Planned Parenthood Cleared in Fetal Tissue Investigation

What "murder"?
Making up your own definition?
Common Definition:
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."

Yes, the Nazis leaned on that one too. It didn't go well.

If ya need a graphic example of how that excuse worked... you might learn something in the final photo of a leading agent of fascism Mussolini himself... pictured next to him is his wife, who in the rise of El Duce to power proclaimed that 'for the first time, she was PROUD OF HER NATION!'


Ya see scamp... for something to be LEGITIMATELY LEGAL, it must also be Morally SOUND.

Thus the reason that the DEFINITION of Murder, is the taking of human life without a sound moral justification.

FYI: The only sound reason for taking a human life, is in the defense of one's own life or the life of another innocent.

The authoritarianism and extremism you exhibit and your contempt for the privacy rights of citizens is typical of religious fanatics, and is also common to most social conservatives, especially among Evangelical fundamentalists-fruitcakes.
The state of Indiana on Thursday cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing in the handling of fetal tissue.

A July 16 investigation ordered by Indiana Governor Mike Pence found no evidence of any laws being broken and no evidence that Planned Parenthood facilities in Indianapolis, Bloomington and Merrillville had sold tissue from aborted fetuses, the Associated Press reported.

Is Sarah still asking for donations in order to shut down PP?

And the judge that made the ruling needs a liver transplant.


Unless he needs a very, very small liver, yes it is a coincidence.
What "murder"?
Making up your own definition?
Common Definition:
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."

Yes, the Nazis leaned on that one too. It didn't go well.

If ya need a graphic example of how that excuse worked... you might learn something in the final photo of a leading agent of fascism Mussolini himself... pictured next to him is his wife, who in the rise of El Duce to power proclaimed that 'for the first time, she was PROUD OF HER NATION!'


Ya see scamp... for something to be LEGITIMATELY LEGAL, it must also be Morally SOUND.

Thus the reason that the DEFINITION of Murder, is the taking of human life without a sound moral justification.

FYI: The only sound reason for taking a human life, is in the defense of one's own life or the life of another innocent.

Sorry Charlie, your attempted re-definition based on your "morals" does not work, since you are imposing your definition of "human life" ... onto others who have urgent personal issues regarding their pregnancy that you have no idea about.

Who are you to judge others? Christ?
What "murder"?
Making up your own definition?
Common Definition:
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."

Yes, the Nazis leaned on that one too. It didn't go well.

If ya need a graphic example of how that excuse worked... you might learn something in the final photo of a leading agent of fascism Mussolini himself... pictured next to him is his wife, who in the rise of El Duce to power proclaimed that 'for the first time, she was PROUD OF HER NATION!'


Ya see scamp... for something to be LEGITIMATELY LEGAL, it must also be Morally SOUND.

Thus the reason that the DEFINITION of Murder, is the taking of human life without a sound moral justification.

FYI: The only sound reason for taking a human life, is in the defense of one's own life or the life of another innocent.

Sorry Charlie, your attempted re-definition based on your "morals" does not work, since you are imposing your definition of "human life" ... onto others who have urgent personal issues regarding their pregnancy that you have no idea about.

Who are you to judge others? Christ?

He's Ted Haggard.
Sorry Charlie, your attempted re-definition based on your "morals" does not work, since you are imposing your definition of "human life" ... onto others who have urgent personal issues regarding their pregnancy that you have no idea about.

Who are you to judge others? Christ?

Reader, what you see above is HOW the Nazis BECAME what made their name what it is... they too felt that morality and legality were distinct, parallel lines of reasoning which never intersected.

This is also how the Chinese Communist, Soviet Communists and the Communists of the Khmer Rouge came to their lofty status in infamy, among other infamous facets of Leftism... who managed to murder 150 million innocent POST-BORN people, over a 30 year period in the middle of the 20th Century.

Looks like we've come sufficiently far down the road for that cult to flare up again, requiring decent people to annihilate them.

Its an awful thing, but such is always necessary when Evil rises.
The authoritarianism and extremism you exhibit and your contempt for the privacy rights of citizens...

The thing about 'The Right to Privacy" is that those things which one claims to be rightfully private, need to be KEPT PRIVATE.

Where one engages in private behavior that usurps the means of someone other than themselves to exercise their God-given rights... the right to privacy is forfeited.

If you need an example, See: Jeffrey Dahmer. He liked to eat in private. The problem only came into view, when it became public knowledge that he was eating other people, in private. For that, we imprisoned and inevitably killed him.

The authoritarianism and extremism you exhibit and your contempt for the privacy rights of citizens...

The thing about 'The Right to Privacy" is that those things which one claims to be rightfully private, need to be KEPT PRIVATE.

Where one engages in private behavior that usurps the means of someone other than themselves to exercise their God-given rights... the right to privacy is forfeited.

