Missouri State Senator Deserves Hypocrite of the Year Award


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A Missouri state senator, who sponsored several anti-gun bills was arrested while particpating in a Ferguson protest. She was drunk, uncooperative and carrying a concealed gun, which she does have a permit to carry. What a hypocrite!! Not only does she feel that her life is worth protecting, while wanting to limit everyone else's, she is still demanding justice for Brown when all evidence points to a justified shooting by officer Wilson.


She and the other protesters are WRONG! She's not wrong for carrying a concealed gun because that currently is our right- at least until liberals like her take it away from us. I'm sure politicians would be exempt from any restrictions since they don't believe they should ever follow their own oppressive laws.

Seriously, the woman is just another brain dead idiot who uses tragedies for political advantages. Carrying a gun and bashing an officer, who defended himself against a drugged up attacker, shows the hypocrisy common among many politicians.

While the media gets a lot of credit for inciting rioters by running with heresay and pushing a false account of what happened the night Brown was shot by a Ferguson police officer, the race baiters did their part. When the media runs with false testimony in the beginning and continues highlighting comment by Al Sharpton while ignoring facts, it's no wonder the truth gets buried and remains unheard by the angry mobs. Even though witness testimony and forensic evidence support Wilson's account of events, it falls on deaf ears to those violent mobs and people like Sharpton, who need for this to be a case of racism to salvage any credibility. Sharpton especially needs to keep the truth down since he has too much invested in the false narrative.

For Sharpton to admit that the shooting was justified and not racism would make him look like a fool to those who actually have respect for him. While that group may be small, they are the only ones who make Sharpton feel relevant.

It's sad that people accept opinions and deliberately twisted facts as gospel. If Sharpton, and even Obama, had cautioned right away that we need to wait for facts and had the news been as kind to officer Wilson as they are to Muslim terrorists, I doubt we would have seen the riots, attacks and destruction of a city. Instead we saw some black leaders using this to fan the flames of already tense race relations. Things have definitely gotten worse the last few years and it doesn't take much for people to take to the streets in fits of anger. The constant rhetoric fed to people on a daily basis turns some into ticking time bombs and they explode at the slightest provacation. It's the only explanation as to why we see such swift and unbridled violence before the whole story is out. Blacks aren't innately violent. It takes years of molding them by race baiting leftists, like Sharpton. With our poor public school systems in some cities, the breakdown of families by nanny government and constant talk of how whites keep people down, it generates the kind of mob mentality we've seen too many times. Rioting, violence and looting happen at the snap of a finger. No facts needed, just the media shouting racism is enough to gin up enough hatred for mobs to take to the streets. Some obviously believe the hype. Others like looting and join in just for that. Others harbor such hatred for whites, thanks to Sharpton, that any excuse will do to assault crackers.

What proves that Sharpton and others deliberately lied in order to rile people is the fact that now they aren't coming out to acknowlege that they were wrong. Sharpton still calls for an arrest of officer Wilson despite the evidence showing there is no cause for one.

A WaPo Blockbuster Report Shows Who 8217 s Really Guilty in the Ferguson Story And It 8217 s The Media
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Should lose her seat and be tossed in clinck for being drunk while carrying a concealed weapon in situation where the last thing anyone needs is a loose gun.
She's one of those Dems, like Feinstein, who cry about the 2nd amendment and don't believe Americans should be armed, yet they wouldn't dream of giving up their own security. The rest of us peons should be expected to try and call police in the hopes that they can get there in time. Not good enough for themselves, but hey, they are just more important.

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