Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue

Are you just fucking stupid and cannot see the political ties that compels the MO AG to come to preordained conclusions or are you just lying like a typical libtard again?

Yeah, I'm hamstrung by evidence and reason. If only I could double down on feels....your argument would make so much more sense. As every investigation by any state who has conducted one has shown the same result:

No crime.

Laughing.....but you know better because you feel you do? You are the poster child of the silliness of the right wing echo chamber.

And weren't you the same idiot who told us it was the court that ruled that Kim Davis could alter the marriage licenses? Clearly perception of reality isn't your strong suit.

roflmao, you sound like the idiots who keep pointing to how many police chiefs support more gun control laws though it is typical of the cops on the beat.

I'm the guy who looks at the results of the investigations. You're the guy who keeps ignoring them and insisting that he knows better.

You don't know a thing. You citing you on a topic you know nothing about isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it. You're only proving my point:

That fringe conservatives don't use evidence nor are convinced by it. They're convinced by feels. And you feels that PP did something illegal. Ergo, you'll ignore any investigation from any state that doesn't confirm your feelings.

But tell us again how the judge in Kim Davis' case ruled that she could alter the marriage certificates in her office? Just to demonstrate to us how utterly useless you citing you actually is.

I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.
I do FEEL like it is disgusting for PP to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

What if someone told you that the videos were not honest? That they were created by an anti-abortion organization to hurt PP? You wouldn't believe it, would you? The fact is that there is no PP video that shows a fetus being aborted to harvest his brains.

Weren't you the one arguing that you would trust Josh Duggar and telling us that he wasn't sexually curious anymore when we were all telling you that he hadn't been cured/healed?

I think you have a problem accepting facts.

There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Josh Duggar has confessed to cheating on his wife Anna Duggar, just one day after the emails of millions of users on infidelity website Ashley Madison were exposed, including the eldest Duggar son's information.
"I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife," he wrote. "I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him."

Josh Duggar Admits to Cheating on His Wife Anna Duggar: "I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever"

Indeed, even Fiorina’s super-PAC’s effort to manipulate the grossly manipulated and misleading Center for Medical Progress videosvideos that have been conclusively debunked—with its own YouTube version of the Fiorina claims surprised me. The video uses spliced footage from the Grantham Collection, an unsourced image of a stillborn, and a CMP image of a Pennsylvania woman’s stillborn baby, used without her permission.

Actually, the very meta nature of the enterprise stunned me—trying to doctor doctored videotapes and still failing to produce an image that corresponds to Fiorina’s narrative. It’s truthiness elevated to almost cosmic levels.

Carly Fiorina Keeps Lying—and Getting Away With It

Are you saying that PP didn't harvest baby's brains and sell them?
I do FEEL like it is disgusting for PP to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

What if someone told you that the videos were not honest? That they were created by an anti-abortion organization to hurt PP? You wouldn't believe it, would you? The fact is that there is no PP video that shows a fetus being aborted to harvest his brains.

Weren't you the one arguing that you would trust Josh Duggar and telling us that he wasn't sexually curious anymore when we were all telling you that he hadn't been cured/healed?

I think you have a problem accepting facts.

There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Josh Duggar has confessed to cheating on his wife Anna Duggar, just one day after the emails of millions of users on infidelity website Ashley Madison were exposed, including the eldest Duggar son's information.
"I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife," he wrote. "I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him."

Josh Duggar Admits to Cheating on His Wife Anna Duggar: "I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever"

Indeed, even Fiorina’s super-PAC’s effort to manipulate the grossly manipulated and misleading Center for Medical Progress videosvideos that have been conclusively debunked—with its own YouTube version of the Fiorina claims surprised me. The video uses spliced footage from the Grantham Collection, an unsourced image of a stillborn, and a CMP image of a Pennsylvania woman’s stillborn baby, used without her permission.

Actually, the very meta nature of the enterprise stunned me—trying to doctor doctored videotapes and still failing to produce an image that corresponds to Fiorina’s narrative. It’s truthiness elevated to almost cosmic levels.

