misuse a homophone in a sentence

Penelope bought herself a brick of cheddar and a new cheese greater on Wednesday.
I invited her over for some tee the other day, but she said she couldn't make it.
She mist her chance to get some sleep yesterday because she watched some movie marathon on the SyFy Channel.
Of all the precedents we've had, the best for setting presidents were the 3rd, 4th, and 30th precedence.
Of all the precedents we've had, the best for setting presidents were the 3rd, 4th, and 30th precedence.

I remember when I learned about Coolidge in American History 101.

I grew board with him pretty quickly, myself.
Does your dog have flees? Does he lick his bawls? Does he shed his hare on the furniture? Does he barque at strangers?

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