Planned Parenthood Cleared in Fetal Tissue Investigation

The state of Indiana on Thursday cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing in the handling of fetal tissue.

A July 16 investigation ordered by Indiana Governor Mike Pence found no evidence of any laws being broken and no evidence that Planned Parenthood facilities in Indianapolis, Bloomington and Merrillville had sold tissue from aborted fetuses, the Associated Press reported.

Is Sarah still asking for donations in order to shut down PP?


IF ... a fetus, is merely a clump of cells. How does one go about the selling of fully formed organs from the fetus, which are common to a human being, OKA: A PERSON.

Which of course brings us to the question: What would be the status of laws, which are based upon the premise that what is being aborted amounts to nothing more than a clump of cells?

Whether you like it or not, abortion is legal. No one has been caught selling anything. It's not illegal to donate tissue.
Quit fucking lying! The video shows it all.

It's a fraud, Doofus.
Try as you will, you can't write this off as fraud. The Congress is going to defund PP for good.

Obviously you have no way of knowing this.

But please tell us, what actual reason will they have for defunding an organization that does so much good for so many women?
Creating a fake ID is fraud.


So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case.

The Video literally records members of Planned Parenthood CONFESSING TO NOT ONLY SELLING PARTS OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES THEY MURDERED... BUT ENTIRE "INTACT BABY CORPSES"; which establishes that they are murdering PERFECTLY VIABLE CHILDREN.

That you need to deny the self-evident truth merely proves that you're EVIL!

But in fairness to you... that is a long established fact.

What "murder"?
Making up your own definition?
Common Definition:
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."
In the fucked up thinking of liberals, one murders a lion and calls idonating tissue from a fully intact (meaning alive) baby women's healthcare

Why does "intact" mean alive to you?

So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case.

The Video literally records members of Planned Parenthood CONFESSING TO NOT ONLY SELLING PARTS OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES THEY MURDERED... BUT ENTIRE "INTACT BABY CORPSES"; which establishes that they are murdering PERFECTLY VIABLE CHILDREN.

That you need to deny the self-evident truth merely proves that you're EVIL!

But in fairness to you... that is a long established fact.

What "murder"?
Making up your own definition?
Common Definition:
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."
In the fucked up thinking of liberals, one murders a lion and calls idonating tissue from a fully intact (meaning alive) baby women's healthcare

Why does "intact" mean alive to you?

"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video
"Obama Appointee And Bundler Blocks More Video Releases By Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting

JULY 31, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway

A federal judge late Friday granted a temporary restraining order against the release of recordings made at an annual meeting of abortion providers. The injunction is against the Center for Medical Progress, the group that has unveiled Planned Parenthood’s participation in the sale of organs harvested from aborted children.

Judge William H. Orrick, III, granted the injunction just hours after the order was requested by the National Abortion Federation.

Orrick was nominated to his position by hardline abortion supporter President Barack Obama. He was also a major donor to and bundler for President Obama’s presidential campaign. He raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated $30,800 to committees supporting him, according to Public Citizen.

Even though the National Abortion Federation filed its claim only hours before, Orrick quickly decided in their favor that the abortionists they represent would, ironically, be “likely to suffer irreparable injury, absent an ex parte temporary restraining order, in the form of harassment, intimidation, violence, invasion of privacy, and injury to reputation, and the requested relief is in the public interest.”

Thus far the videos have featured born-alive humans discussing the killing of what abortion providers themselves call “babies,” the “crushing” of their bodies and harvesting of their organs for sale to for-profit companies. ...

The Center for Medical Progress responded to the injunction:

The Center for Medical Progress follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work. The National Abortion Federation is a criminal organization that has spent years conspiring with Planned Parenthood on how to violate federal laws on partial-birth abortion and fetal tissue sales. The Center for Medical Progress will contest any attempts to suppress our First Amendment rights to free speech or silence the freedom of the citizen press."

Obama Appointee Blocks More Video Releases By Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting

There's NO WAY that this clown should be sitting on a Federal bench ... anywhere.

IF ... a fetus, is merely a clump of cells. How does one go about the selling of fully formed organs from the fetus, which are common to a human being, OKA: A PERSON.

Which of course brings us to the question: What would be the status of laws, which are based upon the premise that what is being aborted amounts to nothing more than a clump of cells?

Whether you like it or not, abortion is legal. No one has been caught selling anything. It's not illegal to donate tissue.
Quit fucking lying! The video shows it all.

It's a fraud, Doofus.
You're still lying. The video is legit. Those aren't actors and they will soon be in jail.

Educate yourself.