Carly Fiorina Keeps Lying—and Getting Away With It

Are you saying that PP didn't harvest baby's brains and sell them?
They didn't sell them for profit.
I do FEEL like it is disgusting for PP to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

What if someone told you that the videos were not honest? That they were created by an anti-abortion organization to hurt PP? You wouldn't believe it, would you? The fact is that there is no PP video that shows a fetus being aborted to harvest his brains.

Weren't you the one arguing that you would trust Josh Duggar and telling us that he wasn't sexually curious anymore when we were all telling you that he hadn't been cured/healed?

I think you have a problem accepting facts.

There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Josh Duggar has confessed to cheating on his wife Anna Duggar, just one day after the emails of millions of users on infidelity website Ashley Madison were exposed, including the eldest Duggar son's information.
"I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife," he wrote. "I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him."

Josh Duggar Admits to Cheating on His Wife Anna Duggar: "I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever"

Indeed, even Fiorina’s super-PAC’s effort to manipulate the grossly manipulated and misleading Center for Medical Progress videosvideos that have been conclusively debunked—with its own YouTube version of the Fiorina claims surprised me. The video uses spliced footage from the Grantham Collection, an unsourced image of a stillborn, and a CMP image of a Pennsylvania woman’s stillborn baby, used without her permission.

Actually, the very meta nature of the enterprise stunned me—trying to doctor doctored videotapes and still failing to produce an image that corresponds to Fiorina’s narrative. It’s truthiness elevated to almost cosmic levels.

Carly Fiorina Keeps Lying—and Getting Away With It

Are you saying that PP didn't harvest baby's brains and sell them?

It is against the law.....if their presentation in the video is true, why didn't the people that made the video have them arrested? Even you should be able to figure that out.

42 U.S. Code 289g covers the prohibitions regarding human fetal tissue and states that, “It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.”

In each of these laws, the term “valuable consideration” does not include “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”

This law (42 U.S. Code 289g) prevents the solicitation of fetal tissue for transplantation and the “solicitation or acceptance of tissue from fetuses gestated for research purposes.” What this means is that a buyer cannot solicit fetal tissue for transplantation or use tissue from a fetus that is known to have been created solely for the purpose of aborting the baby and extracting its tissue and/or organs.

But this seems to cover only human tissue that was acquired when the pregnancy was “deliberately initiated to provide such tissue.” Tissue donated after an abortion for research purposes appears to be completely legal under federal law.

Yeah, I'm hamstrung by evidence and reason. If only I could double down on feels....your argument would make so much more sense. As every investigation by any state who has conducted one has shown the same result:

No crime.

Laughing.....but you know better because you feel you do? You are the poster child of the silliness of the right wing echo chamber.

And weren't you the same idiot who told us it was the court that ruled that Kim Davis could alter the marriage licenses? Clearly perception of reality isn't your strong suit.

roflmao, you sound like the idiots who keep pointing to how many police chiefs support more gun control laws though it is typical of the cops on the beat.

I'm the guy who looks at the results of the investigations. You're the guy who keeps ignoring them and insisting that he knows better.

You don't know a thing. You citing you on a topic you know nothing about isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it. You're only proving my point:

That fringe conservatives don't use evidence nor are convinced by it. They're convinced by feels. And you feels that PP did something illegal. Ergo, you'll ignore any investigation from any state that doesn't confirm your feelings.

But tell us again how the judge in Kim Davis' case ruled that she could alter the marriage certificates in her office? Just to demonstrate to us how utterly useless you citing you actually is.

I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.
roflmao, you sound like the idiots who keep pointing to how many police chiefs support more gun control laws though it is typical of the cops on the beat.

I'm the guy who looks at the results of the investigations. You're the guy who keeps ignoring them and insisting that he knows better.

You don't know a thing. You citing you on a topic you know nothing about isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it. You're only proving my point:

That fringe conservatives don't use evidence nor are convinced by it. They're convinced by feels. And you feels that PP did something illegal. Ergo, you'll ignore any investigation from any state that doesn't confirm your feelings.

But tell us again how the judge in Kim Davis' case ruled that she could alter the marriage certificates in her office? Just to demonstrate to us how utterly useless you citing you actually is.

I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.
That is a lie and forensic experts have proven that the videos were not edited in a deceptive way at all.

You just cant live if babies aren't butchered alive for their body parts, can you?
I'm the guy who looks at the results of the investigations. You're the guy who keeps ignoring them and insisting that he knows better.

