Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue

Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.
You must be really ignorant and swallow everything your political leaders tell you in order to gain your vote. Most states have laws that prohibit abortions after 20+ something weeks.....at which time the fetus is not viable and is not a "baby".

I get it that a lot of you are anti abortion, but the truth of the matter is that abortion is legal and states have already come up with a multitude of laws to preclude the abortion of fetuses "electively" after those 20+ weeks. Fetal tissue is being used to help and treat neurological disorders and there is research being done to see what other uses it has that can help people that are already living and that is their only recourse. The process may sound gruesome to some, but it is no different than harvesting organs from donors and keeping them "alive" until they are used. Using your rhetoric, one could argue that people are being killed for the purpose of using their organs. And that would be absurd, just like your contentions are.

The tissue that is being used is from spontaneously aborted fetus that are non viable and were going to be aborted whether or not the tissue was going to be used. Further, the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) does not oppose the use of the tissues of spontaneously aborted, non-viable fetuses with parental consent for research and transplantation.

And your statements speak well enough to kw you are a murder loving cretin. Just because you dehumanize these unborn babies does not make them any less human nor your advocacy any less evil.

And you are an idiot. Just because you want to claim that a fertilized egg is a human doesn't mean it is. Not even the Bible supports that...you're just an melodramatic emotional idiot that doesn't understand reality and would rather see humans that are already living continue to suffer instead of agreeing that the use of tissue that would otherwise be tossed can be of help to these individuals. So what kind of "murderer" does that make you?
Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.
You must be really ignorant and swallow everything your political leaders tell you in order to gain your vote. Most states have laws that prohibit abortions after 20+ something weeks.....at which time the fetus is not viable and is not a "baby".

I get it that a lot of you are anti abortion, but the truth of the matter is that abortion is legal and states have already come up with a multitude of laws to preclude the abortion of fetuses "electively" after those 20+ weeks. Fetal tissue is being used to help and treat neurological disorders and there is research being done to see what other uses it has that can help people that are already living and that is their only recourse. The process may sound gruesome to some, but it is no different than harvesting organs from donors and keeping them "alive" until they are used. Using your rhetoric, one could argue that people are being killed for the purpose of using their organs. And that would be absurd, just like your contentions are.

The tissue that is being used is from spontaneously aborted fetus that are non viable and were going to be aborted whether or not the tissue was going to be used. Further, the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) does not oppose the use of the tissues of spontaneously aborted, non-viable fetuses with parental consent for research and transplantation.

Yeah a whole bunch of horseshit being blown around by you to obscure the simple fact that these are unborn babies being killed so PP can sell their organs and make profits. But you cant just admit it so you spin a lot of verbiage that is meaningless, pointless and easily seen to be nothing more than lies. The videos are valid.

And your statements speak well enough to kw you are a murder loving cretin. Just because you dehumanize these unborn babies does not make them any less human nor your advocacy any less evil.

And you are an idiot. Just because you want to claim that a fertilized egg is a human doesn't mean it is. Not even the Bible supports that...you're just an melodramatic emotional idiot that doesn't understand reality and would rather see humans that are already living continue to suffer instead of agreeing that the use of tissue that would otherwise be tossed can be of help to these individuals. So what kind of "murderer" does that make you?

If you tested the genes of the fertilized egg it would be found to be Homo Sapiens. Not dog, not cow, not sheep, nothing but Human.

You are the idiot, but that is least of your failures as you are also a disgusting moral failure defending the slaughter fopr profit of the most defenseless human beings on the planet.
Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.
You must be really ignorant and swallow everything your political leaders tell you in order to gain your vote. Most states have laws that prohibit abortions after 20+ something weeks.....at which time the fetus is not viable and is not a "baby".

I get it that a lot of you are anti abortion, but the truth of the matter is that abortion is legal and states have already come up with a multitude of laws to preclude the abortion of fetuses "electively" after those 20+ weeks. Fetal tissue is being used to help and treat neurological disorders and there is research being done to see what other uses it has that can help people that are already living and that is their only recourse. The process may sound gruesome to some, but it is no different than harvesting organs from donors and keeping them "alive" until they are used. Using your rhetoric, one could argue that people are being killed for the purpose of using their organs. And that would be absurd, just like your contentions are.

