Mitch McConnel Bravely Tells The Corporate Elite To Stay Out Of Politics

The progressive income tax is const. As is the estate tax. But the Gop may elect a Court to change that too.
Hopefully. Our government has far too much power to intervene in economic matters. That's why there's so much collusion between reps and corporate lobbyists. For many companies, in many industries, controlling regulatory policy is a key "investment" towards a profitable future.
Let's play Remember When: Remember when Mitchy Boy held COVID stimulus for 6 months because he didn't want the peasants to be able to sue their corporate masters if they got COVID and died at work?

Nope. I do, however, remember when Democrats held Covid relief, and then told all the drooling automatons like you to "know" that it was all the Republicans' fault. Was that what you were referring to?
The progressive income tax is const. As is the estate tax. But the Gop may elect a Court to change that too.
Hopefully. Our government has far too much power to intervene in economic matters. That's why there's so much collusion between reps and corporate lobbyists. For many companies, in many industries, controlling regulatory policy is a key "investment" towards a profitable future.
In a free market, one person (or oligarchy) wins the marbles.
Let's play Remember When: Remember when Mitchy Boy held COVID stimulus for 6 months because he didn't want the peasants to be able to sue their corporate masters if they got COVID and died at work?

Remember when Democrats stalled Covid relief right before the election? No, of course you don't.
You said you were out and see us later, then posted 10 minutes later.

Wow, he changed his mind. That's definitely a crime that requires totally deflecting away from discussion of who REALLY held up Covid relief . . . if you're desperate to not be held responsible for your talking points.
The progressive income tax is const. As is the estate tax. But the Gop may elect a Court to change that too.
Hopefully. Our government has far too much power to intervene in economic matters. That's why there's so much collusion between reps and corporate lobbyists. For many companies, in many industries, controlling regulatory policy is a key "investment" towards a profitable future.
In a free market, one person (or oligarchy) wins the marbles.
You'll have to provide more detail. I have no idea what you mean by this.
They are not assuming the regulatory powers of government. The government has no power to regulate speech.

Yes it does. A simple gander at tort law will tell you that. If I can sue you for slander or libel, that means the government has the power to determine whether the speech involved was or wasn't. Essentially, regulating free speech.

Any freedom is limited when it causes harm to others. But the First still stands:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And my point stands. Government doesn't have the power to prohibit or abridge free speech. Private citizens, institutions and businesses, however, have the right to do so all they wish.
Selective quoting is not a viable argument. Maybe Cecilie1200 can explain it better than I can.

Ugh. That would require me to take his dumb ass off ignore. The things I subject myself to for my friends.

Government has the responsibility, and thus the power, to set and enforce boundaries between your rights and my rights. No one anywhere in this country has unfettered, unlimited rights to anything, because that would require that no one ELSE had any rights at all. Government is the apparatus by which we say, "Your rights stop where they infringe upon my rights".

You're trying to tell us that the government can't in any way regulate the First Amendment, that free speech is completely unlimited and unfettered. Templar has pointed out, quite accurately, that free speech IS regulated by the government to the extent that you can't use it to infringe on the rights of others. You are free to express personal opinions about me all day, but the government has set a line at which saying things about me become either slander or libel; once your speech about me crosses that line, you can and will be punished, because you have violated MY rights.

Hammer meet nail.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
So let me get this straight.

Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?


Corporate America have gone to war with the GOP, and with over 70 million Americans.

God forbid they get angry about it.

How does it feel to lick the arse of the top 1% as a Lefty?
Look's like another rightist no longer believes in private property rights...unless it's censoring leftwing protestors on private property...hmmmm

Looks like another leftist who's never given a damn about private property rights OR about corporations . . . unless it's trying to cynically use them as a talking point to cover up for heinous leftism. Hmmmm.
The progressive income tax is const. As is the estate tax. But the Gop may elect a Court to change that too.
Hopefully. Our government has far too much power to intervene in economic matters. That's why there's so much collusion between reps and corporate lobbyists. For many companies, in many industries, controlling regulatory policy is a key "investment" towards a profitable future.
In a free market, one person (or oligarchy) wins the marbles.

I disagree. The only way a monopoly actually works is if the market ISN'T free, and government has its thumb on the scales.
Government has the responsibility, and thus the power, to set and enforce boundaries between your rights and my rights. No one anywhere in this country has unfettered, unlimited rights to anything, because that would require that no one ELSE had any rights at all. Government is the apparatus by which we say, "Your rights stop where they infringe upon my rights".


You're trying to tell us that the government can't in any way regulate the First Amendment, that free speech is completely unlimited and unfettered.
I'm saying no such thing.
Corporate America and the wealthiest 1% should have taxes raised to reflect on their earnings.
With that said, it seems you "votto" are a little pissed off that you had to stick your tongue up Corporate Americas ass for so long and you got used to the taste of shit, but now you are upset you did all that ass-licking for nothing.
Remember......"Corporations are people too!"
You F*cking idiot.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
So let me get this straight.

Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?


Corporate America have gone to war with the GOP, and with over 70 million Americans.

God forbid they get angry about it.

How does it feel to lick the arse of the top 1% as a Lefty?
Let's play Remember When: Remember when Mitchy Boy held COVID stimulus for 6 months because he didn't want the peasants to be able to sue their corporate masters if they got COVID and died at work?
Nope gotta link?

