Mitch McConnel Bravely Tells The Corporate Elite To Stay Out Of Politics

Listen, equivocate however you like. When I use the word coercion, in relation politics and the law, yeah - it requires violence, or the threat thereof. Simply refusing to do what someone wants you to do isn't coercion.
I very much disagree with that especially when you have the major corporations having absolutely nothing to do with news.... Buying media.

It is absolutely possible to coerce without violence.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
So what?

When big corporations / big tech pick sides in politics and begin punishing Americans for legal legislation passed by the people, when they stare silencing, censoring, and denying the Constitutional freedom of speech of Americans, punishing local / state businesses and Americans for their beliefs / choice in party, the companies need to be stripped of their protections.

It's the hypocrites and criminals who need to be punished.

Delta and United have declared their opposition to legal legislation that makes elections more secure and harder to perpetrate election fraud, pointing to the requirement of a photo ID to vote....despite their requiring a photo ID to board a plane.

Coke did the same thing for the same reason...despite requiring a photo ID to attend their shareholder meting.

MLB sought to punish Atlanta by pulling the All Star game over the photo ID requirement....despite their requiring a photo ID to pick up tickets at the stadiums....THEN THEY MOVE THE ALL STAR GAVE THAT ALREADY HAS THE SAME VOTING LAWS / PHOTO ID REQUIREMENT TO VOTE THAT GEORGIA JUST PASSED.

Joe Biden and the Democrats called for economic warfare against Ga (so much for being a 'Uniting President', despite the Democrats requiring a photo ID to attend their DNC conventions.

And you lemmings blindly follow and support these proven criminal hypocrites who don't give a damn about you, just RULING you.

Election law currently requires equal time for radio and television. There's zero doubt in anyone's mind that social media is the new communications platform equivalent of radio and TV in the past. The equal time rule should definitely apply to social media.
Nope. That election law didn’t even apply to cable news, obviously.
Ok, you win. Coercion means whatever you want it to mean. I'll make up a new word - lets call it 'bloercion', and 'bloercion' means: "the use of violence or the threat thereof to compel behavior."

Now, getting back to my original claim, there's a distinct difference between economic power and state power because state power is bloercive, and economic power isn't.

Of course economic power is coercive. Read Revelation 13 versus 16 and 17.

Whatever. That's why I made up a new word. The key distinction between economic power and state power is that state power employs violence to compel people.

Or just imagine that you've been banned from shopping on Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. Even today, that would have serious effect on a person's life. In 10 years, it might mean life or death.
Yep. But it's not bloercive.
Listen, equivocate however you like. When I use the word coercion, in relation politics and the law, yeah - it requires violence, or the threat thereof. Simply refusing to do what someone wants you to do isn't coercion.
I very much disagree with that especially when you have the major corporations having absolutely nothing to do with news.... Buying media.

It is absolutely possible to coerce without violence.
Yeah. I gave up on that. Clearly I don't know what "coercive" means. I'm talking about using violence or the threat thereof to compel behavior. I coined a new word for that: "bloercive". State power is bloercive, economic power isn't.
dblack, I've had my life violently threatened by a local cop exactly once. By hunting gun nuts? Many times. When you see a parked patrol car (state or local) watching a stretch of highway somewhere, do you think "bloersion!"? I don't. When a corporation threatens to eliminate jobs, they often threaten the existence of entire families. Deliberately condemning children to lives in poverty without healthcare. The uber rich control and kill us using their corporate power for kicks and giggles. At least those in govt are supposedly there to serve some kind of civic function and remain somewhat accountable to we the people.
dblack, I've had my life violently threatened by a local cop exactly once. By hunting gun nuts? Many times. When you see a parked patrol car (state or local) watching a stretch of highway somewhere, do you think "bloersion!"? I don't. When a corporation threatens to eliminate jobs, they often threaten the existence of entire families. Deliberately condemning children to lives in poverty without healthcare. The uber rich control and kill us using their corporate power for kicks and giggles. At least those in govt are supposedly there to serve some kind of civic function and remain somewhat accountable to we the people.

Regardless, you can defy a corporation and they can't do anything about it. They can't arrest you. They can't force you to buy their products. Government can, and will.
Regardless, you can defy a corporation and they can't do anything about it. They can't arrest you. They can't force you to buy their products. Government can, and will.
Not true. Billionaires use their corporations to have people legally threatened and arrested all the time. They own our govts. How did you think they got so rich?
Regardless, you can defy a corporation and they can't do anything about it. They can't arrest you. They can't force you to buy their products. Government can, and will.
Not true. Billionaires use their corporations to have people legally threatened and arrested all the time. They own our govts. How did you think they got so rich?
Then why do you want to give government more power? So they can get richer?
The implication is that government will punish them. And for what? Speaking their minds? Refusing to do business in a state they think is going off the rails? Pissing of Trumpster twats?
You do get the circularity of your argument, right?
Nope. It's not circular. It's not even an argument. I'm asking why McConnel is threatening these companies. It's straight up statist bullying. The bread and butter of authoritarian leftists.
Threatening is the OP and your wording. McConnell warned of consequences which could be something as simple as myself not buying MLB,tv this year and the millions like me. Many people believe that products and sports in particular are not appropriate venues for virtue signaling. You've got tunnel vision boy.

Alright. If you want to pretend he wasn't threatening retribution form government, fine. Hopefully he'll walk it back as well. But I think the message was clear.
What should the republicans response be though?

The democrats have been threatening the tech companies for months now. So have the republicans so this is not new. Did you listen to the senate hearing with the tech giants? Considering the current push, stay out of this is likely the most hands off message they can send.

I have a problem with how this is flushing out. On the one hand you have the fact that companies and people are allowed to do with their property as they will. However, you now have a group of tech companies that holds MORE power over the dissemination of speech than the government does. Hell, Amazon is actively participating in book burning. The store front for Amazon, Facebook's website and the rest of these companies public faces are just a blip. Amazon damn near controls the internet. When they decided that Parlor needed to go that was that. The entire company would have simply vanished if not for the backlash. What do you do when corporate interests gain power that is equal to that of the government?
Yet for some reason the Governors of the States have to sign a bill and can veto the Legislatures election Bills. Do you ever wonder why that is, or think perhaps the Legislature don't have the authority you think they have?
Read the Constitution.

We've already had lengthy discussions on this topic. Read them, too.

I don't have the time or the inclination to tutor you.

You obviously don't know what you think you know. The term "Legislature" in the election clause has been broadly interpreted as being the law making apparatus of the States.

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