The tissue that is being used is from spontaneously aborted fetus that are non viable and were going to be aborted whether or not the tissue was going to be used. Further, the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) does not oppose the use of the tissues of spontaneously aborted, non-viable fetuses with parental consent for research and transplantation.

Yeah a whole bunch of horseshit being blown around by you to obscure the simple fact that these are unborn babies being killed so PP can sell their organs and make profits. But you cant just admit it so you spin a lot of verbiage that is meaningless, pointless and easily seen to be nothing more than lies. The videos are valid.
It's only a bunch of horseshit to idiots like you. Thank God that the Supreme Court does not always acquiesce to the dictates of idiots like you and so many in your party. And, the video that Fiorina talks about is a fake. The one I'm talking about is real, and does not in any way insinuate or say that fetal organs are being sold for profit. You are just a simplistic buffoon.

If you tested the genes of the fertilized egg it would be found to be Homo Sapiens. Not dog, not cow, not sheep, nothing but Human.
Nobody said they weren't human, they are just not "persons" idiot. There is a difference. If you test the DNA of a chicken egg, it will tell you it is a chicken, but that doesn't make the egg a chicken, otherwise you would be having chickens sunny-side up for breakfast.

You are the idiot, but that is least of your failures as you are also a disgusting moral failure defending the slaughter fopr profit of the most defenseless human beings on the planet.
And you are a buffoon, who doesn't understand facts. Nowhere have any of you proven that fetal tissue/organs are being sold for profit. Of course there is expense in the harvesting and maintaining them....nobody does anything for free, and the fact that humans that are already living benefitting from this research and the use of the fetal tissue is of no importance to you, because to you a "fertilized egg" is somehow special, more special than a breathing, living, human being. Moron.
Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.
You must be really ignorant and swallow everything your political leaders tell you in order to gain your vote. Most states have laws that prohibit abortions after 20+ something weeks.....at which time the fetus is not viable and is not a "baby".

I get it that a lot of you are anti abortion, but the truth of the matter is that abortion is legal and states have already come up with a multitude of laws to preclude the abortion of fetuses "electively" after those 20+ weeks. Fetal tissue is being used to help and treat neurological disorders and there is research being done to see what other uses it has that can help people that are already living and that is their only recourse. The process may sound gruesome to some, but it is no different than harvesting organs from donors and keeping them "alive" until they are used. Using your rhetoric, one could argue that people are being killed for the purpose of using their organs. And that would be absurd, just like your contentions are.

The tissue that is being used is from spontaneously aborted fetus that are non viable and were going to be aborted whether or not the tissue was going to be used. Further, the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) does not oppose the use of the tissues of spontaneously aborted, non-viable fetuses with parental consent for research and transplantation.

Yeah a whole bunch of horseshit being blown around by you to obscure the simple fact that these are unborn babies being killed so PP can sell their organs and make profits. But you cant just admit it so you spin a lot of verbiage that is meaningless, pointless and easily seen to be nothing more than lies. The videos are valid.

And your statements speak well enough to kw you are a murder loving cretin. Just because you dehumanize these unborn babies does not make them any less human nor your advocacy any less evil.

And you are an idiot. Just because you want to claim that a fertilized egg is a human doesn't mean it is. Not even the Bible supports that...you're just an melodramatic emotional idiot that doesn't understand reality and would rather see humans that are already living continue to suffer instead of agreeing that the use of tissue that would otherwise be tossed can be of help to these individuals. So what kind of "murderer" does that make you?

If you tested the genes of the fertilized egg it would be found to be Homo Sapiens. Not dog, not cow, not sheep, nothing but Human.

