Missouri: Cell phones, propane tanks, explosives , weapons

Would ya rather live in an area full of mosques and muslims that want sharia law and wear hijabs....or in an area full of rednecks with lots of guns and some wear white hoods?

Neither, and that is a fucked up question.

So the question is do you want to live with one set of assholes that will kill you because you are different religion or would you prefer it be those assholes with the white pillowcase on their head?
It's a fucked up question because it makes ya think, doesn't it?
Mosques, hijabs, sharia laws= terrorists?
Rednecks, hunters, white/brown/black/green hoods (or not)=KKK?

And which would you rather live near if it came to a choice? I'd go with the latter.

Those that support Sharia Law as being the law of the land can kiss off as quickly as the KKK because neither are good for the nation, and let me state I have lived in areas where the KKK was part of life and it was not in the deep south but in Joliet, Illinois...

So I prefer neither if I can help it!
Nothing to see here folks...

Missouri cellphone purchases and propane thefts are noted, but authorities see no link

A series of bulk purchases of cheap, prepaid cellphones at Wal-Mart stores across central and eastern Missouri in the last week prompted multiple local law enforcement offices to notify federal investigators.

Meanwhile, other local agencies passed word to the FBI about thefts of small propane tanks in the Kansas City area.

Yet no law enforcement officials report anything, other than perhaps timing, that suggests a link between the propane thefts and the cellphone purchases.

FBI spokeswoman Bridget Patton said Friday the agency had been contacted by local law enforcement officials about the cellphone purchases and also was aware of the propane tank thefts.

“The local authorities are investigating the propane tanks,” she said. The FBI is investigating the cellphone purchases.

“You have local law enforcement acting out of an abundance of caution,” Patton said. But “we have seen similar purchases of bulk cellphones in the past, and it has been concluded that these transactions were unrelated to terrorism.”

Missouri cellphone purchases and propane thefts are noted, but authorities see no link

They are going to be all nonchalant about this. Why advertise? One does not inform the enemy of what one is doing.

It's probably just the Klan getting ready to barbecue. :D

Here's a photo from Stephen Joseph Henson's facebook page, from Missouri. The KKK is all over Missouri.


Fine representatives of the superior race.

I got the name from an Anonymous video put out during the Ferguson riot, when they were releasing names of the KKK and their facebook pages.

You should see the inside of their pigsty. Freaking nasty ass people!


Wow...Anonymous can look inside your house?!

My, how easily you and that FBI spokeswoman assuage any concerns you may have had. 6 WalMarts have their prepaid cell phone inventory, 100s of them, bought up by middle eastern men with cash. The same phones that are very hard to track communications from according to federal authorities. Also that can be used to set off an explosive remotely.

Also, we have a discovery in woods close by of pipe bombs and other big time explosives buried. And what else, propane tanks stolen?

Given the volatile world we now live in where Islamic terrorists are striking with alarmingly regularity on innocent citizens in the USA and Europe --- should we take any of this seriously?

“Nah.” Not according to you and that FBI spokeswoman. Oh thank you. I bet if Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary for Obama also concurs with you two, then we can all laugh it off or ignore the whole matter.
Would ya rather live in an area full of mosques and muslims that want sharia law and wear hijabs....or in an area full of rednecks with lots of guns and some wear white hoods?

We've had mosques in this country for years. We have around 1,500 now. I don't give two shits if they want Sharia Law, it's NEVER going to happen.
Nothing to see here folks...

Missouri cellphone purchases and propane thefts are noted, but authorities see no link

A series of bulk purchases of cheap, prepaid cellphones at Wal-Mart stores across central and eastern Missouri in the last week prompted multiple local law enforcement offices to notify federal investigators.

Meanwhile, other local agencies passed word to the FBI about thefts of small propane tanks in the Kansas City area.

Yet no law enforcement officials report anything, other than perhaps timing, that suggests a link between the propane thefts and the cellphone purchases.

FBI spokeswoman Bridget Patton said Friday the agency had been contacted by local law enforcement officials about the cellphone purchases and also was aware of the propane tank thefts.

