MIT solar PV technology scalable, printable, incorporable into fabrics

I have empirical data from six solar farms that prove converting solar radiation into electricity creates an incremental cooling effect.

You don't have any empirical data that shows electricity usage offsets or exceeds that incremental cooling effect.

Well, when you only look at one tiny part of the planet, all sorts of errors are possible.
" The laws of thermodynamics were discovered in the 19th century through painstaking experimentation."
" The laws of thermodynamics were discovered in the 19th century through painstaking experimentation."
Yes, but the assumption that PV cells result in more incremental warming of the planet because of it have not. Especially when empirical data shows an incremental cooling effect at solar farms occurs because of the FLoT.
Yes, but the assumption that PV cells result in more incremental warming of the planet because of it have not. Especially when empirical data shows an incremental cooling effect at solar farms occurs because of the FLoT.

What if all the power from the farms was consumed 500 feet away?
Would there still be cooling?
This could be revolutionary. Virtually anything could now be producing electricity in the sun. A backpack, a tent, a tarp, the entire body of your car, your roof. Check our this article.

Low yield. Never will amount to much.

They have been trying to do that with roof shingles for a long time and it has never worked out.

It may be an Environmental Wacko's wet dream but the reality is that solar sucks as provider of economical usable electricity.
OP's report causes the generating panel to go nomadic. Our cycling machines here in the north will also use (this summer) wind power (while in motion [italics]). But the living organism must respect the solar needs of trees and plants.
Post your empirical data that proves your claim that all electricity usage heat the planet like solar radiation striking the surface of the planet.

I'm still waiting for your data that shows moving 100 watts from point A to point B cools the planet.
We'll get to the extra 35% of the solar energy being absorbed at the surface later.
I'm still waiting for your data that shows moving 100 watts from point A to point B cools the planet.
We'll get to the extra 35% of the solar energy being absorbed at the surface later.
I only needed to show the empirical data for how converting solar radiation into electricity created an incremental cooling effect at solar 6 solar farms. It’s your responsibility to produce the empirical data that shows how electricity usage warms the surface of the planet like solar radiation does.
I only needed to show the empirical data for how converting solar radiation into electricity created an incremental cooling effect at solar 6 solar farms. It’s your responsibility to produce the empirical data that shows how electricity usage warms the surface of the planet like solar radiation does.

Of course, if you only look at half the system, your math will always be wrong.
OP's report causes the generating panel to go nomadic. Our cycling machines here in the north will also use (this summer) wind power (while in motion [italics]). But the living organism must respect the solar needs of trees and plants.
"Alone, at last, along the riverrun, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, bring us by a commodius vicus to Howth Castle and environs, recently rearrived from North Armorica"
It’s not my job to prove what I don’t believe. It’s your job to prove what you do believe.

If I put up 1250 Watts of panels and use them to power a 1250 Watt toaster, 5 feet away,
how much am I going to cool the planet?
If I put up 1250 Watts of panels and use them to power a 1250 Watt toaster, 5 feet away,
how much am I going to cool the planet?
It’s not my job to prove your argument especially when you have no empirical data and I do.

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