Planned Parenthood Cleared in Fetal Tissue Investigation

The state of Indiana on Thursday cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing in the handling of fetal tissue.

A July 16 investigation ordered by Indiana Governor Mike Pence found no evidence of any laws being broken and no evidence that Planned Parenthood facilities in Indianapolis, Bloomington and Merrillville had sold tissue from aborted fetuses, the Associated Press reported.

Is Sarah still asking for donations in order to shut down PP?
Planned Parenthood said in no uncertain terms that they do not do anything they're being accused of. The White House listened to their side of the story and concurred that their side of the story fully backs up their innocence. Ergo, they are totally innocent of all alleged wrongdoing. I like how you think. Pardon me while I go rob a bank. I'll just tell the judge I didn't do it and he'll have to believe me because my word is solid proof.

Why would there be a judge involved when you can go straight to the White House? (eye roll)
Yeah no. Didn't read your link. I'm still waiting on you to read my explanation of why we even have sex. Or just watch Louis CK explain exactly what I did:
Yeah no. Didn't read your link. I'm still waiting on you to read my explanation of why we even have sex. Or just watch Louis CK explain exactly what I did:

What the hell are you blabbering about? What does comedian Louis CK have to do with this thread?
It wouldn't be fair to anyone to have a discussion with you about reproductive justice when you don't even know what sex is or why you want it. I'm waiting on you to learn at least the middle school basics of embryology before getting into the intersection of it and medical ethics with you. Milk before meat and all.
It wouldn't be fair to anyone to have a discussion with you about reproductive justice when you don't even know what sex is or why you want it. I'm waiting on you to learn at least the middle school basics of embryology before getting into the intersection of it and medical ethics with you. Milk before meat and all.

I see. You're just here to troll the thread.
The local Planned Parenthood affiliate said Indiana centers do not participate in tissue-donation programs.

Pretty simple investigation. No tissue donation programs so no selling of baby parts
They wouldn't lie would they?

They found no evidence of any laws being broken.
It's a good thing you're anonymous because I would be ashamed that people knew I was supporting the murder of babies for body parts. It must be disgusting to be YOU the person behind Carla_Danger .

Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc. This is just you, pushing propaganda, when the tissue donated goes to research to help save lives.

This is from one of yours.

"This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

The video talked about certain organs being developed. Some organs develop fairly early.
It wouldn't be fair to anyone to have a discussion with you about reproductive justice when you don't even know what sex is or why you want it. I'm waiting on you to learn at least the middle school basics of embryology before getting into the intersection of it and medical ethics with you. Milk before meat and all.

I see. You're just here to troll the thread.
What I said: "Here's a simple way to learn the fundamentals of the topic. I'm willing to discuss it with you if you're willing to learn them."
What you read: "I'm not willing to discuss the topic with you and I'm just looking to piss you off."


So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case.

The Video literally records members of Planned Parenthood CONFESSING TO NOT ONLY SELLING PARTS OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES THEY MURDERED... BUT ENTIRE "INTACT BABY CORPSES"; which establishes that they are murdering PERFECTLY VIABLE CHILDREN.

That you need to deny the self-evident truth merely proves that you're EVIL!

But in fairness to you... that is a long established fact.

What "murder"?
Making up your own definition?
Common Definition:
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."
In the fucked up thinking of liberals, one murders a lion and calls idonating tissue from a fully intact (meaning alive) baby women's healthcare
Don't forget about tying in fish living in trees and acne or the elderly...
While you ghouls laugh about infanticide and sip wine, I can show evidence of my claim. Let's see yours.

IF ... a fetus, is merely a clump of cells. How does one go about the selling of fully formed organs from the fetus, which are common to a human being, OKA: A PERSON.

Which of course brings us to the question: What would be the status of laws, which are based upon the premise that what is being aborted amounts to nothing more than a clump of cells?

Whether you like it or not, abortion is legal. No one has been caught selling anything. It's not illegal to donate tissue.
Quit fucking lying! The video shows it all.

It's a fraud, Doofus.
You're still lying. The video is legit. Those aren't actors and they will soon be in jail.

Educate yourself.

Abortion rights groups have suggested that Daleiden needed a new company to issue his videos, since the work of Live Action has been discredited. He appears to have created a sham business called Biomax Procurement Services as a cover, so he and colleagues (and occasionally paid actors) could pose as buyers of fetal tissue, secretly recording the Planned Parenthood officials during meetings. The Center for Medical Progress was created in 2013, and its only focus seems to be the recent videos.

Despite massive media coverage and a rush by Republicans to investigate, Daleiden's videos so far contain no evidence that Planned Parenthood has done anything illegal.

A 1993 law says clinics can't profit when women donate fetal tissue, and in the first video Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola says repeatedly that the group does not. It is, however, standard practice for clinics to be compensated for staff time, resources, and transportation involved in providing tissue, which is what Planned Parenthood says Nucatola is seen discussing. Experts say such donations are crucial for medical research.

