Missouri: Cell phones, propane tanks, explosives , weapons

Nothing says America more than 'recreational use explosives'........

Propane tanks are recreational in most cases. But people rarely buy 60 of them at a time for recreational purposes. Especially not with cell phones as attachments.

Walmart was probably giving away free propane tanks with the purchase of each cell phone.

And yes- that was meant to be a joke.

What would I think when I am hearing "Missouri" "propane" and "cell phones" I think 'meth labs"

Missouri grapples with one of the USA's worst meth problems
Fine use of occams razor!
Far too logical for the Klan is a lesser evil crowd.

Oh I'm calm. I can see the danger you obviously can't.

Our borders are wide open and I wonder how many terrorist have crossed into the country.

Common Sense.

Our 'borders' are 'wide' to Canadians.

Our Southern border while somewhat porous- is less so now than at any time.

I never understood why in the aftermath of 9/11, there were not firm steps taken to really guard our borders- in 2002 Bush could have proposed any measures to actually completely protect our borders- but never took any of the steps that Conservatives suddenly realized that they felt were absolutely necessary- after Obama was elected.

But if you want to be terrified about propane tanks and cell phones in Missouri- well be terrified.

Oh I'm calm. I can see the danger you obviously can't.

Our borders are wide open and I wonder how many terrorist have crossed into the country.

Common Sense.

Our 'borders' are 'wide' to Canadians.

Our Southern border while somewhat porous- is less so now than at any time.

I never understood why in the aftermath of 9/11, there were not firm steps taken to really guard our borders- in 2002 Bush could have proposed any measures to actually completely protect our borders- but never took any of the steps that Conservatives suddenly realized that they felt were absolutely necessary- after Obama was elected.

But if you want to be terrified about propane tanks and cell phones in Missouri- well be terrified.

Oh I agree that our Govt. Neither party, have done much about the security of either of our borders.

Oh and who's terrified? Not me. I just use common sense which is something you know nothing about.

Sure hope you are right and it is nothing but if you are wrong???

Oh I'm calm. I can see the danger you obviously can't.

Our borders are wide open and I wonder how many terrorist have crossed into the country.

Common Sense.

Our 'borders' are 'wide' to Canadians.

Our Southern border while somewhat porous- is less so now than at any time.

I never understood why in the aftermath of 9/11, there were not firm steps taken to really guard our borders- in 2002 Bush could have proposed any measures to actually completely protect our borders- but never took any of the steps that Conservatives suddenly realized that they felt were absolutely necessary- after Obama was elected.

But if you want to be terrified about propane tanks and cell phones in Missouri- well be terrified.

Oh I agree that our Govt. Neither party, have done much about the security of either of our borders.

Oh and who's terrified? Not me. I just use common sense which is something you know nothing about.

Sure hope you are right and it is nothing but if you are wrong???

I didn't say it is nothing- my first instinct is that it is meth related. However, I am all law enforcement investigating irregardless.
Meanwhile, in Virginia:

Police: Edgewater man arrested with guns may have planned to attack government offices

Probably a "Secret Muslim":


So...one lone lunatic equals a terror cell that requires sixty cell phones?
What a tard...

The Muslim terrorists are using the same cell phone tactics common drug dealers use.

So because they're Muslim they're terrorists and not drug dealers? If you bought propane and cell phones along with your monthly supply of guns, ammo, canned goods and jerky for the bunker, would that make you a drug dealer or a Muslim?
Muslims in the US do not deal in street drugs.
Why? Because if they showed up on any inner city street corner they would be murdered by the gangs.
You can always dream.
Dreams do come true pal.
YOU go into any inner city negro shithole street corner and set up shop selling dope. See how long you live. Please.
So...one lone lunatic equals a terror cell that requires sixty cell phones?
What a tard...

The Muslim terrorists are using the same cell phone tactics common drug dealers use.

So because they're Muslim they're terrorists and not drug dealers? If you bought propane and cell phones along with your monthly supply of guns, ammo, canned goods and jerky for the bunker, would that make you a drug dealer or a Muslim?
Muslims in the US do not deal in street drugs.
Why? Because if they showed up on any inner city street corner they would be murdered by the gangs.
You can always dream.
Dreams do come true pal.
YOU go into any inner city negro shithole street corner and set up shop selling dope. See how long you live. Please.
ok alfalfa.
Officers found a huge cache of “extremely volatile” explosives, which police described to be of a style “that could not be purchased for recreational use.”

I love that quote.

What style explosives are purchased for recreational use?
Fireworks asshole! Compress twenty pounds of firework accelerant and another ingredient into a container the size of a 20 pound propane tank. Fill it with building nails and a detonator and Bob's your Uncle'.
Would ya rather live in an area full of mosques and muslims that want sharia law and wear hijabs....or in an area full of rednecks with lots of guns and some wear white hoods?

Neither, and that is a fucked up question.