You don't know a thing. You citing you on a topic you know nothing about isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it. You're only proving my point:

That fringe conservatives don't use evidence nor are convinced by it. They're convinced by feels. And you feels that PP did something illegal. Ergo, you'll ignore any investigation from any state that doesn't confirm your feelings.

But tell us again how the judge in Kim Davis' case ruled that she could alter the marriage certificates in her office? Just to demonstrate to us how utterly useless you citing you actually is.

I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.
That is a lie and forensic experts have proven that the videos were not edited in a deceptive way at all.

You just cant live if babies aren't butchered alive for their body parts, can you?
After other forensic experts found the videos were edited, GMP admitted it. Their explanation was they merely cut out bathroom breaks and other suck moments of inactivity...

CMP Statement on Planned Parenthood’s Failed “Analysis” of Videos

Planned Parenthood’s desperate, 11th-hour attempt to pay their hand-picked “experts” to distract from the crimes documented on video is a complete failure. The absence of bathroom breaks and waiting periods between meetings does not change the hours of dialogue with top-level Planned Parenthood executives eager to manipulate abortion procedures to get high-quality baby parts for financially profitable sale.
I do FEEL like it is disgusting for PP to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

What if someone told you that the videos were not honest? That they were created by an anti-abortion organization to hurt PP? You wouldn't believe it, would you? The fact is that there is no PP video that shows a fetus being aborted to harvest his brains.

Weren't you the one arguing that you would trust Josh Duggar and telling us that he wasn't sexually curious anymore when we were all telling you that he hadn't been cured/healed?

I think you have a problem accepting facts.

There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Josh Duggar has confessed to cheating on his wife Anna Duggar, just one day after the emails of millions of users on infidelity website Ashley Madison were exposed, including the eldest Duggar son's information.
"I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife," he wrote. "I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him."

Josh Duggar Admits to Cheating on His Wife Anna Duggar: "I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever"

Indeed, even Fiorina’s super-PAC’s effort to manipulate the grossly manipulated and misleading Center for Medical Progress videosvideos that have been conclusively debunked—with its own YouTube version of the Fiorina claims surprised me. The video uses spliced footage from the Grantham Collection, an unsourced image of a stillborn, and a CMP image of a Pennsylvania woman’s stillborn baby, used without her permission.

Actually, the very meta nature of the enterprise stunned me—trying to doctor doctored videotapes and still failing to produce an image that corresponds to Fiorina’s narrative. It’s truthiness elevated to almost cosmic levels.

Carly Fiorina Keeps Lying—and Getting Away With It

Are you saying that PP didn't harvest baby's brains and sell them?
They didn't sell them for profit.

I didn't say they sold them for profit. Why would you believe them if they said they didn't make a profit?
roflmao, you sound like the idiots who keep pointing to how many police chiefs support more gun control laws though it is typical of the cops on the beat.

I'm the guy who looks at the results of the investigations. You're the guy who keeps ignoring them and insisting that he knows better.

You don't know a thing. You citing you on a topic you know nothing about isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it. You're only proving my point:

That fringe conservatives don't use evidence nor are convinced by it. They're convinced by feels. And you feels that PP did something illegal. Ergo, you'll ignore any investigation from any state that doesn't confirm your feelings.

But tell us again how the judge in Kim Davis' case ruled that she could alter the marriage certificates in her office? Just to demonstrate to us how utterly useless you citing you actually is.

I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.

I didn't say they made a profit and only a fool would believe that they didn't.
I do FEEL like it is disgusting for PP to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

What if someone told you that the videos were not honest? That they were created by an anti-abortion organization to hurt PP? You wouldn't believe it, would you? The fact is that there is no PP video that shows a fetus being aborted to harvest his brains.

Weren't you the one arguing that you would trust Josh Duggar and telling us that he wasn't sexually curious anymore when we were all telling you that he hadn't been cured/healed?

I think you have a problem accepting facts.

There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Josh Duggar has confessed to cheating on his wife Anna Duggar, just one day after the emails of millions of users on infidelity website Ashley Madison were exposed, including the eldest Duggar son's information.
"I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife," he wrote. "I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him."