If you need an example, See: Jeffrey Dahmer. He liked to eat in private. The problem only came into view, when it became public knowledge that he was eating other people, in private. For that, we imprisoned and inevitably killed him.

Because Dahmer broke the law.

What laws did PP break?
The authoritarianism and extremism you exhibit and your contempt for the privacy rights of citizens...

The thing about 'The Right to Privacy" is that those things which one claims to be rightfully private, need to be KEPT PRIVATE.

Where one engages in private behavior that usurps the means of someone other than themselves to exercise their God-given rights... the right to privacy is forfeited.

If you need an example, See: Jeffrey Dahmer. He liked to eat in private. The problem only came into view, when it became public knowledge that he was eating other people, in private. For that, we imprisoned and inevitably killed him.

Because Dahmer broke the law.

What laws did PP break?

Yes... Dahmer broke the law. The Law against the taking of a human life, which rests upon the premise that God gives human life, thus only God can legitimately TAKE human life, except where the life of an innocent is being threatened, at which point, the defense of human life justifies the taking of that human life that presents the threat.

Now, you're saying that THE LAW stands absent any moral foundation... which is the point at which we can KNOW you're an imbecile, which is largely animated by EVIL.

Ya see scamp, Law which fails to serve a soundly reasoned morality, cannot serve justice and, absent the service of justice there is no valid purpose for law.
The authoritarianism and extremism you exhibit and your contempt for the privacy rights of citizens...

The thing about 'The Right to Privacy" is that those things which one claims to be rightfully private, need to be KEPT PRIVATE.

Where one engages in private behavior that usurps the means of someone other than themselves to exercise their God-given rights... the right to privacy is forfeited.

If you need an example, See: Jeffrey Dahmer. He liked to eat in private. The problem only came into view, when it became public knowledge that he was eating other people, in private. For that, we imprisoned and inevitably killed him.

Because Dahmer broke the law.

What laws did PP break?

Yes... Dahmer broke the law. The Law against the taking of a human life, which rests upon the premise that God gives human life, thus only God can legitimately TAKE human life, except where the life of an innocent is being threatened, at which point, the defense of human life justifies the taking of that human life that presents the threat.

Now, you're saying that THE LAW stands absent any moral foundation... which is the point at which we can KNOW you're an imbecile, which is largely animated by EVIL.

Ya see scamp, Law which fails to serve a soundly reasoned morality, cannot serve justice and, absent the service of justice there is no valid purpose for law.

Spare me the additional ranting. You addressed the issue of privacy, and used Dahmer as an example. The REASON Dahmer's actions ceased to be private is because he broke the law. PP did not break any law.
Spare me the additional ranting. You addressed the issue of privacy, and used Dahmer as an example. The REASON Dahmer's actions ceased to be private is because he broke the law. PP did not break any law.

The reason that privacy is irrelevant to both Dahmer and Abortion, is that BOTH resulted in the taking of human life, absent a sound moral justification.

You are welcome to your opinion. But try acting on that and you will end up in jail. Abortion is legal in the US. Until the law is changed, that is a simple fact.
Spare me the additional ranting. You addressed the issue of privacy, and used Dahmer as an example. The REASON Dahmer's actions ceased to be private is because he broke the law. PP did not break any law.

The reason that privacy is irrelevant to both Dahmer and Abortion, is that BOTH resulted in the taking of human life, absent a sound moral justification.

Reader, what you're witnessing above, is what is OKA: Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to, thus that which is relative to... one's own cultural, societal, historical and personal context and, as such, can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this perversion of reason, wherein Relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both truth and trust being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.
Spare me the additional ranting. You addressed the issue of privacy, and used Dahmer as an example. The REASON Dahmer's actions ceased to be private is because he broke the law. PP did not break any law.

The reason that privacy is irrelevant to both Dahmer and Abortion, is that BOTH resulted in the taking of human life, absent a sound moral justification.

You are welcome to your opinion. But try acting on that and you will end up in jail. Abortion is legal in the US. Until the law is changed, that is a simple fact.

Yes, Abortion will be the 'Slavery' of the future... wherein people look back to you and your cult as the purveyors of unimaginable evil.

As these videos will be the catalyst that CHANGES THE LAW. The shame is that you idiots are SO DEPRAVED that your publicly defending the MURDER OF INNOCENT PEOPLE AS A MEANS TO SELL THEIR REMAINS.

There is literally NO POTENTIAL for a GREATER EVIL.
The state of Indiana on Thursday cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing in the handling of fetal tissue.

A July 16 investigation ordered by Indiana Governor Mike Pence found no evidence of any laws being broken and no evidence that Planned Parenthood facilities in Indianapolis, Bloomington and Merrillville had sold tissue from aborted fetuses, the Associated Press reported.

Is Sarah still asking for donations in order to shut down PP?


IF ... a fetus, is merely a clump of cells. How does one go about the selling of fully formed organs from the fetus, which are common to a human being, OKA: A PERSON.