So the question is do you want to live with one set of assholes that will kill you because you are different religion or would you prefer it be those assholes with the white pillowcase on their head?
Small difference: The ones who are anxious to murder you number in the millions. The number in "white hoods" number in the twenties. They are stuck out in the fucking swamp knee deep in mud and mosquitoes drinking 'clear'. none of them are assembling thousands of war weapons and hiding them in fucking 'peace-loving muslim homes and mosques asshole!
Grow up!
I don't like the KKK and I don't like Christians. But if they have weaponry and my town is being attacked or bombed by assholes who want us dead because we are americans, I want to be around those with that weaponry.
Ann Coulter: "When you need a gun only a gun will do".

Oh I'm calm. I can see the danger you obviously can't.

Our borders are wide open and I wonder how many terrorist have crossed into the country.

Common Sense.

Our 'borders' are 'wide' to Canadians.

Our Southern border while somewhat porous- is less so now than at any time.

I never understood why in the aftermath of 9/11, there were not firm steps taken to really guard our borders- in 2002 Bush could have proposed any measures to actually completely protect our borders- but never took any of the steps that Conservatives suddenly realized that they felt were absolutely necessary- after Obama was elected.

But if you want to be terrified about propane tanks and cell phones in Missouri- well be terrified.

Oh I agree that our Govt. Neither party, have done much about the security of either of our borders.

Oh and who's terrified? Not me. I just use common sense which is something you know nothing about.

Sure hope you are right and it is nothing but if you are wrong???
Your average Canadian has zero interest in sneaking into the US to find work picking fucking strawberries.
Think about it!
The lifestyle in Canada is night and day better than living in the US.
High employment, very low crime rates, very low negro, sorry NO negro inner city gang infested ghettos, cost of living much lower than in the US, clean, peace loving people who wouldn't take a million bucks to move to the US.
Officers found a huge cache of “extremely volatile” explosives, which police described to be of a style “that could not be purchased for recreational use.”

I love that quote.

What style explosives are purchased for recreational use?
Fireworks asshole! Compress twenty pounds of firework accelerant and another ingredient into a container the size of a 20 pound propane tank. Fill it with building nails and a detonator and Bob's your Uncle'.

Sounds like you have really put some thought into this.

Of course the explosives mentioned in the article are not fireworks- they were commercial grade explosives- I just found the statement to be humorous.

I leave you to go back to your explosive manufacturing websites.

Oh I'm calm. I can see the danger you obviously can't.

Our borders are wide open and I wonder how many terrorist have crossed into the country.

Common Sense.

Our 'borders' are 'wide' to Canadians.

Our Southern border while somewhat porous- is less so now than at any time.

I never understood why in the aftermath of 9/11, there were not firm steps taken to really guard our borders- in 2002 Bush could have proposed any measures to actually completely protect our borders- but never took any of the steps that Conservatives suddenly realized that they felt were absolutely necessary- after Obama was elected.

But if you want to be terrified about propane tanks and cell phones in Missouri- well be terrified.

Oh I agree that our Govt. Neither party, have done much about the security of either of our borders.

Oh and who's terrified? Not me. I just use common sense which is something you know nothing about.

Sure hope you are right and it is nothing but if you are wrong???
Your average Canadian has zero interest in sneaking into the US to find work picking fucking strawberries.
Think about it!
The lifestyle in Canada is night and day better than living in the US.
High employment, very low crime rates, very low negro, sorry NO negro inner city gang infested ghettos, cost of living much lower than in the US, clean, peace loving people who wouldn't take a million bucks to move to the US.

So which border have we caught actual terrorists trying to sneak into the United States from?

Oh right- Canada.

I love Canada and Canadians- most of them are not assholes.

But that doesn't mean pretending that terrorists can't come across any border.

(oh and 'cost of living much lower than the United States'- really?- lets compare shall we:

Vancouver- most expensive city in North America ( I love Vancouver by the way)

Gas prices?

Oh I'm calm. I can see the danger you obviously can't.

Our borders are wide open and I wonder how many terrorist have crossed into the country.

Common Sense.

Our 'borders' are 'wide' to Canadians.

Our Southern border while somewhat porous- is less so now than at any time.

I never understood why in the aftermath of 9/11, there were not firm steps taken to really guard our borders- in 2002 Bush could have proposed any measures to actually completely protect our borders- but never took any of the steps that Conservatives suddenly realized that they felt were absolutely necessary- after Obama was elected.

But if you want to be terrified about propane tanks and cell phones in Missouri- well be terrified.

Oh I agree that our Govt. Neither party, have done much about the security of either of our borders.

Oh and who's terrified? Not me. I just use common sense which is something you know nothing about.

Sure hope you are right and it is nothing but if you are wrong???
Your average Canadian has zero interest in sneaking into the US to find work picking fucking strawberries.
Think about it!
The lifestyle in Canada is night and day better than living in the US.
High employment, very low crime rates, very low negro, sorry NO negro inner city gang infested ghettos, cost of living much lower than in the US, clean, peace loving people who wouldn't take a million bucks to move to the US.

Who's talking about the native Canadians?? Not me. Canada has long been a good ally of ours.

I'm talking about the Muslims they are letting into Canada. Some of them will be terrorists and what better way to get into the US then through the US/Canadian border?? A border that's thousands of miles long and doesn't have much security.

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