Josh Duggar Admits to Cheating on His Wife Anna Duggar: "I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever"

Indeed, even Fiorina’s super-PAC’s effort to manipulate the grossly manipulated and misleading Center for Medical Progress videosvideos that have been conclusively debunked—with its own YouTube version of the Fiorina claims surprised me. The video uses spliced footage from the Grantham Collection, an unsourced image of a stillborn, and a CMP image of a Pennsylvania woman’s stillborn baby, used without her permission.

Actually, the very meta nature of the enterprise stunned me—trying to doctor doctored videotapes and still failing to produce an image that corresponds to Fiorina’s narrative. It’s truthiness elevated to almost cosmic levels.

Carly Fiorina Keeps Lying—and Getting Away With It

Are you saying that PP didn't harvest baby's brains and sell them?
They didn't sell them for profit.

I didn't say they sold them for profit. Why would you believe them if they said they didn't make a profit?
First, you have to show evidence they're profiting. Why on Earth would I defend them when there's no evidence they are?
I'm the guy who looks at the results of the investigations. You're the guy who keeps ignoring them and insisting that he knows better.

You don't know a thing. You citing you on a topic you know nothing about isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it. You're only proving my point:

That fringe conservatives don't use evidence nor are convinced by it. They're convinced by feels. And you feels that PP did something illegal. Ergo, you'll ignore any investigation from any state that doesn't confirm your feelings.

But tell us again how the judge in Kim Davis' case ruled that she could alter the marriage certificates in her office? Just to demonstrate to us how utterly useless you citing you actually is.

I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.
That is a lie and forensic experts have proven that the videos were not edited in a deceptive way at all.

The guy that did the video has been filmed and he admits that the baby in the video was a stillborn and not an aborted fetus.....so how can a stillborn be kicking? You all were duped and continue to want to believe the dupe.....can't help you there.

You just cant live if babies aren't butchered alive for their body parts, can you?
Now you're just exhibiting your hate and anger because you don't even know me or anything about me, idiot.
I'm the guy who looks at the results of the investigations. You're the guy who keeps ignoring them and insisting that he knows better.

You don't know a thing. You citing you on a topic you know nothing about isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it. You're only proving my point:

That fringe conservatives don't use evidence nor are convinced by it. They're convinced by feels. And you feels that PP did something illegal. Ergo, you'll ignore any investigation from any state that doesn't confirm your feelings.

But tell us again how the judge in Kim Davis' case ruled that she could alter the marriage certificates in her office? Just to demonstrate to us how utterly useless you citing you actually is.

I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.

I didn't say they made a profit and only a fool would believe that they didn't.

Well, you're the fool, because the guy that made the video (the one Fiorina was talking about) has admitted it was a stillborn in the video and he didn't have permission to use the image by the mother of the stillborn......so tell me, how does a stillborn still have the ability to kick it's legs?

Why don't you provide a link to the video you claim you saw that you are so positive is true? Because there isn't any video and you are lying, that's why.

You claim you didn't say they made a profit, but you believe they did because you want to. Do you think all organ donors get paid for their organs? Only a fool would think they do.
I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.

I didn't say they made a profit and only a fool would believe that they didn't.

Well, you're the fool, because the guy that made the video (the one Fiorina was talking about) has admitted it was a stillborn in the video and he didn't have permission to use the image by the mother of the stillborn......so tell me, how does a stillborn still have the ability to kick it's legs?

Why don't you provide a link to the video you claim you saw that you are so positive is true? Because there isn't any video and you are lying, that's why.

You claim you didn't say they made a profit, but you believe they did because you want to. Do you think all organ donors get paid for their organs? Only a fool would think they do.

Something about a Laboirgini convinced me.
And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.

I didn't say they made a profit and only a fool would believe that they didn't.

Well, you're the fool, because the guy that made the video (the one Fiorina was talking about) has admitted it was a stillborn in the video and he didn't have permission to use the image by the mother of the stillborn......so tell me, how does a stillborn still have the ability to kick it's legs?

Why don't you provide a link to the video you claim you saw that you are so positive is true? Because there isn't any video and you are lying, that's why.

You claim you didn't say they made a profit, but you believe they did because you want to. Do you think all organ donors get paid for their organs? Only a fool would think they do.