You are the idiot, but that is least of your failures as you are also a disgusting moral failure defending the slaughter fopr profit of the most defenseless human beings on the planet.
Nonsense. PP is not killing babies to harvest organs. You're being ridiculous. Those abortions would be occurring anyway. But instead of merely discarding the tissue and organs, they are being used for research.
Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.
You must be really ignorant and swallow everything your political leaders tell you in order to gain your vote. Most states have laws that prohibit abortions after 20+ something weeks.....at which time the fetus is not viable and is not a "baby".

I get it that a lot of you are anti abortion, but the truth of the matter is that abortion is legal and states have already come up with a multitude of laws to preclude the abortion of fetuses "electively" after those 20+ weeks. Fetal tissue is being used to help and treat neurological disorders and there is research being done to see what other uses it has that can help people that are already living and that is their only recourse. The process may sound gruesome to some, but it is no different than harvesting organs from donors and keeping them "alive" until they are used. Using your rhetoric, one could argue that people are being killed for the purpose of using their organs. And that would be absurd, just like your contentions are.

The tissue that is being used is from spontaneously aborted fetus that are non viable and were going to be aborted whether or not the tissue was going to be used. Further, the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) does not oppose the use of the tissues of spontaneously aborted, non-viable fetuses with parental consent for research and transplantation.

Yeah a whole bunch of horseshit being blown around by you to obscure the simple fact that these are unborn babies being killed so PP can sell their organs and make profits. But you cant just admit it so you spin a lot of verbiage that is meaningless, pointless and easily seen to be nothing more than lies. The videos are valid.

And your statements speak well enough to kw you are a murder loving cretin. Just because you dehumanize these unborn babies does not make them any less human nor your advocacy any less evil.

And you are an idiot. Just because you want to claim that a fertilized egg is a human doesn't mean it is. Not even the Bible supports that...you're just an melodramatic emotional idiot that doesn't understand reality and would rather see humans that are already living continue to suffer instead of agreeing that the use of tissue that would otherwise be tossed can be of help to these individuals. So what kind of "murderer" does that make you?

If you tested the genes of the fertilized egg it would be found to be Homo Sapiens. Not dog, not cow, not sheep, nothing but Human.

You are the idiot, but that is least of your failures as you are also a disgusting moral failure defending the slaughter fopr profit of the most defenseless human beings on the planet.
The videos are false, invalid, and devoid of merit in any investigatory capacity.

And as already correctly noted: abortion is not 'killing babies,' the notion is a ridiculous lie. An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' abortion is not 'murder,' and the state is prohibited by the Constitution from compelling a woman to give birth against her will; what's disgusting is that you and many others on the right would seek to force a woman to do just that.
I saw the evidence dickweed and they weren't allegations.

Except what you saw was a video that was edited to make it seem like PP was selling fetal tissue for profit. If you want to believe fiction that is your prerogative, but it doesn't make it true. And you appear foolish when you insist that it is.
That is a lie and forensic experts have proven that the videos were not edited in a deceptive way at all.

The guy that did the video has been filmed and he admits that the baby in the video was a stillborn and not an aborted fetus.....so how can a stillborn be kicking? You all were duped and continue to want to believe the dupe.....can't help you there.

You just cant live if babies aren't butchered alive for their body parts, can you?
Now you're just exhibiting your hate and anger because you don't even know me or anything about me, idiot.

Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.

And your statements speak well enough to kw you are a murder loving cretin. Just because you dehumanize these unborn babies does not make them any less human nor your advocacy any less evil.
What part of "Missouri Attorney General Finds No Evidence Planned Parenthood Mishandled Fetal Tissue" do you not understand.

That's the only issue – that 'Planned Parenthood' is in fact not an 'issue,' it was contrived into an 'issue' by conservatives hostile to privacy rights; your subjective, errant beliefs and perceptions are irrelevant.

What part of what one AG in one state does not find does not mean a damned thing do you not understand?
I didn't say they made a profit and only a fool would believe that they didn't.

Well, you're the fool, because the guy that made the video (the one Fiorina was talking about) has admitted it was a stillborn in the video and he didn't have permission to use the image by the mother of the stillborn......so tell me, how does a stillborn still have the ability to kick it's legs?

