Missouri Democrat Senator posted that she hopes Trump is assassinated


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A Dem senator post a Facebook message saying that she hoped Trump was assassinated. She deleted it and refuses to resign. Even the DNC condemned her comment.

It's as bad a Maxine Waters calling the White House the White Supremacist House. All dangerous rhetoric designed to incite more violence against whites and Trump supporters.

It's bad when average people or celebrities do this shit. It is absolutely inexcusable when elected officials act like thugs.

Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’
I read about that earlier.
So, she is refusing to resign, eh? No surprise there.
So they should boot her ass out then.
More calls of violence against our President from the losers of the election. They need to be prosecuted when their rhetoric goes too far and becomes a call for the assassination of a President.
I read about that earlier.
So, she is refusing to resign, eh? No surprise there.
So they should boot her ass out then.
The liberals here will most likely defend her. I mean shit, they defend the Democrat here KKK Senator Bob Byrd while calling Republicans racist.
The savages on government payrolls who threaten our President need to be arrested, need to have their taxpayer funded pension and medical insurance cut off and need to be interviewed by the Secret Service or FBI. And need to be sent back to Kenya or where ever the fuck they think they came from. So sick of these low IQ, inbred POS that the Swamp has put in place to destroy the USA.
She refuses to step down and walk out. Ok, slap the cuffs on her, and drag her ass out. She has no place in govt at any level.
A Dem senator post a Facebook message saying that she hoped Trump was assassinated. She deleted it and refuses to resign. Even the DNC condemned her comment.

It's as bad a Maxine Waters calling the White House the White Supremacist House. All dangerous rhetoric designed to incite more violence against whites and Trump supporters.

It's bad when average people or celebrities do this shit. It is absolutely inexcusable when elected officials act like thugs.

Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’
nothing shouts peace more than calls for sedition.
The true test of Liberal hypocrisy is to remove the liberal out of the incident, replace him/her with a Republican, and pretend the Conservative is speaking about / acting in regards to a Democrat.

For example, snowflakes are competely glossing over this event because they rabidly hate Trump, which in their minds justifies this vile snowflake's actions.

Replace the black female snowflake with a white male conservative talking about Obama, and suddenly you have 'Baltimore' all over again.

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