Something about a Laboirgini convinced me.

What the hell is a Laboirgini? Did you mean Lamborghini? Richards may talk about "wanting" a lamborghini, but Fiorina actually owns two yachts......but what has that got to do with being honest? I would like a llamborghini myself, so does that mean you now believe I sell fetus tissue for profit....yeah, you probably do.

Something tells me you're too lazy to look up the correct spelling of a word, and therefore too lazy to check out someone's lies....you just rather go with it.

Her two yachts, according to the Chronicle, are the 70-foot Alchemy V worth just over $1 million, docked in Sausalito, Calif., and the 56-foot Alchemy VI, docked in Washington, D.C.
Boxer Calls Out Fiorina for Multiple Yachts
I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.

I didn't say they made a profit and only a fool would believe that they didn't.

Well, you're the fool, because the guy that made the video (the one Fiorina was talking about) has admitted it was a stillborn in the video and he didn't have permission to use the image by the mother of the stillborn......so tell me, how does a stillborn still have the ability to kick it's legs?

Why don't you provide a link to the video you claim you saw that you are so positive is true? Because there isn't any video and you are lying, that's why.

You claim you didn't say they made a profit, but you believe they did because you want to. Do you think all organ donors get paid for their organs? Only a fool would think they do.

Something about a Laboirgini convinced me.

What the hell is a Laboirgini? Did you mean Lamborghini? Richards may talk about "wanting" a lamborghini, but Fiorina actually owns two yachts......but what has that got to do with being honest? I would like a llamborghini myself, so does that mean you now believe I sell fetus tissue for profit....yeah, you probably do.

Something tells me you're too lazy to look up the correct spelling of a word, and therefore too lazy to check out someone's lies....you just rather go with it.

Her two yachts, according to the Chronicle, are the 70-foot Alchemy V worth just over $1 million, docked in Sausalito, Calif., and the 56-foot Alchemy VI, docked in Washington, D.C.
Boxer Calls Out Fiorina for Multiple Yachts

One of the PP Doctors said how do you think I got a Lamborghini. You can rest assured that Fiorina didn't buy a yacht selling baby parts. Something tells me that you are a racist since many of the abortions are done on black girls and women.
Last edited:
I do FEEL like it is disgusting for P
P to be harvesting baby brains, livers and other organs and selling them. And, I have heard the evidence on videos without having an investigation.

And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.
That is a lie and forensic experts have proven that the videos were not edited in a deceptive way at all.

The guy that did the video has been filmed and he admits that the baby in the video was a stillborn and not an aborted fetus.....so how can a stillborn be kicking? You all were duped and continue to want to believe the dupe.....can't help you there.

You just cant live if babies aren't butchered alive for their body parts, can you?
Now you're just exhibiting your hate and anger because you don't even know me or anything about me, idiot.

Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.

And your statements speak well enough to kw you are a murder loving cretin. Just because you dehumanize these unborn babies does not make them any less human nor your advocacy any less evil.
And those feels translate into you swallowing any allegation against PP without the slightest concern of whether or not the claims are true.

I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.
That is a lie and forensic experts have proven that the videos were not edited in a deceptive way at all.

The guy that did the video has been filmed and he admits that the baby in the video was a stillborn and not an aborted fetus.....so how can a stillborn be kicking? You all were duped and continue to want to believe the dupe.....can't help you there.

You just cant live if babies aren't butchered alive for their body parts, can you?
Now you're just exhibiting your hate and anger because you don't even know me or anything about me, idiot.

Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.

And your statements speak well enough to kw you are a murder loving cretin. Just because you dehumanize these unborn babies does not make them any less human nor your advocacy any less evil.
What part of "Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue" do you not understand.

That's the only issue – that 'Planned Parenthood' is in fact not an 'issue,' it was contrived into an 'issue' by conservatives hostile to privacy rights; your subjective, errant beliefs and perceptions are irrelevant.
I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.
That is a lie and forensic experts have proven that the videos were not edited in a deceptive way at all.

The guy that did the video has been filmed and he admits that the baby in the video was a stillborn and not an aborted fetus.....so how can a stillborn be kicking? You all were duped and continue to want to believe the dupe.....can't help you there.

