitors to the King of England?

No, I'm well aware of that fact.

The King is permanent, unelected despot that is responsible to no one. The President serves a four year term at the whim of the electorate and is responsible to everyone.

But hey, don't let facts get in your way. Just keep dreaming of going Jeff Davis. Trust me, if you keep it in Mississippi we won't put a fight.

Mississippi would be destitute if not for federal aid.
No, those terms are reserved for Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens.

So do you share your idiot friends opinion that the Confederacy are only "traitors" because they lost?

They were traitors because....They were traitors.

Do I really need to remind you that the U.S. committed treason and were traitors to the King of England?

No, I'm well aware of that fact.

The King is permanent, unelected despot that is responsible to no one. The President serves a four year term at the whim of the electorate and is responsible to everyone.

But hey, don't let facts get in your way. Just keep dreaming of going Jeff Davis. Trust me, if you keep it in Mississippi we won't put a fight.

Man you are a fucking idiot. The united States was a loose group of states that became a nation. Any and every state had the right at any time to leave the union. Lincoln was a tyrant and a dictator.
..But when you talk about destruc-t-i-o-n, don't you know that you can count me out,
Cause you know it's gonna be,,
Man you are a fucking idiot. The united States was a loose group of states that became a nation. Any and every state had the right at any time to leave the union. Lincoln was a tyrant and a dictator.

Umm, apparently they didn't have the right to leave the Union. That's why we kicked your fucking ass, remember?
I love the fact that Dissent provides a link to a site called "factasy". Perfect description.
We didn't lose. We are an occupied country to this day.

That's called losing. Go plot your treason in exile, U.S. soil is too good for you.

Sigh. You are a fucking twit. Its called being occupied,no one lost a damn thing...war ain't over yet son...Germany was occupied for almost 50 years by the communists it was an occupied country it never lost..learn the difference
The most terrible thing about this is that GWBs biggest cheerleaders are now pushing this anti-government crap that they fully intend to abandon for ultra-nationalism the second a republican is sworn into office. People who have such amazingly wide swings of loyalty have to be mentally ill or something.

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