Abortion rights groups have suggested that Daleiden needed a new company to issue his videos, since the work of Live Action has been discredited. He appears to have created a sham business called Biomax Procurement Services as a cover, so he and colleagues (and occasionally paid actors) could pose as buyers of fetal tissue, secretly recording the Planned Parenthood officials during meetings. The Center for Medical Progress was created in 2013, and its only focus seems to be the recent videos.

Despite massive media coverage and a rush by Republicans to investigate, Daleiden's videos so far contain no evidence that Planned Parenthood has done anything illegal.

A 1993 law says clinics can't profit when women donate fetal tissue, and in the first video Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola says repeatedly that the group does not. It is, however, standard practice for clinics to be compensated for staff time, resources, and transportation involved in providing tissue, which is what Planned Parenthood says Nucatola is seen discussing. Experts say such donations are crucial for medical research.

Sting Videos Part Of Longtime Campaign Against Planned Parenthood The Two-Way NPR


Such nonsense... .


Golly... I suppose then, if a law as passed that precluded the existence of mouthy Leftists, providing for the obligation of every citizen to execute such individuals ON SIGHT! That you'd be in here standing up for that law too? Despite such being in direct conflict with your most basic rights?

In reality it's self evidently certain that you'd stand against that law, rightly claiming such ot be immoral.

Yet, there you are standing up for laws that protect those engaged in immoral behavior; intentionally seeking to strip other human beings of THEIR MOST BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.

Proving that you're a hypocrite, as are most feckless idiots.
This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case.

The Video literally records members of Planned Parenthood CONFESSING TO NOT ONLY SELLING PARTS OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES THEY MURDERED... BUT ENTIRE "INTACT BABY CORPSES"; which establishes that they are murdering PERFECTLY VIABLE CHILDREN.

That you need to deny the self-evident truth merely proves that you're EVIL!

But in fairness to you... that is a long established fact.

What "murder"?
Making up your own definition?
Common Definition:
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."
In the fucked up thinking of liberals, one murders a lion and calls idonating tissue from a fully intact (meaning alive) baby women's healthcare

Why does "intact" mean alive to you?

"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video

How is an intact fetus proof a baby was born alive? I know of several women who have had stillborn babies. Are you accusing them or their doctors of murder?
The Blaze and The Federalist, two right wing extremist sites.
This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case.

The Video literally records members of Planned Parenthood CONFESSING TO NOT ONLY SELLING PARTS OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES THEY MURDERED... BUT ENTIRE "INTACT BABY CORPSES"; which establishes that they are murdering PERFECTLY VIABLE CHILDREN.

That you need to deny the self-evident truth merely proves that you're EVIL!

But in fairness to you... that is a long established fact.

What "murder"?
Making up your own definition?
Common Definition:
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."
In the fucked up thinking of liberals, one murders a lion and calls idonating tissue from a fully intact (meaning alive) baby women's healthcare

Why does "intact" mean alive to you?

"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video

David Daleiden is a criminal.

Live Action and the Center for Medical Progress did not respond to requests for comment.

Eric Ferrero, vice president of Communications at Planned Parenthood, fired back at the Center for Medical Progress. He told HuffPost, "This group's outrageous claims about Planned Parenthood are flat-out lies, so it should be no surprise that they also lied and may have broken multiple laws in order to pull off this smear campaign. This is the latest in an eight-year-long string of false attacks and heavily edited videos that are all part of a political agenda to ban abortion completely and defund Planned Parenthood -- an agenda that the public overwhelmingly opposes."

If the Center for Medical Progress deliberately misled the IRS and donors about the nature of its nonprofit work, it could be subject to civil and criminal fraud penalties. IRS forms are signed under penalty of perjury, and a nonprofit misleading its donors about the nature of its work is "up there with all other kinds of fraud," according to Bruce Hopkins, an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law.

"The authorities have the right to shut down the charity, and the individuals behind the fraud can go to prison or pay a substantial fine," Hopkins said.

It is unclear how many people might have donated to the Center for Medical Progress since 2013 thinking it was a biomedicine charity, because the nonprofit does not appear to have filed its 990 tax forms.

Full story @

Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS Donors
The state of Indiana on Thursday cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing in the handling of fetal tissue.

A July 16 investigation ordered by Indiana Governor Mike Pence found no evidence of any laws being broken and no evidence that Planned Parenthood facilities in Indianapolis, Bloomington and Merrillville had sold tissue from aborted fetuses, the Associated Press reported.

Is Sarah still asking for donations in order to shut down PP?

And the liars that produced the heavily edited videos knew they were lying about this, but conservatives have given up on truth because it works against them.

It won't matter, conservatives will not apologize for being wrong. They live in a world now where innuendo and finger pointing are proof of guilt.