Why don't you provide a link to the video you claim you saw that you are so positive is true? Because there isn't any video and you are lying, that's why.

You claim you didn't say they made a profit, but you believe they did because you want to. Do you think all organ donors get paid for their organs? Only a fool would think they do.

Something about a Laboirgini convinced me.

What the hell is a Laboirgini? Did you mean Lamborghini? Richards may talk about "wanting" a lamborghini, but Fiorina actually owns two yachts......but what has that got to do with being honest? I would like a llamborghini myself, so does that mean you now believe I sell fetus tissue for profit....yeah, you probably do.

Something tells me you're too lazy to look up the correct spelling of a word, and therefore too lazy to check out someone's lies....you just rather go with it.

Her two yachts, according to the Chronicle, are the 70-foot Alchemy V worth just over $1 million, docked in Sausalito, Calif., and the 56-foot Alchemy VI, docked in Washington, D.C.
Boxer Calls Out Fiorina for Multiple Yachts

One of the PP Doctors said how do you think I got a Lamborghini. You can rest assured that Fiorina didn't buy a yacht selling baby parts. Something tells me that you are a racist since many of the abortions are done on black girls and women.

It has already been established that the video is a complete fabrication by an anti-abortion group.....so anything that is said on the video is suspect.

Why don't you post the link to the video? That shouldn't be so hard. So we can see for ourselves whether or not the PP doctors said it or whether you are quoting a fabricated lie made up by members of your political party.

And your attempt to label me as a racist is laughable....when you, obviously a woman, is so willing to throw women under the bus just like Fiorina. You are an example of people who vote against their own interests and are led around by the "white male Republican leaders" like a Stepford wife.

You are dumber than a box of rocks if you think what the PP doctors said on the videos was not exactly what they said.
Well, you're the fool, because the guy that made the video (the one Fiorina was talking about) has admitted it was a stillborn in the video and he didn't have permission to use the image by the mother of the stillborn......so tell me, how does a stillborn still have the ability to kick it's legs?

Why don't you provide a link to the video you claim you saw that you are so positive is true? Because there isn't any video and you are lying, that's why.

You claim you didn't say they made a profit, but you believe they did because you want to. Do you think all organ donors get paid for their organs? Only a fool would think they do.

Something about a Laboirgini convinced me.

What the hell is a Laboirgini? Did you mean Lamborghini? Richards may talk about "wanting" a lamborghini, but Fiorina actually owns two yachts......but what has that got to do with being honest? I would like a llamborghini myself, so does that mean you now believe I sell fetus tissue for profit....yeah, you probably do.

Something tells me you're too lazy to look up the correct spelling of a word, and therefore too lazy to check out someone's lies....you just rather go with it.

Her two yachts, according to the Chronicle, are the 70-foot Alchemy V worth just over $1 million, docked in Sausalito, Calif., and the 56-foot Alchemy VI, docked in Washington, D.C.
Boxer Calls Out Fiorina for Multiple Yachts

One of the PP Doctors said how do you think I got a Lamborghini. You can rest assured that Fiorina didn't buy a yacht selling baby parts. Something tells me that you are a racist since many of the abortions are done on black girls and women.

It has already been established that the video is a complete fabrication by an anti-abortion group.....so anything that is said on the video is suspect.

Why don't you post the link to the video? That shouldn't be so hard. So we can see for ourselves whether or not the PP doctors said it or whether you are quoting a fabricated lie made up by members of your political party.

And your attempt to label me as a racist is laughable....when you, obviously a woman, is so willing to throw women under the bus just like Fiorina. You are an example of people who vote against their own interests and are led around by the "white male Republican leaders" like a Stepford wife.

You are dumber than a box of rocks if you think what the PP doctors said on the videos was not exactly what they said.

Says the person who accepts lies as truth and denies facts. There is no comparison for your ignorance.........rocks have more intelligence than you will ever have.