Which of course brings us to the question: What would be the status of laws, which are based upon the premise that what is being aborted amounts to nothing more than a clump of cells?

Whether you like it or not, abortion is legal. No one has been caught selling anything. It's not illegal to donate tissue.
Quit fucking lying! The video shows it all.

It's a fraud, Doofus.
You're still lying. The video is legit. Those aren't actors and they will soon be in jail.
Spare me the additional ranting. You addressed the issue of privacy, and used Dahmer as an example. The REASON Dahmer's actions ceased to be private is because he broke the law. PP did not break any law.

The reason that privacy is irrelevant to both Dahmer and Abortion, is that BOTH resulted in the taking of human life, absent a sound moral justification.

You are welcome to your opinion. But try acting on that and you will end up in jail. Abortion is legal in the US. Until the law is changed, that is a simple fact.

Yes, Abortion will be the 'Slavery' of the future... wherein people look back to you and your cult as the purveyors of unimaginable evil.

As these videos will be the catalyst that CHANGES THE LAW. The shame is that you idiots are SO DEPRAVED that your publicly defending the MURDER OF INNOCENT PEOPLE AS A MEANS TO SELL THEIR REMAINS.

There is literally NO POTENTIAL for a GREATER EVIL.
Look for the Left selling older people for their organs.
Sorry Charlie, your attempted re-definition based on your "morals" does not work, since you are imposing your definition of "human life" ... onto others who have urgent personal issues regarding their pregnancy that you have no idea about.

Who are you to judge others? Christ?

Reader, what you see above is HOW the Nazis BECAME what made their name what it is... they too felt that morality and legality were distinct, parallel lines of reasoning which never intersected.

This is also how the Chinese Communist, Soviet Communists and the Communists of the Khmer Rouge came to their lofty status in infamy, among other infamous facets of Leftism... who managed to murder 150 million innocent POST-BORN people, over a 30 year period in the middle of the 20th Century.

Looks like we've come sufficiently far down the road for that cult to flare up again, requiring decent people to annihilate them.

Its an awful thing, but such is always necessary when Evil rises.

You talk about Nazis and Communists killing POST-BORN people, yet this thread is about Planned Parenthood.

You talk about the Evil actions of the above authoritarian political systems, yet you advocate a religious dogma on pre-born "human life" and a political authoritarianism reflective of ISIS & Taliban fascism.

It is you who is "evil".
Please, don't tread on me & my family.
We have liberties in the USA and other civilized countries.
Spare me the additional ranting. You addressed the issue of privacy, and used Dahmer as an example. The REASON Dahmer's actions ceased to be private is because he broke the law. PP did not break any law.

The reason that privacy is irrelevant to both Dahmer and Abortion, is that BOTH resulted in the taking of human life, absent a sound moral justification.

Reader, what you're witnessing above, is what is OKA: Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to, thus that which is relative to... one's own cultural, societal, historical and personal context and, as such, can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this perversion of reason, wherein Relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both truth and trust being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

It looks to me that you don't understand anthropology and philosophical concepts on ontology & epistemology.

Your "truth" reflects Narcissism.
Creating a fake ID is fraud.


So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case.

The Video literally records members of Planned Parenthood CONFESSING TO NOT ONLY SELLING PARTS OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES THEY MURDERED... BUT ENTIRE "INTACT BABY CORPSES"; which establishes that they are murdering PERFECTLY VIABLE CHILDREN.

That you need to deny the self-evident truth merely proves that you're EVIL!

But in fairness to you... that is a long established fact.

It does nothing of the sort. If they aborted a baby it was dead when it was removed from the womb. The mother signed papers to donate the remains. That is all that happened.
How do you know it was dead?
Eleven other states are investigating and the next video promises to reveal a Texas Planned Parenthood received $120,000 from the sale of remains. This is far from over

Naw, you'll drag this on for weeks, but here's what's going to happen.

No one from PP will be prosecuted.
PP will still get funding from the government for all the good works they do.
Women will realize they still can't trust the party of "Gift From God" Rape.
Creating a fake ID is fraud.


So, the producers didn't tell them that they were there to expose Planned Parenthood as a mass-murdering cult?

And THAT somehow renders the mass-murder and the selling of their bodies, LEGITIMATE?


Reader.... remember that the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two key elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case.

The Video literally records members of Planned Parenthood CONFESSING TO NOT ONLY SELLING PARTS OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES THEY MURDERED... BUT ENTIRE "INTACT BABY CORPSES"; which establishes that they are murdering PERFECTLY VIABLE CHILDREN.

That you need to deny the self-evident truth merely proves that you're EVIL!

But in fairness to you... that is a long established fact.

It does nothing of the sort. If they aborted a baby it was dead when it was removed from the womb. The mother signed papers to donate the remains. That is all that happened.
How do you know it was dead?

How do you know it was alive?

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