It was all just another horrible lie perpetuated by the hard right to inflame their base. With the big lie of course.
The local Planned Parenthood affiliate said Indiana centers do not participate in tissue-donation programs.

Pretty simple investigation. No tissue donation programs so no selling of baby parts
They wouldn't lie would they?

They found no evidence of any laws being broken.
It's a good thing you're anonymous because I would be ashamed that people knew I was supporting the murder of babies for body parts. It must be disgusting to be YOU the person behind Carla_Danger .

Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc. This is just you, pushing propaganda, when the tissue donated goes to research to help save lives.

This is from one of yours.

"This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."
Creating a fake ID is fraud.


So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did.

Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

The local Planned Parenthood affiliate said Indiana centers do not participate in tissue-donation programs.

Pretty simple investigation. No tissue donation programs so no selling of baby parts
They wouldn't lie would they?

They found no evidence of any laws being broken.
It's a good thing you're anonymous because I would be ashamed that people knew I was supporting the murder of babies for body parts. It must be disgusting to be YOU the person behind Carla_Danger .

Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc. This is just you, pushing propaganda, when the tissue donated goes to research to help save lives.

This is from one of yours.

"This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Creating a fake ID is fraud.


So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did.

Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.
How do you know it was dead?

How do you know it was alive?
Because we already have abortionists admitting they kill infants born alive, cutting their spine with scissors. Abortion isn't an exact procedure with predictable results. It's the macabre butchering of a human being and administering a drug that's supposed to induce dilation does not guarantee the death of the baby on delivery.

You people are truly depraved.

If the infant is born alive and is then killed, that is murder. Prosecute them.
It is murder and it does occur and the Magic Negro couldn't even bother to vote for a law that would have protected these children.

The previous presidents didn't either.
Which of the previous presidents were in position for an up or down vote on the Infant Born Alive Protection Act before the Illinois legislature?

Exactly. GTFO.
They wouldn't lie would they?

They found no evidence of any laws being broken.
It's a good thing you're anonymous because I would be ashamed that people knew I was supporting the murder of babies for body parts. It must be disgusting to be YOU the person behind Carla_Danger .

Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc. This is just you, pushing propaganda, when the tissue donated goes to research to help save lives.

This is from one of yours.

"This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."


Check post #153 for the and.
Creating a fake ID is fraud.


So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did.

Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.

You said it was merely tissues and then agreed that organs were harvested. Which is it?
This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case.

The Video literally records members of Planned Parenthood CONFESSING TO NOT ONLY SELLING PARTS OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES THEY MURDERED... BUT ENTIRE "INTACT BABY CORPSES"; which establishes that they are murdering PERFECTLY VIABLE CHILDREN.

That you need to deny the self-evident truth merely proves that you're EVIL!

But in fairness to you... that is a long established fact.

It does nothing of the sort. If they aborted a baby it was dead when it was removed from the womb. The mother signed papers to donate the remains. That is all that happened.
How do you know it was dead?

How do you know it was alive?
Because we already have abortionists admitting they kill infants born alive, cutting their spine with scissors. Abortion isn't an exact procedure with predictable results. It's the macabre butchering of a human being and administering a drug that's supposed to induce dilation does not guarantee the death of the baby on delivery.

You people are truly depraved.

It appears to me that you're the depraved one. You're the one who uses his/her signature space to glorify the murder of a president (whom you brand as a tyrant because he kept the union together and freed the negro slaves). And you're also probably among those religious fanatics who only care about life while it's still in the womb. Once it's born, you turn away. You're opposed to feeding it, sheltering it, or educating it. In fact, your trigger finger is itchy ... you can't wait to use your beloved gun to blow that life away. If there is a hell, there's a special place reserved for people who use God's name to justify their hypocrisy.
Last edited:

So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did.

Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.

You said it was merely tissues and then agreed that organs were harvested. Which is it?

Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week.
The state of Indiana on Thursday cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing in the handling of fetal tissue.

A July 16 investigation ordered by Indiana Governor Mike Pence found no evidence of any laws being broken and no evidence that Planned Parenthood facilities in Indianapolis, Bloomington and Merrillville had sold tissue from aborted fetuses, the Associated Press reported.

Is Sarah still asking for donations in order to shut down PP?
Planned Parenthood said in no uncertain terms that they do not do anything they're being accused of. The White House listened to their side of the story and concurred that their side of the story fully backs up their innocence. Ergo, they are totally innocent of all alleged wrongdoing. I like how you think. Pardon me while I go rob a bank. I'll just tell the judge I didn't do it and he'll have to believe me because my word is solid proof.

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