And, you still don't post the link to your so-called "video" that you claim says so many things, but is only imaginary. You can say anything you want about an imaginary video, because there is no way anyone can disprove it, right? Moron.
What part of what one AG in one state does not find does not mean a damned thing do you not understand?
In other words, don't confuse you with facts........you like and accept lies and nobody is going to change your mind on that....gotcha!
Your unsupported assertion about what the guy said is irrelevant to the fact as living babies in abortions have long been killed anyway and PP has stated on camera that the baby is to be kept alive as long as possible so the harvest organs will be more healthy.
You must be really ignorant and swallow everything your political leaders tell you in order to gain your vote. Most states have laws that prohibit abortions after 20+ something weeks.....at which time the fetus is not viable and is not a "baby".

I get it that a lot of you are anti abortion, but the truth of the matter is that abortion is legal and states have already come up with a multitude of laws to preclude the abortion of fetuses "electively" after those 20+ weeks. Fetal tissue is being used to help and treat neurological disorders and there is research being done to see what other uses it has that can help people that are already living and that is their only recourse. The process may sound gruesome to some, but it is no different than harvesting organs from donors and keeping them "alive" until they are used. Using your rhetoric, one could argue that people are being killed for the purpose of using their organs. And that would be absurd, just like your contentions are.

The tissue that is being used is from spontaneously aborted fetus that are non viable and were going to be aborted whether or not the tissue was going to be used. Further, the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) does not oppose the use of the tissues of spontaneously aborted, non-viable fetuses with parental consent for research and transplantation.

Yeah a whole bunch of horseshit being blown around by you to obscure the simple fact that these are unborn babies being killed so PP can sell their organs and make profits. But you cant just admit it so you spin a lot of verbiage that is meaningless, pointless and easily seen to be nothing more than lies. The videos are valid.
It's only a bunch of horseshit to idiots like you. Thank God that the Supreme Court does not always acquiesce to the dictates of idiots like you and so many in your party. And, the video that Fiorina talks about is a fake. The one I'm talking about is real, and does not in any way insinuate or say that fetal organs are being sold for profit. You are just a simplistic buffoon.

If you tested the genes of the fertilized egg it would be found to be Homo Sapiens. Not dog, not cow, not sheep, nothing but Human.
Nobody said they weren't human, they are just not "persons" idiot. There is a difference. If you test the DNA of a chicken egg, it will tell you it is a chicken, but that doesn't make the egg a chicken, otherwise you would be having chickens sunny-side up for breakfast.

You are the idiot, but that is least of your failures as you are also a disgusting moral failure defending the slaughter fopr profit of the most defenseless human beings on the planet.
And you are a buffoon, who doesn't understand facts. Nowhere have any of you proven that fetal tissue/organs are being sold for profit. Of course there is expense in the harvesting and maintaining them....nobody does anything for free, and the fact that humans that are already living benefitting from this research and the use of the fetal tissue is of no importance to you, because to you a "fertilized egg" is somehow special, more special than a breathing, living, human being. Moron.

I love it when I am castigated by murderous PC Nazis like yourself. Forensics teams have verified the PP videos, cretin, and if you had a gram of moral decency you would be ashamed to defend those murderous scum, but since you don't but are instead a partisan hack, go fuck yourself, ass wipe.
The videos are false, invalid, and devoid of merit in any investigatory capacity.

Nope, forensics experts have validated every one of them. Planned Parenthood is in the multi million dollar business of selling baby organs.

And as already correctly noted: abortion is not 'killing babies,' the notion is a ridiculous lie. An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' abortion is not 'murder,'

No woman says of her unborn child 'My fetus is due in 9 weeks.' No, they call it what it is a 'baby', and using technical terms does nothing to change that fact, though it does rest easier on the minds, such as they are, of libtard murderous bilge like yourself.

and the state is prohibited by the Constitution from compelling a woman to give birth against her will;

That will eventually be changed and one day, I pray, to see every abortion doctor strung up on street lamp posts, with signs around their necks saying 'I profited from murdering unborn babies'..

what's disgusting is that you and many others on the right would seek to force a woman to do just that.

Fuck you, you nasty little Nazi.

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