Missouri Abortion Ban Blocked Pending Litigation

If an abortion is done after eight weeks the mother should be sterilized.
Yet another example of the right’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; of the contempt conservatives have for individual liberty and their authoritarian desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The judge is of course correct – the Missouri law clearly violates settled, accepted privacy rights jurisprudence and the right of individuals to decide whether to have a child or not free from government interference.

You do remember when Obamacare was passed and a mandate attached punishing you with a tax? Right? Remember that next time you post a personal choice line of bullshit!

You are the bullshit. The mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation. It's goal was to prevent freeloaders. People who bought insurance only when they got sick and dropped it when the bills stopped coming. That left everyone else to pay their bills which drove insurance rates up. You do not have a personal choice when it affects others.
Like a woman killings the fathers baby? A woman's so called choice affect a lot of other people than herself.

The woman has the right to choose because it is her body. Whether it is a baby is conjecture.
What ewe think it is a hamster?
If an abortion is done after eight weeks the mother should be sterilized.
Yet another example of the right’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; of the contempt conservatives have for individual liberty and their authoritarian desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The judge is of course correct – the Missouri law clearly violates settled, accepted privacy rights jurisprudence and the right of individuals to decide whether to have a child or not free from government interference.

You do remember when Obamacare was passed and a mandate attached punishing you with a tax? Right? Remember that next time you post a personal choice line of bullshit!

You are the bullshit. The mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation. It's goal was to prevent freeloaders. People who bought insurance only when they got sick and dropped it when the bills stopped coming. That left everyone else to pay their bills which drove insurance rates up. You do not have a personal choice when it affects others.
Then abortion should be ruled out because it does affect at least one other person. Or two, if you consider the father’s feelings.

No it does not. The question is when does it become a person. The Supreme Court applied the only answer that society can say for sure. Until the baby can survive outside of the mother's womb. You do not get to impose your religious beliefs on others.

I've never seen an infant feed itself. Do we get to kill them too?
Yet another example of the right’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; of the contempt conservatives have for individual liberty and their authoritarian desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The judge is of course correct – the Missouri law clearly violates settled, accepted privacy rights jurisprudence and the right of individuals to decide whether to have a child or not free from government interference.

You do remember when Obamacare was passed and a mandate attached punishing you with a tax? Right? Remember that next time you post a personal choice line of bullshit!

You are the bullshit. The mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation. It's goal was to prevent freeloaders. People who bought insurance only when they got sick and dropped it when the bills stopped coming. That left everyone else to pay their bills which drove insurance rates up. You do not have a personal choice when it affects others.
Then abortion should be ruled out because it does affect at least one other person. Or two, if you consider the father’s feelings.

No it does not. The question is when does it become a person. The Supreme Court applied the only answer that society can say for sure. Until the baby can survive outside of the mother's womb. You do not get to impose your religious beliefs on others.

I've never seen an infant feed itself. Do we get to kill them too?
Conservatives claim to be advocates of limited government and individual liberty.

This Missouri measure and others like it in other states proves that claim is a lie.
If an abortion is done after eight weeks the mother should be sterilized.
Yet another example of the right’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; of the contempt conservatives have for individual liberty and their authoritarian desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The judge is of course correct – the Missouri law clearly violates settled, accepted privacy rights jurisprudence and the right of individuals to decide whether to have a child or not free from government interference.

You do remember when Obamacare was passed and a mandate attached punishing you with a tax? Right? Remember that next time you post a personal choice line of bullshit!

You are the bullshit. The mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation. It's goal was to prevent freeloaders. People who bought insurance only when they got sick and dropped it when the bills stopped coming. That left everyone else to pay their bills which drove insurance rates up. You do not have a personal choice when it affects others.
Then abortion should be ruled out because it does affect at least one other person. Or two, if you consider the father’s feelings.

No it does not. The question is when does it become a person. The Supreme Court applied the only answer that society can say for sure. Until the baby can survive outside of the mother's womb. You do not get to impose your religious beliefs on others.
So a bunch of judges without medical degrees made that decision?
Yet another example of the right’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; of the contempt conservatives have for individual liberty and their authoritarian desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The judge is of course correct – the Missouri law clearly violates settled, accepted privacy rights jurisprudence and the right of individuals to decide whether to have a child or not free from government interference.

You do remember when Obamacare was passed and a mandate attached punishing you with a tax? Right? Remember that next time you post a personal choice line of bullshit!

You are the bullshit. The mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation. It's goal was to prevent freeloaders. People who bought insurance only when they got sick and dropped it when the bills stopped coming. That left everyone else to pay their bills which drove insurance rates up. You do not have a personal choice when it affects others.
Like a woman killings the fathers baby? A woman's so called choice affect a lot of other people than herself.

The woman has the right to choose because it is her body. Whether it is a baby is conjecture.
What ewe think it is a hamster?
Women should have the right to choose what happens to HER OWN BODY, dumbass.

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View attachment 276390

It’s not someone else’s body until birth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Really? DNA says you're wrong.

Again, science.

Show me.

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Show you what? Their DNA structure? Google it, fuckwad.

The mother and the child each have unique DNA, therefore they are 2 distinct beings.

Aww. We had a nice dialogue started and you had to ruin it by your Trumpian/hateful comment.

Comments like that are generally a sign of low intelligence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It’s not someone else’s body until birth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Really? DNA says you're wrong.

Again, science.

Show me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Show you what? Their DNA structure? Google it, fuckwad.

The mother and the child each have unique DNA, therefore they are 2 distinct beings.

Aww. We had a nice dialogue started and you had to ruin it by your Trumpian/hateful comment.

Comments like that are generally a sign of low intelligence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't play nice with baby killers.
It’s not someone else’s body until birth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Really? DNA says you're wrong.

Again, science.

Show me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Show you what? Their DNA structure? Google it, fuckwad.

The mother and the child each have unique DNA, therefore they are 2 distinct beings.

Aww. We had a nice dialogue started and you had to ruin it by your Trumpian/hateful comment.

Comments like that are generally a sign of low intelligence.

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I don't play nice with baby killers.

I am a 60 year old single male.

How am I a baby killer?

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