Missouri gun store will not sell to Biden voters (video)

Come on down to Texas then fellow countrymen, We got guns galore down here, cheap too. We don't whine like little bitches here in Texas when we lose a tight election.......much,..... well some of us want to form our own Banana Republic of Texas and invite the Exalted one, "Herr Trump" to be our First (honorary) Ruler for Life. Never Mind
Biden voters should not be allowed to have guns. They voted a Chinese spy into office. Therefore they are all Chinese spies.

Biden voters are too dangerous to America to have guns.
Lose what? These Useful Idiots that were stupid enough to have voted for China Joe wouldn't even know which end of a gun to point at a target.
Keep on believing that Flush.

If you are so damn idiotic that you would think that China Joe would do a Jim Dandy job as President then you wouldn't be able to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the bottom of the heel.

You certainly don't have enough sense to handle a firearm.
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I absolutely love this. A private business can sell to whomever they choose, and refuse service to whomever they choose. “BIDEN VOTERS” are not a protected class...so fuck off. This makes me smile.

How is this retard going to know if a customer is a Biden voter? Ask for their ballot?
His loss.

LOL, so you're saying the ass-wipes that support Biden want to buy guys? Go figure.
Yeah, just as absurd as a person that opens a business to tell customers to fuck off.
when did they tell customers to fuck off?
In the OP duh.
they told biden people to fuck off not good customers,,
Yeah, sounds like a stupid idea but it is his business.
thats a matter of perspective,, and it shows capitalism isnt always about money,,
Then it isn't capitalism.
more like the free market capitalism instead of government controlled capitalism,, gotta love america,,
When I was in business I never ask people what their politics was, my motivation was to know if they could pay the bill, not being a peevish prick.
Well, part of being a trumpanzee is being a peevish prick, isn't it?
I live here in SW Mizzouri amongst them and they do seem to carry a chip and drink a lot. I won't mention all the pills and meth they do.
Do the trump cultists there still have their cult flags up?
Lose what? These Useful Idiots that were stupid enough to have voted for China Joe wouldn't even know which end of a gun to point at a target.
Keep on believing that Flush.

If you are so damn idiotic that you would think that China Joe would do a Jim Dandy job as President then you wouldn't be able to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the bottom of the heel.
He can't help but do better than obese lil' donnie did.
His loss.

LOL, so you're saying the ass-wipes that support Biden want to buy guys? Go figure.
Yeah, just as absurd as a person that opens a business to tell customers to fuck off.
when did they tell customers to fuck off?
In the OP duh.
they told biden people to fuck off not good customers,,
Yeah, sounds like a stupid idea but it is his business.
thats a matter of perspective,, and it shows capitalism isnt always about money,,
Then it isn't capitalism.
more like the free market capitalism instead of government controlled capitalism,, gotta love america,,
When I was in business I never ask people what their politics was, my motivation was to know if they could pay the bill, not being a peevish prick.
Well, part of being a trumpanzee is being a peevish prick, isn't it?
I live here in SW Mizzouri amongst them and they do seem to carry a chip and drink a lot. I won't mention all the pills and meth they do.
Do the trump cultists there still have their cult flags up?
Yes, they refuse to take them down..
He's making a statement. What does it symbolize? That he's a trumptard asshole?

You haven't figured it out form the posts in this thread?

"Muh private company" bullshit the leftist have been defending.

And it succeeded...the leftists took the bait.
You hunt?
I was an avid hunter for many years when I lived in Nebraska. In Texas you pay mega bucks for a lease that fences in the game. Then you shoot a German Sheppard sized Deer while it's licking the salt block, or eating from the corn feeder, that you've put out to make sure that you have an easy shot. It's the same for Wild Turkey and Boars, although the latter can be very unpredictable.

The lake water is too filthy to eat any of the fish that you catch. Texas is a lousy place for outdoors-men. Duck and Doves are OK if you've got a place to go, and there's plenty of quail if you have a bird dog.

I seldom hunt anymore and I miss it.
If the dealer makes custom handgrips and is asked to make a pretty pink set for a homosexual can he refuse? Or will some leftist judge fine him and order him to shut down until he damn well makes those darling little widgets?

Oh you know the answer....but if you won't even think it then you're probably a liberal.

Damn! I'm so old I can remember the days when "liberals" believe in civil rights.

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