You just cant live if babies aren't butchered alive for their body parts, can you?
Now you're just exhibiting your hate and anger because you don't even know me or anything about me, idiot.

Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.

And your statements speak well enough to kw you are a murder loving cretin. Just because you dehumanize these unborn babies does not make them any less human nor your advocacy any less evil.
What part of "Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue" do you not understand.

That's the only issue – that 'Planned Parenthood' is in fact not an 'issue,' it was contrived into an 'issue' by conservatives hostile to privacy rights; your subjective, errant beliefs and perceptions are irrelevant.

What part of 'political appointee' do you not understand you idiot?
Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.

I didn't say they made a profit and only a fool would believe that they didn't.

Well, you're the fool, because the guy that made the video (the one Fiorina was talking about) has admitted it was a stillborn in the video and he didn't have permission to use the image by the mother of the stillborn......so tell me, how does a stillborn still have the ability to kick it's legs?

Why don't you provide a link to the video you claim you saw that you are so positive is true? Because there isn't any video and you are lying, that's why.

You claim you didn't say they made a profit, but you believe they did because you want to. Do you think all organ donors get paid for their organs? Only a fool would think they do.

Something about a Laboirgini convinced me.

What the hell is a Laboirgini? Did you mean Lamborghini? Richards may talk about "wanting" a lamborghini, but Fiorina actually owns two yachts......but what has that got to do with being honest? I would like a llamborghini myself, so does that mean you now believe I sell fetus tissue for profit....yeah, you probably do.

Something tells me you're too lazy to look up the correct spelling of a word, and therefore too lazy to check out someone's lies....you just rather go with it.

Her two yachts, according to the Chronicle, are the 70-foot Alchemy V worth just over $1 million, docked in Sausalito, Calif., and the 56-foot Alchemy VI, docked in Washington, D.C.
Boxer Calls Out Fiorina for Multiple Yachts

One of the PP Doctors said how do you think I got a Lamborghini. You can rest assured that Fiorina didn't buy a yacht selling baby parts. Something tells me that you are a racist since many of the abortions are done on black girls and women.
Why do you lie?

That's not what she said nor does she doesn't have a Lamborghini.

But thanks for confirming your opinions on this matter are completely rooted in warped thinking. :thup:
Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.

I didn't say they made a profit and only a fool would believe that they didn't.

Well, you're the fool, because the guy that made the video (the one Fiorina was talking about) has admitted it was a stillborn in the video and he didn't have permission to use the image by the mother of the stillborn......so tell me, how does a stillborn still have the ability to kick it's legs?

Why don't you provide a link to the video you claim you saw that you are so positive is true? Because there isn't any video and you are lying, that's why.

You claim you didn't say they made a profit, but you believe they did because you want to. Do you think all organ donors get paid for their organs? Only a fool would think they do.

Something about a Laboirgini convinced me.

What the hell is a Laboirgini? Did you mean Lamborghini? Richards may talk about "wanting" a lamborghini, but Fiorina actually owns two yachts......but what has that got to do with being honest? I would like a llamborghini myself, so does that mean you now believe I sell fetus tissue for profit....yeah, you probably do.

Something tells me you're too lazy to look up the correct spelling of a word, and therefore too lazy to check out someone's lies....you just rather go with it.

Her two yachts, according to the Chronicle, are the 70-foot Alchemy V worth just over $1 million, docked in Sausalito, Calif., and the 56-foot Alchemy VI, docked in Washington, D.C.
Boxer Calls Out Fiorina for Multiple Yachts

One of the PP Doctors said how do you think I got a Lamborghini. You can rest assured that Fiorina didn't buy a yacht selling baby parts. Something tells me that you are a racist since many of the abortions are done on black girls and women.

It has already been established that the video is a complete fabrication by an anti-abortion group.....so anything that is said on the video is suspect.

Why don't you post the link to the video? That shouldn't be so hard. So we can see for ourselves whether or not the PP doctors said it or whether you are quoting a fabricated lie made up by members of your political party.

And your attempt to label me as a racist is laughable....when you, obviously a woman, is so willing to throw women under the bus just like Fiorina. You are an example of people who vote against their own interests and are led around by the "white male Republican leaders" like a Stepford wife.

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