But I do remember when Nazi Pelousy held Americans hostage for six months because she said she didn’t want help to come before the election

Oh, noes!!! Legislators were actually trying to negotiate about legislation!! The HORROR!! What an unprecedented, outrageous occurrence!!! Hang them all!!!

Oh, to put it another way, big fucking hairy deal.
And how is the "bake the cake" hypocrisy dance going? Are the Trumpsters still all in on nationalizing social media (and I guess various airlines and sports leagues are on their shit list too)? Are the libs bending over backward to protect the rights of corporations? Do any of you have whiplash?
What both sides should realize now is that free speech is defined by more than just government restraint. It's about resources. If most public discourse is taking place in a market that is dominated by one supplier, then that supplier has the power to steer speech in whatever direction it likes.

Granted, it also says a lot about groupthink. Free speech itself may be moot, when considering that most people aren't critical thinkers. Most people only have opinions that are a product of what they've been propagandized to think. They don't try to think outside of whatever box they've been put in.

What people really need to realize is that the companies currently dominating the information and discourse market are only doing so because of government protection. That's actually the crux of the whole argument: they were given that government protection precisely because they promised NOT to "steer speech in whatever direction they like".

I also don't find "People are too stupid for free speech to matter anymore" to be a compelling argument. How in the hell are you supposed to counteract that stupidity in any way without the ability to tell people they're being stupid and how and why it's stupid?
Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?
I think you've made a basic error as to which party is Congress, which shall make no law to abridge free speech, and which party is a private entity. However, such confusion is endemic among deplorables, so no worries.

I think you've made a basic error as to the primary purpose of government: to protect the people and the nation.

It is amusing, however, to watch leftist hypocrites suddenly trying to play like they haven't been utterly disdainful of corporations, freedom of speech, and restrictions on government power since long before I was born. If leftists were actually people, the cognitive dissonance would make their heads explode.
Let's play Remember When: Remember when Mitchy Boy held COVID stimulus for 6 months because he didn't want the peasants to be able to sue their corporate masters if they got COVID and died at work?
Nope gotta link?

But I do remember when Nazi Pelousy held Americans hostage for six months because she said she didn’t want help to come before the election

Oh, noes!!! Legislators were actually trying to negotiate about legislation!! The HORROR!! What an unprecedented, outrageous occurrence!!! Hang them all!!!

Oh, to put it another way, big fucking hairy deal.
Someone asked for a link and I linked it. Shhh.
When competition is kept out due to collusion, there's not much voluntary about it. Parler's collapse was a good example of that.

It depends on whether the collusion is fraudulent. There's nothing illegal about shunning those we find reprehensible. Nor should there be.
Plenty of people find certain races or ethnicities reprehensible, but it is illegal to shun them from service. So, the precedent has already been set for protecting some classes over others. It's why political orientation isn't a stretch to include in that group. Political orientation is no more mutable than religion is, yet we protect religion from discrimination.

I actually really like this point. We protect freedom of religion in this country, because we believe - or we once did, when people actually had some clue about such things - that each person should be able to believe what he or she wants, express those beliefs, and act on them, without fear of persecution. Politics is just another set of beliefs, and people should have as much freedom to act in accordance with their own conscience in that set of beliefs as they do in a set of religious beliefs.
Let's play Remember When: Remember when Mitchy Boy held COVID stimulus for 6 months because he didn't want the peasants to be able to sue their corporate masters if they got COVID and died at work?
Nope gotta link?

But I do remember when Nazi Pelousy held Americans hostage for six months because she said she didn’t want help to come before the election

Oh, noes!!! Legislators were actually trying to negotiate about legislation!! The HORROR!! What an unprecedented, outrageous occurrence!!! Hang them all!!!

Oh, to put it another way, big fucking hairy deal.
Someone asked for a link and I linked it. Shhh.

Oh, honey, I've had far more manly men try - and fail - to control me and order me around. Your sad little pimply self doesn't have a hope in Hell.

Call me when your voice changes, Junior, and we'll revisit the question of whether you have the sack to silence me. But don't count on it.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.
So let me get this straight.

Corporations are taking away our first amendment rights by censoring Conservatives on social media, and that is Ok.

But a Republican tells corporations they need to straighten up and he becomes the threatening fascist insurgent?


Corporate America have gone to war with the GOP, and with over 70 million Americans.

God forbid they get angry about it.

How does it feel to lick the arse of the top 1% as a Lefty?
Corporate America is the GOP. The Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of big business.
Wow, you got the talking points right, and it only took a few tries this time.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at corporate America on Monday, warning CEOs to stay out of the debate over a new voting law in Georgia that has been criticized as restricting votes among minorities and the poor.

"Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order," McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Big business ties with Republicans began fraying under former President Donald Trump's leadership and the party's focus on voting restrictions has soured businesses embracing diversity as key to their work force and customer base. Major Georgia employers Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have spoken out against the law signed by Governor Brian Kemp, and Major League Baseball pulled the 2021 All-Star Game out of the state over the law strengthening identification requirements for absentee ballots and making it a crime to offer food or water to voters waiting in line.

Uh oh, Mitch is talking tough again. Watch out Coke.

What a stupid threat.

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