Sting Videos Part Of Longtime Campaign Against Planned Parenthood The Two-Way NPR
. You ghouls just don't get the outrage, do you? The public hates the idea of donating tissue from murdered babies. Who give a shit if the film crew was fake buyers. It's a sting and is a perfectly valid way to bring this disgusting practice of killing babies and selling body parts to the public. This secret practice is now out in the open and the optics don't look good for your side. The public doesn't want our tax money going to this organization.
Whether you like it or not, abortion is legal. No one has been caught selling anything. It's not illegal to donate tissue.
Quit fucking lying! The video shows it all.

It's a fraud, Doofus.
You're still lying. The video is legit. Those aren't actors and they will soon be in jail.

Educate yourself.

Abortion rights groups have suggested that Daleiden needed a new company to issue his videos, since the work of Live Action has been discredited. He appears to have created a sham business called Biomax Procurement Services as a cover, so he and colleagues (and occasionally paid actors) could pose as buyers of fetal tissue, secretly recording the Planned Parenthood officials during meetings. The Center for Medical Progress was created in 2013, and its only focus seems to be the recent videos.

Despite massive media coverage and a rush by Republicans to investigate, Daleiden's videos so far contain no evidence that Planned Parenthood has done anything illegal.

A 1993 law says clinics can't profit when women donate fetal tissue, and in the first video Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola says repeatedly that the group does not. It is, however, standard practice for clinics to be compensated for staff time, resources, and transportation involved in providing tissue, which is what Planned Parenthood says Nucatola is seen discussing. Experts say such donations are crucial for medical research.

Sting Videos Part Of Longtime Campaign Against Planned Parenthood The Two-Way NPR
. You ghouls just don't get the outrage, do you? The public hates the idea of donating tissue from murdered babies. Who give a shit if the film crew was fake buyers. It's a sting and is a perfectly valid way to bring this disgusting practice of killing babies and selling body parts to the public. This secret practice is now out in the open and the optics don't look good for your side. The public doesn't want our tax money going to this organization.

The abortions happened. What is done with the remains is all that is in question. If the woman signs the paperwork to donate the remains, PP donates it and charges enough to recoup the costs.

A few people being outraged does not change the facts. The funding isn't going anywhere.
You ghouls just don't get the outrage, do you? The public hates the idea of donating tissue from murdered babies. Who give a shit if the film crew was fake buyers. It's a sting and is a perfectly valid way to bring this disgusting practice of killing babies and selling body parts to the public. This secret practice is now out in the open and the optics don't look good for your side. The public doesn't want our tax money going to this organization.

Except it wasn't really a "secret" that fetal tissues were being donated.

And, yes, I am concerned that this life-saving research might be comprimised because a b unch of religion nuts misrepresented themselves to get tape they could take out of context to stop it.

Hey, guys. If you end tissue donation, you won't stop ONE ABORTION from happening. Those abortions will just end up in medical waste containers.
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Creating a fake ID is fraud.


So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did.

Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.
Carla tells us a fetus isn't a baby. She just lost the argument. It's obvious we are arguing with an idiot fool who likely thinks that "fetus" would develop into a frog or something other than a baby human. LOL.

We are wasting our time. It is like wrestling with a pig. You just get filthy from the mess and the pig loves it.
This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did.

Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.

You said it was merely tissues and then agreed that organs were harvested. Which is it?

Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week.

Not only are the organs developed, they start to function at 10 weeks. No point in arguing with a dumbass. You get the last word if you want it.

10 weeks

"The embryo has become a fetus. His vital organs – such as kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver – are starting to function. Tiny fingernails and toenails.. are forming."

11 weeks

"Your baby is almost fully formed. Her bones are beginning to harden, and her genitalia are developing externally. She can hiccup, though it's too soon for you to feel it."

Fetal development timeline Your growing baby s milestones BabyCenter
Last edited:
A few people being outraged does not change the facts. The funding isn't going anywhere.
Okay, look. Albert Fish might have killed a few people, but you know what? What's done is done. Your outrage changes nothing. Punishing him will do nothing. Just turn the other cheek and let him go, okay? He did nothing wrong.

So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did.

Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.
Carla tells us a fetus isn't a baby. She just lost the argument. It's obvious we are arguing with an idiot fool who likely thinks that "fetus" would develop into a frog or something other than a baby human. LOL.

We are wasting our time. It is like wrestling with a pig. You just get filthy from the mess and the pig loves it.

What Carla was probably talking about is the development of the fetus and it not being viable outside the wom
A few people being outraged does not change the facts. The funding isn't going anywhere.
Okay, look. Albert Fish might have killed a few people, but you know what? What's done is done. Your outrage changes nothing. Punishing him will do nothing. Just turn the other cheek and let him go, okay? He did nothing wrong.

LMAO! Yeah, that is so much like what I am saying.

I have not addressed abortion, per se, at all. I have tried to stay with the actual topic. And that is what is done with the tissues after the legal abortion is performed.

The loonieCons have ranted and raved about PP selling body parts for profit. That is simply not the case. And PP broke no laws that I am aware of.
I doubt any state even has all the facts yet, they are still uncovering details. There needs to be a congressional investigation on the federal level. Only the federal government can prosecute for laws broken across state lines.
I doubt any state even has all the facts yet, they are still uncovering details. There needs to be a congressional investigation on the federal level. Only the federal government can prosecute for laws broken across state lines.

Quite right. So they need to prosecute CMP immediately for.

False representation
Filing a fraudulent tax status

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