“The local authorities are investigating the propane tanks,” she said. The FBI is investigating the cellphone purchases.

“You have local law enforcement acting out of an abundance of caution,” Patton said. But “we have seen similar purchases of bulk cellphones in the past, and it has been concluded that these transactions were unrelated to terrorism.”

Missouri cellphone purchases and propane thefts are noted, but authorities see no link

They are going to be all nonchalant about this. Why advertise? One does not inform the enemy of what one is doing.

It's probably just the Klan getting ready to barbecue. :D

Here's a photo from Stephen Joseph Henson's facebook page, from Missouri. The KKK is all over Missouri.


Fine representatives of the superior race.

I got the name from an Anonymous video put out during the Ferguson riot, when they were releasing names of the KKK and their facebook pages.

You should see the inside of their pigsty. Freaking nasty ass people!


Wow...Anonymous can look inside your house?!

LOL. I got those straight from his facebook page.


You can view all the Klan wedding photo's here...

Stephen Joseph Henson | Facebook

My, how easily you and that FBI spokeswoman assuage any concerns you may have had. 6 WalMarts have their prepaid cell phone inventory, 100s of them, bought up by middle eastern men with cash. The same phones that are very hard to track communications from according to federal authorities. Also that can be used to set off an explosive remotely.

Also, we have a discovery in woods close by of pipe bombs and other big time explosives buried. And what else, propane tanks stolen?

Given the volatile world we now live in where Islamic terrorists are striking with alarmingly regularity on innocent citizens in the USA and Europe --- should we take any of this seriously?

“Nah.” Not according to you and that FBI spokeswoman. Oh thank you. I bet if Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary for Obama also concurs with you two, then we can all laugh it off or ignore the whole matter.

You hair is on fire.
Would ya rather live in an area full of mosques and muslims that want sharia law and wear hijabs....or in an area full of rednecks with lots of guns and some wear white hoods?

We've had mosques in this country for years. We have around 1,500 now. I don't give two shits if they want Sharia Law, it's NEVER going to happen.
Never say never.
I don't like the KKK and I don't like Christians. But if they have weaponry and my town is being attacked or bombed by assholes who want us dead because we are americans, I want to be around those with that weaponry.
Nothing says America more than 'recreational use explosives'........

Propane tanks are recreational in most cases. But people rarely buy 60 of them at a time for recreational purposes. Especially not with cell phones as attachments.

Walmart was probably giving away free propane tanks with the purchase of each cell phone.

And yes- that was meant to be a joke.

What would I think when I am hearing "Missouri" "propane" and "cell phones" I think 'meth labs"

Missouri grapples with one of the USA's worst meth problems
Nothing says America more than 'recreational use explosives'........

Propane tanks are recreational in most cases. But people rarely buy 60 of them at a time for recreational purposes. Especially not with cell phones as attachments.

Walmart was probably giving away free propane tanks with the purchase of each cell phone.

And yes- that was meant to be a joke.

What would I think when I am hearing "Missouri" "propane" and "cell phones" I think 'meth labs"

Missouri grapples with one of the USA's worst meth problems

Propane tanks are stolen all the time.
I don't like the KKK and they are a Christian group.

They are?

Oh wait, you're just lying.

Carry on...
They say that they are.

"Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America!"

"America, Our Nation is Under Judgement from God!
"There is a race war against whites. But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities around the world. The hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day. Stay firm in your convictions. Keep loving your heritage and keep witnessing to others that there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order. That way is the Christian way - law and order - love of family - love of nation. These are the principles of western Christian civilization. There is a war to destroy these things. Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty. Repent America! Be faithful my fellow believers. "

National Director of The Knights, Pastor Thomas Robb"
I got the name from an Anonymous video put out during the Ferguson riot, when they were releasing names of the KKK and their facebook pages.

You should see the inside of their pigsty. Freaking nasty ass people!



That's a problem Cruella, since virtually everyone in the KKK is an embedded FBI agent. Like Syrian Rebels, KKK members don't actually exist.... At least Obamy isn't giving the KKK hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.. (Or is he, the guy is incredibly stupid...)
Bullshit !

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